Tech News
7 Knives You Will Legally Be Able to Take on a Plane
Awwww yeah, those suckers at the TSA are going to let us take knives on planes again. Pocket knives are the best. Get one. Here are some suggestions—all plane-legal as of April 25th. Buck Chairman Series Companion The two-blade craft knife, aka pen knife, is a classic. A larger workhorse blade paired with a smaller … Continued
By Joe Brown -
Tech News
Behold the Ugliest Shoe of All Time
The Air Jordan XX8 (just got ’em in today). Pimped by the mighty Spike Lee. Inspired by James Bond. Bolstered with carbon fiber plates: a purple eyescar sheathed in some kind of snakeskin-meets-moonscape-meets-pixelcamo footcondom. This has gotta be the ugliest shoe ever made. Amirite? https://gizmodo.com/air-jordan-xx8-first-look-hahaha-these-are-the-new-air-5965330 Gizmodoscope! Move your mouse around the photo to move the … Continued
By Joe Brown -
Tech News
Help Wanted: Editor-in-Chief
After some of the best years of my life, I’m leaving Gizmodo. I love this staff like family, but it’s time for me to move on. We’re going to need a new fearless leader. Job requirements: • At least TK years experience in design and tech journalism. • You work like TK [wild animal]. • … Continued
By Joe Brown -
Tech News
How to Make Mathematically Perfect Nachos
Nachos are the ultimate party food; bad nachos are the ultimate party foul. You know the old sob story: There’s a platter full of chips, and only six of them have enough cheese. Some jerk dumped a can of salsa in the middle of the plate, and now people are worming their filthy plague-ridden fingers … Continued
By Joe Brown -
Tech News
Instagram’s New Terms of Use, Translated into Plain English
As you probably know, Instagram’s new Terms of Use, which stirred up quite an Internet tizzy, kick in tomorrow. Terms of Use for websites, are for the most part, all full of the same impenetrable legalese. Instagram’s Terms are no exception. We asked our intrepid Associate Counsel, Jesse Ma, Esq., to translate it into English, … Continued
By Joe Brown -
Tech News
You Have to Go to Lennaykekua.com Right Now
Masterstroke by Gizmodo Alum “Uncle” Joel Johnson, and that guy Gary He, deposed King of the Internet. I love the Internet. And these guys. http://lennaykekua.com/ Oh, and read the awesome Deadspin Scoop about Manti Te’o’s fake dead girlfriend if you haven’t already. Go now, or you won’t have anything to say to anybody. https://deadspin.com/manti-teos-dead-girlfriend-the-most-heartbreaking-an-5976517
By Joe Brown -
Tech News
Roomba Shaming. This Is a Thing, Right?
Roomba has some problems with the apartment. Roomba does not like my dining room table. Roomba has trouble with the Swiffer, which he (?) mounts and then cannot free himself from—like a copulating wolf. (Wolves do that, right?) Today Roomba must have cleaned up a puddle of bourbon (it happens), because he’s having some trouble … Continued
By Joe Brown -
Tech News
Activate the Gizmodoscope!
You’ve seen hints of it over the past couple months: a photograph here and there on Gizmodo that you could click and spin and almost play with. These are the work of the Gizmodoscope, an interactive imaging system that we’ve spent the past year developing to make the most badass pictures on the Internet. And … Continued
By Joe Brown -
Tech News
All the Best Stuff from a Mildly Horrible CES Press Event
For better or worse, CES Unveiled is a thing. We actually find it terribly convenient—dozens of gadgetmakers under one roof. And we found some cool stuff too. Huzzah! We braved the throngs and fried-food-vapors for you, my dears. Here’s the best stuff we saw: I Just Controlled a Computer with My Eyeballs and It Was … Continued
By Joe Brown -
Tech News
What Is CES?
It’s January. You read Twitter and The Blogs and have a vague recollection of every major news outlet in the country sending some poor reporter to Las Vegas this month, every year, to stand in a convention center and talk about technology. This is CES, the Consumer Electronics Show. But it’s more than just a … Continued
By Joe Brown -
Tech News
If I Ever Get Rich, I’m Gonna Buy One of These Grills
My friend Russ designs grills for Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet, where the starting price is around $14,000 $10,000. He just sent me this video, a glimpse at their manufacturing process. Man, these are sweet pieces of kit—all hand-made in an adorable town in Michigan, able to burn wood, gas, or charcoal. *drool* Well, I am not rich, … Continued
By Joe Brown -
Tech News
Amazon Is Selling Stolen iPhones. Merry Christmas!
Gizmodo Twitter friend Ben Dreyfuss. bought his mom an iPhone for Christmas. Ben is a good son! Christmas morning: Mama D. tears open the package, finds a shiny aluminum bundle of joy, and then decides to set it up. One problem: When she called Verizon to activate the thing, they told her that her new … Continued
By Joe Brown -
Tech News
Need Holiday Shopping Help? We’re Here to Help—Live
It is officially the time of year when all gear writers start getting emails from friends and family asking what presents they should get their loved ones for the holidays. Then we get together in gadget guy bars and bitch about this fact ad nauseum. Well, some of us do. Not me; I love this … Continued
By Joe Brown -
Tech NewsSocial Media
Dear Instagram, Please Sell My Photos
Dear Instagram, I hear facebook wants to pimp you guys out in search of “profit.” Bravo! So hey, wanna sell my photos to some faceless corporation? No problem! I know you’ve gotta pay the bills. In fact, let me help. Here are some choice snaps I think you’ll be able to unload, like, tomorrow. No, … Continued
By Joe Brown -
Tech News
There Are Some Technologies We Should Not Have, and Guns Are One of Them
More than a dozen children were just murdered in Connecticut. It’s time to take steps toward preventing this sort of tragedy. The Second Amendment was written when all Americans could remember being occupied by a foreign power. That was 220 years ago; the British are not coming. Red Dawn is not real. Give up your … Continued
By Joe Brown -
New Lone Ranger Trailer Looks Dope. That Is All.
Say what you want about the recent Pirates movies (what I want to say isn’t fit for pleasant company), the new trailer for The Lone Ranger looks pretty cool. Because railroads and cowboys and gunfights and there’s a horse standing on a branch. I can’t be the only one looking forward to this, right? How … Continued
By Joe Brown -
Tech News
Gifts for the BBQ Fanatic
BBQ devotees come in all forms: Those who meticulously craft the most delectable fire-cooked treats, and those who just wanna live the life. Fortunately, this means that grillmasters are hellafied easy to shop for. Hey there! You might notice our gift guides look a little different this year. That’s because we’re hoping to get you … Continued
By Joe Brown -
Tech News
John McAfee Is Carmen Sandiego. Let’s Make It Official
Say what you want about John McAfee—that he’s crazy, that he’s a murderer, that he’s a crazy murderer, that he’s a creepo drug addict, that he’s a creepo drug addict with a harem of young girls—the man gets around. https://gizmodo.com/secrets-schemes-and-lots-of-guns-inside-john-mcafees-5958877 He went from fightin viruses in California to stirring up trouble in Belize to hiding … Continued
By Joe Brown