Tech News
True Love Means Turning Off Your Cellphone
I’m no stranger to the hurt, annoyed, and surprised looks that cross a man’s face when he sees me whip out my phone during a date. It’s not that he’s dull, it’s just that he’s not The One. By The One I don’t mean that mythical fellow who’ll sweep me off my feet as I … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
The Workflow of a Professional Photographer
Snap photos, save, backup, edit, archive. Professional photographers and videographers have varying workflows, but it’s fascinating to get to see an example of what might happen between the time an image is captured and archived. [Chase Jarvis]
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Many EA iPhone Games Only 99 Cents For Next 48 Hours
Wave goodbye to productivity and head over to the App Store. EA is having a 48-hour sale and many popular iPhone games are only 99 cents each. Here are the ones that are supposed to be on sale: Command & Conquer: Red Alert FIFA 10 FIFA World Cup Madden NFL 10 Need for Speed Shift … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Dharma Initiative Alarm Clock Only Allows 108 Minutes of Sleep
This Dharma Initiative alarm clock isn’t a real product, but you should memorize these numbers anyway: 4 8 15 16 23 42. Just in case. I truly hope that ThinkGeek doesn’t decide to make this terror of an alarm clock into an actual product like the Tauntaun sleeping bag. Who the hell wants to be … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
An Open Letter to AT&T: Why Are All Your Representatives Powerless?
No matter how kind and understanding some customer service representatives can be about whatever issues you bring to them, in the end their companies limit what they may do to help. A reader’s troubles reminded us of just that. Gizmodo reader Greg sent the following letter to AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson. It’s a bit on … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Kobo Ebook Apps Now Available For iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Palm Pre Devices
The Kobo ebook apps are free and now available for your iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Palm Pre devices. This means that you can easily purchase, access, bookmark, and read your ebooks on the go. [Kobo via CrunchGear]
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Bringrr Reminds You That You Forgot Your Phone
Beep! Beep! Why are you driving somewhere without taking your cellphone? Beep! Beep! Go get it! Bringrr is a simple little Bluetooth accessory that you leave in one of your car’s power outlets and forget about—until you try to leave your cellphone at home that is. The device will emit some sort of sound and … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
6 Takes on Apple’s iPhone 4
We’ve heard your first impressions, but now some of the official iPhone 4 reviews are in. And so far they sound good. Here are the highlights of what the early reviewers are saying. New York Times: “The first thing you notice is the new shape. Despite a beefier battery (16 percent more likely to last … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
This Fairy Tale App Truly Makes The iPad Feel Magical
We chuckle when Apple calls the iPad magical, but there are a handful of apps that really make it feel that way. This is one of them. The Little Mermaid app contains three of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales and, as you can see by the video, it’s a joy to flip through. Like the … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Redsn0w Jailbreak Tool Frees iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G Running iOS 4
It took several days for the iOS 4 Gold Master to be jailbroken, but it took mere hours for the official, final release of the mobile operation system to be freed on the iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G. The redsn0w beta jailbreak/hacktivation tool is now available through the Dev Team website. If you’re hesitant … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Why Your iPhone 3G Didn’t Get Backgrounds With iOS 4
Today we finally got to officially download iOS 4 and update our iPhone and iPod touch devices. There was a catch though: iPhone 3G users don’t get to use all the new features—like backgrounds or multitasking. Here’s why. Gizmodo reader Erica wrote Steve Jobs an email asking why her iPhone 3G doesn’t get to do … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
SlingPlayer Mobile Android App Available Tomorrow For $30
We were told it would come this summer and it’s finally here: The SlingPlayer Mobile Android app will be available tomorrow. It’ll cost $30 and let you stream your media over 3G, 4G, or Wi-Fi. Sling Media Launches SlingPlayer Mobile for Android Smartphones Application now delivers your home TV experience to Android phones anywhere you … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Jaws Is Now 35 Years Old, But Still Manages To Give Me Nightmares
I was just reminded what an old movie Jaws actually is. In fact, it turns out that Bruce, the mechanical shark, has been giving young and old scaredy cats nightmares for 35 long years now. [Wikipedia via The Scuttlefish]
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
This Dress Destroyed An Entire VHS Collection
Sure, this girl certainly looks happy in her frilly dress made of recycled VHS tapes, but don’t forget that a precious collection of movies may have been destroyed to create the garment. The dress was created by designer Scianca as part of a project called Modern Freaks. There’s no explanation about whether she tore apart … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Wi-Fi Data Captured By Google Street View Cars Included Passwords
A while ago, Google told us that its Street View cars accidentally collected some data from our Wi-Fi networks. To make everything better, the company handed the data over to the correct authorities for investigation. Those authorities discovered bad news. This is what the French National Commission on Computing and Liberty (CNIL) had to say: … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
This Is How Your iPhone 4 Photos and Video Will Really Look
We’ve seen photos taken by the iPhone 4 under optimal conditions, but what about real conditions? And what about videos for that matter? Thanks to some Czech folks who got their hands on an iPhone 4, we’ve finally got samples. The pictures you’re seeing here were taken by the folks of a Czech Site called … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Hustler’s Highest-Budget Movie To Date: A 3D Porn Parody of Avatar
Yet another parody of Avatar has just finished production. It’s called This Ain’t Avatar XXX and it’s a 3D porno with production costs so high that Hustler, the company behind it, is calling it their highest-budget movie to date. The movie will supposedly be available in September. [MNN via Digg]
By Rosa Golijan