Papers by Ольга Лавренова
Urban landscape as text
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Feb 13, 2024

The Art and Science of Television
Geography of Art is an interdisciplinary synthesis inspired by the theme of creative genius compr... more Geography of Art is an interdisciplinary synthesis inspired by the theme of creative genius comprehending and exploring space. The project began in 1994, with the first collection of works published at the Russian Heritage Institute under Yuri Vedenin’s guidance; the first conference was held in 2009. In recent years, the conferences have been held annually under the auspices of the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Arts, GITR Film and Television School, the Russian State University for the Humanities. The IX International Conference Geography of Art of 2023 united culturologists and art historians, geographers and philosophers from all over Russia and abroad. Traditionally, the participants discussed issues related to artistic space of literary and pictorial works, local texts, geographical and cartographic images, and virtual spaces created by art. As always, a separate section was devoted to “masterin...
Spaces and Meanings: Semantics of the Cultural Landscape
Precedent Texts in the Philosophical System Living Ethics: the Cultural Studies Aspects
Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo lingvističeskogo universiteta. Gumanitarnye nauki, 2022

Reading the Siberian city-text: Spatial semantics and semiotic politics of urban toponymic landscapes in Yakutsk (Russia)
Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic, SASA
The article studies the spatial semantics of Yakutsk?s urban text (Sakha/Yakutia, Russia) as a co... more The article studies the spatial semantics of Yakutsk?s urban text (Sakha/Yakutia, Russia) as a component of the cultural landscape. The research is based on the theoretical approaches of the Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics, scholarly traditions of post-Soviet cultural (or the so-called ?humanitarian?) geography, and modern critical studies of toponymy. The authors analyze spatial semantics and controversial elements of political and cultural symbolism of the urban text, which combines indigenous Yakut, Russian, and Soviet cultural components. With more than four hundred toponymic examples, this case study reveals the semiotic structure of Yakutsk toponymic system as a combination of urbanscape symbolization processes. For the first time the article empirically shows, with the help of toponymy in the space of a post-Soviet city, the relationship, interaction, and positioning of the three cultures. In addition, the semantics of toponyms is typologized, which allows to quantitatively,...

A cultural landscape is the result of a continuous interaction between the surrounding natural la... more A cultural landscape is the result of a continuous interaction between the surrounding natural landscape and culture. Meanings, symbols, and codes of culture are an integral part of it. This paper is a review of publications on current research over the past 20 years. The aim is to analyze the existing research practices, which are based on factual evidence and existing theoretical foundations, using an interdisciplinary approach, in order to come closer to a sufficiently holistic understanding of the coloristic semantics of the cultural landscape. Such a review and analysis of disparate studies allows for the first time the correlation of different types of cultural landscapes (urban, rural, gardens, and parks) and different types of signifier functions performed in them by color—signals, indices, iconic models, conventional signs or symbols, zero, or empty signs. The author analyzes the difference in the semantics of chromatic and achromatic colors and explores the landscape chrom...

Digital and Analog Spaces: the Geography of Art VIII International Conference
The Art and Science of Television
The VIII International Scientific Conference Geography of Art was held in May 2022. This is a new... more The VIII International Scientific Conference Geography of Art was held in May 2022. This is a new step in a long-term project devoted to the issues of “mastering” geographical space through art, including the semiotics of spaces created by artists, sculptors, and architects. Among other aspects, the conference examined how art creates geographical images and fantasy worlds, which always have a trace of the real world’s spatial regularities. Since 1994, the project has existed in the form of collections of scientific articles, and since 2009—in the form of conferences as well. The project was conceived by Russian geographer Yury Vedenin, and later Olga Lavrenova, philosopher and culturologist, picked up the initiative. In recent years, the conference has been organized by the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Arts, GIRT Film and Television School, and the Russian State University for the Humanities. In 20...

