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306 lines (197 loc) · 12.7 KB

File metadata and controls

306 lines (197 loc) · 12.7 KB

Gravity Forms Eway


2.6.1, 2024-10-15

  • fixed: missing a template that lists any missing required PHP modules

2.6.0, 2024-07-14

  • fixed: PHP notice on deprecated creation of dynamic properties in PHP 8.1+
  • changed: requires minimum PHP version 7.4 (recommend version 8.2 or higher)

2.5.1, 2023-05-30

  • fixed: fatal error when used with Coupons add-on

2.5.0, 2023-05-18

  • fixed: handle invalid start/end dates getting recurring payment description
  • fixed: compatible with Gravity Forms 2.7 honeypot enhancements
  • changed: requires PHP version 7.3+
  • changed: additional logging to help troubleshoot problems
  • changed: updated build system, production CSS is now minified

2.4.1, 2021-11-25

  • fixed: hide subfields of Recurring field for new forms without Gravity Forms legacy markup

2.4.0, 2021-11-17

  • changed: update with new Eway branding

2.3.1, 2021-04-27

  • fixed: icon colour in Gravity Forms 2.5 settings
  • changed: use masked password fields for API passwords in settings

2.3.0, 2021-03-01

  • changed: requires PHP version 7.0+
  • changed: refactor / modernise the PHP code
  • changed: don't call libxml_disable_entity_loader() in PHP 8.0 (now deprecated)
  • tested: Gravity Forms 2.5

2.2.8, 2018-11-17

  • added: validates credit card number before running Client Side Encryption
  • added: show placeholders when field values are hidden during Client Side Encryption
  • tested: WordPress 5.0, Gravity Forms 2.4

2.2.7, 2018-02-03

  • changed: load front end CSE script from file, don't inline in the page footer
  • added: custom merge tag {date_created} so that notification resends can show the entry date instead of the current date

2.2.6, 2017-09-12

  • fixed: Gravity Forms 2.3 compatibility; don't directly access database tables
  • fixed: amounts in Japanese Yen (JPY) are already in the lowest denomination; no need to shift to / from cents
  • fixed: Client Side Encryption fails when Gravity Forms HTML5 Validation plugin is active

2.2.5, 2017-05-01

  • fixed: Recurring Payments could not send formatted phone numbers with () characters
  • changed: filters pass false for third parameter, for compatibility with filters in Pro version

2.2.4, 2017-01-19

  • fixed: logging should not record encrypted card details (even though they're encrypted)
  • fixed: stored payments legacy API fails
  • changed: replace old $field array access with GF_Field object access
  • changed: log which API was used, and capture or authorise

2.2.3, 2016-12-08

  • fixed: don't attempt card processing if form validation fails (validation in other plugins; honeypot failure; save and continue heartbeat)
  • fixed: conflict between Eway's Client Side Encryption script and File Upload fields
  • fixed: undefined index errors on gform_replace_merge_tags hook, e.g. with GF User Registration login widget

2.2.2, 2016-07-24

  • fixed: no confirmation message after saving settings
  • changed: use the minified version of the Eway Client Side Encryption script, unless SCRIPT_DEBUG is enabled
  • changed: use wp_remote_retrieve_*() functions instead of response array access (WP4.6 compatibility)
  • changed: use Gravity Forms get_order_total() to calculate form total (fixes T2T Toolkit conflict with Coupons add-on)
  • added: check for PCRE (regular expression library) minimum version
  • added: new error message strings for Eway Rapid API response codes
  • added: prevent multiple instances of Recurring field on form

2.2.1, 2016-05-06

  • fixed: T2T Toolkit breaks posted Gravity Forms total field when products have options
  • fixed: set default values for optional Recurring Payment fields, avoids fatal PHP error

2.2.0, 2016-04-27

  • changed: minimum required version of Gravity Forms is 1.9.15
  • added: separate sandbox configuration, making it easier to switch between Live and Sandbox modes

2.1.5, 2016-03-14

  • fixed: PHP warning on static member access
  • fixed: use correct textdomain slug for loading translation strings
  • fixed: Client Side Encryption works on form previews now too

