Note: this file is auto converted from el2org.el by el2org, please do not edit it by hand!!!
el2org is a simple tool, which can convert a emacs-lisp file to org file. You can write code and document in a elisp file with its help.
(convert to) (export to)
elisp -----------------> org (internal) --------------> other formats
Note: el2org.el file may be a good example.
Config melpa source, please read:
M-x package-install RET el2org RET
M-x package-install RET ox-gfm RET
ox-gfm is needed by `el2org-generate-readme', if ox-gfm can not be found, ox-md will be used as fallback.
(require 'el2org)
(require 'ox-gfm)
- `el2org-generate-file' can convert an elisp file to other file format which org's exporter support.
- `el2org-generate-readme' can generate from elisp's "Commentary" section.
- `el2org-generate-html' can generate a html file from current elisp file and browse it.
- `el2org-generate-org' can generate a org file from current elisp file.