The Art and Science of Television / Наука телевидения, 2023
Geography of Art is an interdisciplinary synthesis inspired by the theme of creative genius compr... more Geography of Art is an interdisciplinary synthesis inspired by the theme of creative genius comprehending and exploring space. The project began in 1994, with the first collection of works published at the Russian Heritage Institute under Yuri Vedenin’s guidance; the first conference was held in 2009. In recent years, the conferences have been held annually under the auspices of the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Arts, GITR Film and Television School, the Russian State University for the Humanities. The IX International Conference Geography of Art of 2023 united culturologists and art historians, geographers and philosophers from all over Russia and abroad. Traditionally, the participants discussed issues related to artistic space of literary and pictorial works, local texts, geographical and cartographic images, and virtual spaces created by art. As always, a separate section was devoted to “mastering,” using, modeling space in screen and photography art. An innovation in the scholarly dispute of the 2023 conference was the culturological and anthropological discourse on the visual image genesis and transformation from archaic to modern times, as well as the transgression of genius loci in the online media and virtual space.
Проект «География искусства» представляет собой междисциплинарный синтез, вдохновленный темой осмысления и освоения пространства творческим гением. Проект начался в 1994 году, когда в Институте культурного и природного наследия имени Д.С. Лихачева под руководством Ю.А. Веденина был издан первый сборник. В 2009 году там же состоялась первая конференция. Последние годы конференции проходят ежегодно под эгидой Института научной информации по общественным наукам РАН, Российской академии художеств, Института кино и телевидения (ГИТР), Российского государственного гуманитарного университета. В 2023 году состоялась IX Международная конференция «География искусства», объединившая культурологов и искусствоведов, географов и философов со всех концов России и из-за рубежа. Традиционно обсуждались вопросы художественного пространства литературных и живописных произведений, локальных текстов, географических и картографических образов, виртуальных пространств, созданных искусством. Как обычно, отдельная секция была посвящена проблематике «освоения», использования, моделирования пространства в экранном и фотоискусстве. Новшеством в научной дискуссии конференции 2023 года стал культурологический и антропологический дискурс генезиса и трансформации визуальных образов от архаики к современности, обсуждение трансгрессии genius loci в медиа и виртуальное пространство интернета.
Monuments to Lenin in the post-Soviet cultural landscape
Social Semiotics
The Philosophy of the Cold. International Workshop on Circumpolar Sociocultural
Herald of Culturology
An international online workshop of circumpolar sociocultural issues was held on December 7, 2021... more An international online workshop of circumpolar sociocultural issues was held on December 7, 2021, it was organized by the Association of the same name. The topics of the seminar ranged from theoretical issues (conceptualization of cold as the basis of culture and everyday practices of the indigenous peoples of the North and the circumpolar South, the study of images of circumpolar regions, etc.) to purely practical, such as the “exploration” of the circumpolar region and modern social problems. Several interesting new publications were presented during this workshop.

⚘ Opening Ceremony ☀ IO2S DEELY
Take a seat at the IO2S DEELY opening ceremony and enjoy the celebration of the life and legacy o... more Take a seat at the IO2S DEELY opening ceremony and enjoy the celebration of the life and legacy of one of the most significant minds shaping our semiotic age, Dr. John Deely. This ceremony, chaired by Tim Troutman (Lyceum Institute) and Yulia Nikitenko (Institute for Philosophical Studies), is part of the activities of the 2022 International Open Seminar on Semiotics: a Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing, cooperatively organized by the Institute for Philosophical Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, the Lyceum Institute, the Deely Project, Saint Vincent College, the Iranian Society for Phenomenology at the Iranian Political Science Association, the International Association for Semiotics of Space and Time, the Institute for Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Semiotic Society of America, the American Maritain Association, the International Association for Semiotic Studies,...
Cultural Landscape as a Sign System
Spaces and Meanings, 2019
This chapter reveals specific of semiosis, where geographical objects take part as a «material en... more This chapter reveals specific of semiosis, where geographical objects take part as a «material envelope» of signs and/or their names.

Paradoxes of Disconnected Connection
Disentangling, 2021
Normal academic life is a series of gatherings. The COVID-19 outbreak in spring of 2020 disrupted... more Normal academic life is a series of gatherings. The COVID-19 outbreak in spring of 2020 disrupted these gatherings and constituted not just a health crisis but also a profound alteration of academic life. Social distancing and quarantine accelerated historic processes of distanciation, as an increasing number of social situations were lifted out of the places in which they would have occurred. Teaching, learning, mentoring, and collaborating continued to “take place” but these newly mediated connections included experiences of disconnection. Auto-ethnography conducted by six academics at various levels during the COVID pandemic explores questions of space, place, pedagogy, and scholarship, comparing and contrasting our varied vantage points on transformations of spatial routines, the learning process, the academic community, and our lives. We show how disconnected connection was experienced differently, by differently-situated social actors, each of whom appropriated certain media a...

Review of the International Academic Conference 'The Roerich Family Heritage: Bridge Between India and Russia. Marking the Centenary of the Creation of the Philosophical Teaching of Living Ethics
Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, 2020
<jats:p>The article covers the proceedings of International academic online conference '... more <jats:p>The article covers the proceedings of International academic online conference 'The Roerich Family Heritage: Bridge between India and Russia. Marking the Centenary of the Creation of the Philosophical Teaching of Living Ethics', which was held on November 27, 2020. The conference was organized by the Indian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (INDAPRYAL) and The International Centre of Roerichs (ICR). Researchers from India, Russia and Belarus took part in the project. The entire Roerich family was indeed brilliant in its versatility: Nicholas Roerich — a great Russian artist, humanist and public figure of the 20th century, Helena Roerich — a cosmist philosopher, George Roerich — a prominent orientalist, historian and linguist, and Svetoslav Roerich — an outstanding artist and public figure. The philosophical doctrine of Living Ethics was created by Helena Roerich in close connections with the ancient spiritual traditions of India. March 24, 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning the creation of the corpus of these texts. Living Ethics was the main common factor of all the Roerichs' works. The conference discussed the exceptional role of the Roerichs' heritage in Indo-Russian cultural interrelations. The topics of the papers included a wide range of areas for studying the multi-faceted creative heritage of the Roerich family — the close connection between the philosophy of Living Ethics and Vedic and Buddhist philosophy, epistolary works of Helena Roerich as a detailed commentary on the texts of Living Ethics, images of India in the Roerich heritage, preservation and popularization of the Roerich heritage in the space of Indian culture etc. The conference showed that the Roerichs' heritage contains a rich scientific, cultural and creative potential for the development of Russian-Indian relations, deepening mutual understanding and bringing the cultures of the two countries closer together.</jats:p>