2.1.4, 2016-02-24

  • fixed: don't use Client-Side Encryption on Recurring Payments (even when not used conditionally!)
  • changed: use normal text field for API password in settings (stop browsers hassling to remember the password)

2.1.3, 2016-02-15

  • fixed: Client-Side Encryption is now used for one-off transactions on forms that conditionally use Recurring Payments
  • changed: always send the customer IP in Rapid API transactions, for Beagle Lite support
  • changed: only allow turning off Beagle Lite when using the legacy XML API (can't be disabled externally for Rapid API)

2.1.2, 2016-02-05

  • fixed: "Are you sure you want to do this?" security message when trying to save a form confirmation

2.1.1, 2016-02-02

  • added: partner ID sent to Eway with payment requests (improved traceability)
  • changed: some words on upgrade notices

2.1.0, 2016-02-01

2.0.0, 2016-01-27

  • changed: uses Eway Rapid API if API key and password are set (not applicable for Recurring Payments)
  • changed: minimum Gravity Forms version is now 1.9
  • changed: currency is no longer limited to AUD
  • changed: don't restrict credit cards, let user select; please review your forms after upgrading, and ensure that the correct credit cards are enabled in your forms
  • changed: use WordPress post date format for recurring payments reported dates
  • fixed: don't attempt to use real Customer ID for Recurring Payments sandbox (only 87654321 works)
  • fixed: only need gravityforms_edit_settings to save Eway settings
  • added: strings are localized and ready for translation!

1.8.0, 2015-06-20

  • fixed: prevent conditional recurring payment fields from losing their default values
  • fixed: register recurring field's "type" to avoid PHP notice "Deprecated button for the Recurring field"
  • added: some precautionary XSS prevention
  • changed: recurring start/end date can be hidden independently
  • changed: trim credit card posted values before submitting to gateway
  • changed: use Settings API for plugin settings
  • changed: some code refactoring for easier maintenance

1.7.0, 2014-11-08

  • fixed: Gravity Forms 1.9 compatibility
  • added: custom entry meta authcode and payment_gateway which can be added to listings
  • changed: cache result of isEwayForm() (may affect some hookers intercepting filter gfeway_form_is_eway)
  • changed: some code cleanup
  • changed: minimum requirements now WordPress 3.7, Gravity Forms 1.7

1.6.3, 2014-08-25

  • added: filter gfeway_form_is_eway for telling Gravity Forms Eway to ignore a form

1.6.2, 2014-08-15

  • added: basic support for Gravity Forms Logging Add-On, to assist support requests; credit card numbers are obfuscated

1.6.1, 2014-06-25

  • fixed: Gravity Forms 1.8.9 Payment Details box on entry details

1.6.0, 2014-06-07

  • fixed: hidden products are now correctly handled
  • fixed: shipping is now correctly handled
  • fixed: RGFormsModel::update_lead() is deprecated in Gravity Forms v1.8.8
  • changed: move authcode, beagle score into Gravity Forms 1.8.8 Payment Details box on entry details
  • changed: merge template for payment amount is now formatted as currency
  • changed: some code refactoring

1.5.12, 2014-05-14

  • fixed: products with separate quantity fields fail

1.5.11, 2014-04-01

  • fixed: load datepicker styling for Gravity Forms 1.8.6 when no other datepicker fields are present

1.5.10, 2014-01-18

  • fixed: recurring payments failed on Windows hosting, no function strptime()
  • fixed: should not be able to duplicate recurring payments field in form editor
  • added: custom merge field for payment status

1.5.9, 2014-01-03

  • fixed: a datepicker was being added to the bottom of the page since WordPress 3.8 (jQuery-UI bug on set datepicker options late)
  • fixed: clean up JSHint warnings

1.5.8, 2013-11-10

  • fixed: settings wouldn't save in WordPress multisite installations
  • fixed: doco / settings page didn't explain that Beagle requires an Address field
  • fixed: Beagle IP address for form submitted on server (substitutes with an Australian IP address)
  • changed: Eway settings page is now a Gravity Forms settings subpage, like other addons

