io9Books & Comics
Admit It, You’d Do This If You Had a Virtual Reality System
What the hell are you supposed to do in a virtual world anyway—choose between red and blue pills? I can barely figure out what to do in some daydreams, so I can’t even imagine how quickly a virtual reality world would become dull enough for old hobbies to seem fun again in comparison. [Basketcase Comix]
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech NewsSocial Media
Like a Gizmodo Staff Member? Here’s How to Show It
After reading our posts day after day, you’ve probably grown to like—or maybe hate—a few of us. Well, we’d love it if you’d express any positive feelings by showing us just how much you like us on our Facebook pages. You see, most of Gizmodo’s staff members maintain individual Facebook pages for our thoughts, photos, … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech NewsPrivacy & Security
BP Employee Lost Laptop Containing Personal Data of Oil Spill Victims
Uh oh! During some “routine business travel,” a BP employee managed to lose a laptop which contains the personal data of the thousands of Louisiana residents who filed compensation claims after the Gulf oil spill: BP spokesman Curtis Thomas said the oil giant on Monday mailed out letters to roughly 13,000 people whose data was … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Camera+ App’s Newest Feature Has a Rather Awesome Promo Video
Oooh! The popular Camera+ iPhone app has a neat new feature which will adjust photos and bring out initially hidden details. Or something like that. We were too distracted by this awesome promo video to catch all the information. The update containing the Clarity feature is free if you already own Camera+. Otherwise you can … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech NewsCommerce
Amazon Cloud Player Goes Live, Will Let You Upload and Stream Your Music for Free
As we’ve speculated it might, Amazon has announced its own cloud-based media streaming service. It’s called the Amazon Cloud Player and you can start using it right now. https://gizmodo.com/what-the-amazon-kindle-tablet-might-be-like-5785099 It looks like you’ll start out with 5 GB of free Cloud Drive storage, but be offered the chance to upgrade to 20 GB with an … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Let’s Try to Guess How Much This Fancy iPhone Case Will Wind Up Costing
This is an iPhone case designed by fancy-pants watchmaker De Bethune. It’s made of full-grain alligator leather and has a pocket watch with a DB 1024 movement built in. What the hell? We’re not even going to bother trying to figure out why someone would place a pocket watch on a case intended for a … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Will You Marry Me? There’s an Engraved iPad 2 in It For You…
I’ve got nothing against silly marriage proposals—as long as they suit the personalities of the individuals getting engaged—but I still can’t help but chuckle over how a 9to5Mac reader proposed to his Apple-loving sweetheart. You see, 9to5Mac reader Jordan apparently stayed up late and ordered an iPad 2 with the big question—”Will you marry me?”—engraved … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Tethered Jailbreak Already Available for iOS 4.3.1
iOS 4.3.1 was just released earlier today, but there’s already a tethered jailbreak available for it—which’ll work assuming you’re not using an iPad 2. https://gizmodo.com/ios-4-3-1-update-is-live-but-just-fixes-bugs-5785806 For full instructions on how to jailbreak your iOS 4.3.1 device using the PwnageTool, head over to Redmond Pie. The folks there appear to have explained the entire process pretty … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
How to Properly Entertain Yourself Using the Color App
Some folks are still wondering why they should bother using Color—one of the strangest new photo sharing apps. Well, here’s a reason: To amuse yourself by creeping out strangers. https://gizmodo.com/color-for-iphone-and-android-5785510 All you really need to do is find someone who is alone on an empty street and step close enough to be within the 150-foot … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
io9Books & Comics
Strange Device Adds Tactile Feedback to Ebooks
Do you ever wish that your slender ebook reader was encased in a clunky fake book just so that you can pretend that you’re flipping through real pages? Me neither, but there’s a device that’ll grant that wish anyway. It’s called Paranga and it’s made by a group of students at the Osaka University. It … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Clever iPhone App Only Shows You the Best of Everything
The Village Voice has just put out a clever iPhone app called Best Of. The app basically uses your location to help you find every place that was voted the “best of” something—be it restaurant or hot dog. The great thing about the app is that it’s “utilizing the picks from publications like Houston Press, … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech NewsSocial Media
Like a Gizmodo Staff Member? Show It by Becoming His or Her Fan on Facebook!
After reading our posts day after day, you’ve probably grown to like—or maybe hate—a few of us. Well, we’d love it if you’d express any positive feelings by showing us just how much you like us on our Facebook pages. You see, most of Gizmodo’s staff members maintain individual Facebook pages for our thoughts, photos, … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
How to Properly Seduce a Girl on the Internet
Watch this video—and then watch it again. Take some notes, too. The video shows you how one guy managed to charm and seduce a girl on the Internet over the course of one very over the top Chatroulette session. Yes, I said seduce. Because even though they might be miles apart in the clip, we … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Forget Sharing Photos and Start Sharing Musical Moments
There are plenty of apps which allow you to share photos with friends—Path and Instagram, for example—but the Soundtracking iPhone app wants to let you share something more: Musical moments. The idea behind the Soundtracking app is simple: It’s a way to easily share 30-second snippets of songs along with photos and comments with friends … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
The Beautiful Process of Making DVDs
I didn’t think that the process of making DVDs could be pretty, but this collection of photos proved me wrong. Take a look. From the tiny sparkling pieces of polycarbonate which are turned into a hot mess so that they can be shaped into DVDs to the rows and rows of cooling discs—there really is … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Grab an iPad and Find Out Why Alice Abandoned Wonderland for New York
Almost a year ago, I fell in love with the Alice for iPad app. I declared it the cleverest iPad book yet and happily recommended to friends. Now I get to recommend its silly sequel, Alice in New York. Now before you yell at me for recommending yet another nine dollar iPad app, you must … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Infinity Blade Gets an iPad 2 Update
Infinity Blade is among the Gizmodo staff’s favorite iOS games and it’s getting an update to coincide with the iPad 2 launch. Supposedly this update will have “new optimizations specifically for iPad 2” and take “advantage of the processing power of iPad 2.” What that means, we don’t know. But it definitely sounds like we … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Charlie Sheen Is Not Dead
Uh oh! There’s a lot of talk on Twitter and Facebook about that strange Charlie Sheen fellow dying. Could it be true? Or is this yet another hoax designed to spread malware? I suppose the headline gave away the answer to that mystery. Charlie Sheen is not dead, but someone’s posting links with captions that … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Turns Out That an iPhone Game Full of Dinosaurs and Poop Can Be Addictive
Earlier I announced to the world that I’d developed an addiction involving jeeps, dinosaurs, and poop. I finally realized that I should probably explain what on earth I was talking about and why it’s not as disgusting as it sounds. My addiction is an iOS app called Dino Dodger. It’s one of those games that’s … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Apple Wants to Properly Introduce You to the iPad 2—Using 14 Videos
If a review roundup hasn’t sated your appetite for information about the iPad 2, then perhaps Apple’s Guided Tours can help. There are 14 new videos available on the Apple website and they’ll walk you through just about every iPad 2 feature—from AirPlay to email. Check them out. [Apple via Business Insider]
By Rosa Golijan