El paisaje cultural como un reflejo de la teoría cognitiva de la metáfora
Semióticas cognitivas: nuevos paradigmas, 2021
Este artículo indaga las funciones gnoseológicas desde la perspectiva de la ontología del proceso... more Este artículo indaga las funciones gnoseológicas desde la perspectiva de la ontología del proceso, desde de la que se construye la experiencia del mundo que nos rodea. Se contemplan los estudios de metáfora desde la perspectiva de los paisajes culturales, puesto que se trata de un esquema imagen fundamental. La investigación explora como las metáforas forman campos semánticos dentro de un espacio geográfico determinado, dando lugar a espacios significativos en el marco de las geografías culturales correspondientes. Así mismo, la metáfora del paisaje se emplea en el discurso científico, marcando la dirección y el desarrollo del pensamiento científico. Las unidades textuales estructurales en el discurso científico son loci-símbolos de doble naturaleza, tanto espacial como figurativa e informativa.
Géocultures. Méthodologies russes sur l’Arctique
Space Ruled by Style: Review of the VI International Academic Conference Geography of Art
Genesis of Culture in Space. Conception of Cultural Landscape in Context of Cultural and Philosophic Research
Spaces and Meanings, 2019
This chapter is devoted to theoretical and methodological questions of the cultural genesis in sp... more This chapter is devoted to theoretical and methodological questions of the cultural genesis in space in the context of stated problem. The boundaries of the problem field are outlined in terms of semantic components in relationship of culture and space.
Universal Categories of Culture in Landscape: Time and Transcendence
Spaces and Meanings, 2019
This chapter focuses on interpreting such features of the world picture as a sense of time and sp... more This chapter focuses on interpreting such features of the world picture as a sense of time and space, comprehension of the dichotomy of «sacred–profane» in the cultural landscape. Universal categories of culture, determining its mentality and existence create a sustainable object, which Aron Gurevich defines as «a model of the world» («world view», «image of the world»), typical for a given culture and era—that «grid», which determines the perception of reality and nature of the activity. Universal categories form the basic cognitive matrix and the basic semantic «tools» of culture. Such subtle categories as time and transcendence can be expressed through a symbol and a sign, and respectively they can also be expressed in the semantics of the cultural landscape.
Семиосфера и дигитосфера: пересечение реального, виртуального и фейкового пространств
Human Being: Image and Essence. Humanitarian Aspects, 2022
Papers by Ольга Лавренова
Проект «География искусства» представляет собой междисциплинарный синтез, вдохновленный темой осмысления и освоения пространства творческим гением. Проект начался в 1994 году, когда в Институте культурного и природного наследия имени Д.С. Лихачева под руководством Ю.А. Веденина был издан первый сборник. В 2009 году там же состоялась первая конференция. Последние годы конференции проходят ежегодно под эгидой Института научной информации по общественным наукам РАН, Российской академии художеств, Института кино и телевидения (ГИТР), Российского государственного гуманитарного университета. В 2023 году состоялась IX Международная конференция «География искусства», объединившая культурологов и искусствоведов, географов и философов со всех концов России и из-за рубежа. Традиционно обсуждались вопросы художественного пространства литературных и живописных произведений, локальных текстов, географических и картографических образов, виртуальных пространств, созданных искусством. Как обычно, отдельная секция была посвящена проблематике «освоения», использования, моделирования пространства в экранном и фотоискусстве. Новшеством в научной дискуссии конференции 2023 года стал культурологический и антропологический дискурс генезиса и трансформации визуальных образов от архаики к современности, обсуждение трансгрессии genius loci в медиа и виртуальное пространство интернета.
Проект «География искусства» представляет собой междисциплинарный синтез, вдохновленный темой осмысления и освоения пространства творческим гением. Проект начался в 1994 году, когда в Институте культурного и природного наследия имени Д.С. Лихачева под руководством Ю.А. Веденина был издан первый сборник. В 2009 году там же состоялась первая конференция. Последние годы конференции проходят ежегодно под эгидой Института научной информации по общественным наукам РАН, Российской академии художеств, Института кино и телевидения (ГИТР), Российского государственного гуманитарного университета. В 2023 году состоялась IX Международная конференция «География искусства», объединившая культурологов и искусствоведов, географов и философов со всех концов России и из-за рубежа. Традиционно обсуждались вопросы художественного пространства литературных и живописных произведений, локальных текстов, географических и картографических образов, виртуальных пространств, созданных искусством. Как обычно, отдельная секция была посвящена проблематике «освоения», использования, моделирования пространства в экранном и фотоискусстве. Новшеством в научной дискуссии конференции 2023 года стал культурологический и антропологический дискурс генезиса и трансформации визуальных образов от архаики к современности, обсуждение трансгрессии genius loci в медиа и виртуальное пространство интернета.