1.5.7, 2013-08-23

  • fixed: a datepicker was being added to the bottom of the page when initial and start/end dates were hidden on recurring payments

1.5.6, 2013-08-19

  • fixed: Gravity Forms 1.7.7 changed their datepicker script handle and broke recurring fields (not all change is good!)
  • fixed: can now set Show Start/End Dates without Show Initial Amount

1.5.5, 2013-07-21

  • fixed: can select currency for Gravity Forms for forms not using credit card field, but still enforces AUD for forms with credit card field
  • fixed: nonce (number once) handling in settings admin
  • added: load unminified script if SCRIPT_DEBUG is defined / true

1.5.4, 2013-04-21

  • fixed: recurring payments fields marked "required" were generating error "This field is required"
  • added: quarterly recurring time period

1.5.3, 2013-04-07

  • fixed: don't squabble with other plugins (e.g. DPS PxPay) for custom merge tags of same name
  • added: recurring payments can set customer reference and invoice reference independently, through the filters gfeway_invoice_ref and gfeway_invoice_trans_number respectively

1.5.2, 2013-03-19

  • added: filter gfeway_invoice_trans_number for setting the invoice transaction reference (NB: 16 character limit)

1.5.1, 2013-02-14

  • fixed: merge tags work on new notification emails, not just on resends!
  • added: filter gfeway_recurring_periods for removing recurring payment periods, from array('weekly', 'fortnightly', 'monthly', 'yearly')

1.5.0, 2013-01-26

  • added: support for Beagle lite anti-fraud using geo-IP (Direct Payments only)
  • added: record authcode for transactions, and show on entry details screen
  • added: merge tags for authcode and beagle_score, for notification emails
  • changed: use WordPress function wp_remote_post() instead of directly calling curl functions

1.4.1, 2013-01-17

  • added: when entry is stored as 'Pending' for Stored Payment, can edit and change to 'Approved'
  • added: record payment gateway in lead properties
  • changed: Stored Payments use the Direct Payments sandbox when sandbox is selected

1.4.0, 2013-01-17

  • added: can now use Eway Stored Payments, e.g. for merchants who do drop-shipping
  • added: merge tags for transaction_id and payment_amount, for notification emails

1.3.0, 2012-10-22

  • fixed: can't submit form multiple times and get multiple payments
  • added: can now customise the Eway credit card error messages

1.2.2, 2012-10-03

  • fixed: error when recurring field is present on form, but hidden (thanks, Simon Watson!)
  • fixed: some undefined index PHP errors

1.2.1, 2012-10-02

  • fixed: address on one-off Eway invoice was getting "0, " prepended when PHP < 5.3
  • fixed: address line 2 combined with line 1 when provided

1.2.0, 2012-09-21

  • added: option to disable whether remote SSL certificate must be verified (only disable if your website can't be correctly configured!)
  • added: prevent XML injection attacks when loading Eway response (security hardening)
  • added: recurring payments (sponsored by Castle Design -- thanks!)
  • added: if a name field is added to the form, it will be used for the Eway customer name (NB: not cardholder name)
  • added: filter hooks for invoice description and reference

1.1.0, 2012-06-17

  • added: options for extending use of Eway sandbox (testing) environment capabilities
  • added: more documentation (thanks, and samwoods!)

1.0.3, 2012-05-24

  • fixed: don't show settings link if Gravity Forms is not installed and activated
  • added: readme file makes it clear that this plugin requires Gravity Forms to be installed and activated

1.0.2, 2012-05-13

  • fixed: correctly handle quantity for singleproduct fields
  • fixed: don't validate or process credit card if credit card field is hidden (e.g. other payment option selected)
  • fixed: form ID recorded in Eway invoice reference field
  • added: cardholder's name recorded in Eway last name field (for reference on Eway email notification)
  • added: remove spaces/dashes from credit card numbers so that "valid" numbers can be passed to Eway with spaces removed

1.0.1, 2012-05-05

  • fixed: optional fields for address, email are no longer required for Eway payment

1.0.0, 2012-04-16

  • final cleanup and refactor for public release