Rachel Nabors
Rachel Nabors has spearheaded developer education at FAANG companies like Amazon and startups like Clerk and participated in web standards and open source with Mozilla, the W3C, and Microsoft. They have built award-winning dev portals for React and React Native with the core teams at Meta. They are currently roaming the world, working on opensource projects that teach the world to code from their home base in London.
Managing Ourselves Managing Each Other
React Summit 2024

26 min
Managing Ourselves Managing Each Other

In this talk you will learn timeless soft skills necessary to navigate interpersonal relationships with friends, coworkers, and reports. You will learn about emotional regulation, reframing, boundaries, radical ownership, and letting the fuck go.
Managing Ourselves Managing Each Other
C3 Dev Festival 2024

26 min
Managing Ourselves Managing Each Other

“Hell is other people.” There are many talks on how to get started as an engineer and how to step into management, but there are few talks about how to be an adult in (professional) relationships. I’ve spent my career in small companies and startups, FAANG organizations, and opensource communities. Each of these spaces demands different things of the people in them, yet across these spaces all succeed and fail along the fault lines of a core set of soft skills: regulating emotions, setting boundaries, framing experiences productively, and letting go. In this talk, I share everything I’ve learned in my career that has helped my colleagues, mentees, and friends so that you may navigate the most difficult part of tech—people—with grace, empathy, and safety.
Managing Ourselves Managing Each Other
TechLead Conference 2024

26 min
Managing Ourselves Managing Each Other

“Hell is other people.” There are many talks on how to get started as an engineer and how to step into management, but there are few talks about how to be an adult in (professional) relationships. I’ve spent my career in small companies and startups, FAANG organizations, and opensource communities. Each of these spaces demands different things of the people in them, yet across these spaces all succeed and fail along the fault lines of a core set of soft skills: regulating emotions, setting boundaries, framing experiences productively, and letting go. In this talk, I share everything I’ve learned in my career that has helped my colleagues, mentees, and friends so that you may navigate the most difficult part of tech—people—with grace, empathy, and safety.
Gateway to React: The React.dev Story
React Summit US 2023Watch video: Gateway to React: The React.dev Story

32 min
Gateway to React: The React.dev Story

A behind the scenes look at the design and development of the all-new React docs at react.dev. The new react.dev launched this year introducing new methodologies like challenges and interactive sandboxes and subtle inclusivity features, like "international tone" and culturally agnostic examples. Not only have the new docs changed how people learn React, they've inspired how we think about developer education as a community. In this talk, you will learn how the React team and some ambitious community members made the "React docs rock" for a generation of front end developers and how these new patterns and established techniques can be applied in your favorite projects.
Opensource Documentation—Tales from React and React Native
React Finland 2021

27 min
Opensource Documentation—Tales from React and React Native

Documentation is often your community's first point of contact with your project and their daily companion at work. So why is documentation the last thing that gets done, and how can we do it better? This talk shares how important documentation is for React and React Native and how you can invest in or contribute to making your favourite project's docs to build a thriving community