Tech News
Fortune’s “Inside Apple” Shows Apple’s Inner Workings
Fortune’s Adam Lashinsky, after months of dogged reporting and research, recently put together a story called “Inside Apple.” Appropriate, seeing as he goes at length to reveal Apple’s cultural core; This is a company for whom failure isn’t an option. Apple enjoys hit product (iPod) after hit product (iPhone) after hit product (iPad). So what … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
Tech News
Obama Cracks Wise After the Operation to Find bin Laden
Tensions were high during the decision-making process that would lead up to the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Success depended on the precision of the Navy SEALs team in order to kill this slaughterer of thousands. So, with success met and their mission accomplished, the team had to be sure they’d … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
Tech News
How News of bin Laden’s Death Spread on Twitter
The fact that the death of Osama bin Laden rocked the Twitterverse is very much common knowledge. Here, though, is a visualization showing just how far and fast the news spread in those first moments after the news leaked. SocialFlow, a social media platform, did their analysis of the announcement that presents the major players, … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
Tech News
Artist Turned Typewriter Into This Sculpture of Your Grandpa
What with all the recent buzz about the death of the typewriter — that turned out to be super false — artist Jeremy Mayer went ahead and created this piece, Bust V (Grandfather), to comment on the hullabaloo. http://gawker.com/5795649/relax-theyre-still-making-typewriters Mayer is no stranger to repurposing typewriters for his decidedly badass sculptures. However, this piece in … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
Tech News
Clippy is Back… But As a Game, Which is Still Bad
I remember hating it when Clippy popped up for no good reason while working. Now, even after Microsoft officially put him to rest, he’s doing it again. Only this time it’s in game form. Which is marginally better, I suppose? Microsoft is having the much-maligned cartoon paperclip star in his own game, Ribbon Hero 2: … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
Tech News
“Rippled” Puts Your Music Video To Shame
All India Radio’s “Rippled” video is a wonderful example of using long exposure techniques and light painting to make a quirky-cool work of art. Taken over a 6-month period, the process creates a rather otherworldly look and feel. [The Awesomer]
By Kwame Opam -
Tech News
Ridiculous Finger-Nose Smartphone Stylus Is a Must-Have
Finally! For those of us who happen to take our smartphones into the bath with us—admit it—Dominic Wilcox has the answer. It’s a stylus wrapped in plaster that you wear on your nose to peck at your phone. As insane as this sounds and looks, it does what its supposed to. Nevermind the fact that … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
Tech News
AT&T Thought Future Cooking Would Look Like This Circa 1993
More dispatches from At&T’s eerily prescient vision of the future, all the way from the 90s. Here, the simple problem of needing an ingredient for a meal is solved with some cool retrofuturistic tech, replete with cheesy bleeps and boops. https://gizmodo.com/remember-the-at-t-ads-about-the-future-you-will-5362625 What’s great about this is that, even though the world is clearly built on … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
Tech NewsGadgets
Sony’s Bloggie 3D Arrives, Ready For 3D Home Movies
The Bloggie 3D that Sony unveiled way back in CES is finally here, and it still looks great. The camcorder shoots video at 1080p and takes stills at 5 megapixels, all in glasses-less 3D and for about $250. [Ubergizmo] https://gizmodo.com/the-1080p-3d-bloggie-leads-sonys-3d-camera-onslaught-5726044
By Kwame Opam -
Tech News
Wine Racks On Bicycles Are Great Ideas
Of all the things that seem a little absurd on paper, a bicycle wine rack would, for me, be up there with beard beanies. But when they look good and get the job done, I might reconsider. See, I don’t necessarily like the idea of a wine bottle hanging precariously between my legs while I’m … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
Tech News
Anonymous Aims At Iran This Weekend
Anonymous, the group behind the Denial-of-Service attacks that hit Visa, HBGary Federal, and the Egyptian government, has once again set its sights on Iran, according to a recent statement. “Operation Iran” is scheduled for tomorrow, International Workers’ Day, at 5AM Greenwich Mean Time as a show of solidarity with the Iranian people who continue to … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
Tech News
This is What Real Buried Treasure Looks Like
An Austrian man who has been identified as just Andreas K. is one lucky bastard. While digging around in his yard back in 2007, he managed to find a treasure trove of jewelry and ornaments buried 650 years ago. Excited authorities have called the discovery a fairy-tale find, saying in a statement Friday that it … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
Tech News
Rest In Peace, Former Sony Chairman Norio Ohga
Norio Ohga, a former Sony CEO and Chairman who helped make Sony the company we know today, passed away in Tokyo yesterday as a result of multiple organ failure. He was 81. During his tenure as both Sony executive and man in charge, Ohga helped bring about changes both in-house and outside Sony’s walls that … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
Tech News
Artist Controls His Flame Art With a Cybernetic Glove, Not Superpowers
After watching this, I tend to think artist Sanela Jahic must have gone, “How can I create a masterpiece and look like an X-Man?” Fire Painting, the resulting project, makes art out of cybernetics, an Arduino, and lots of kerosene. Jahic created a sensory data glove that maps the subtle movements of his hand to … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
Tech News
New York Is Trying to Stop Cops From Fixing Tickets with a New Tracking System
Some cops have a tendency to ticket fix, or in layman’s, make tickets disappear. And though it’s a sweet perk for their friends and family, it’s sorta against the law too. So! The NYPD has come up with a new tracking system that’s trying to stop tickets from magically disappearing. How does it work? A … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
Tech News
The Box That Gives You Better Weather Forecasts Than the Weatherman
The solar-powered Davis Vantage Pro2 is an uber-precise little system that connects to an array of sensors that monitor hyperlocal microclimate conditions. That means you get your own weather forecast, cutting out the middle man. Taken a more complicated step further, the device can be rigged up to collect the weather data and transmit it … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
ScienceSpace & Spaceflight
In Space, No One Can Hear You Complain
Space comedies run the gamut for all kinds of wackiness—Phil of the Future, am I right?—but Monochrom developed their sitcom, ISS, actually using International Space Station data they uncovered to give it that extra touch of realism. [BoingBoing]
By Kwame Opam -
Tech NewsCommerce
eBooks Are Now Overtaking All Other Formats
It’s starting to get a little frustrating when people ask whether or not they should get an eReader. Yes. If sales are any indication, whether you opt for a Kindle, Nook, or even your iPhone, ebooks are officially the present. The Association of American Publishers is reporting that ebooks outsold their print counterparts in February, … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
Tech News
Google Video Shuts Down, No One Remembers It (Updated)
Remember back in like 2005 when Google Video and YouTube were going at it? And how YouTube essentially won, only to be bought out by Google anyway? Me either, which is why Google Video being shut down doesn’t surprise anyone. Google Video has been something of a vestigial tail for Google for awhile now. After … Continued
By Kwame Opam