Nav Menu Trim plugin trim html id/class attributes of Nav Menu.
- Download and unzip files. Or install Nav Menu Trim using the WordPress plugin installer. In that case, skip 2.
- Upload nav-menu-trim to the "/wp-content/plugins/" directory.
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
- Configure settings through the Appearance > Customize > Menus > Nav Menu Trim menu in WordPress.
- Have fun!
- Filters the optionsnav_menu_trim_get_option
- Filters the option
Nav Menu Trim is hosted on the WordPress Plugin Directory.
If you have any trouble, you can use the forums or report bugs.
- Forum:
- Issues:
Small patches and bug reports can be submitted a issue tracker in Github.
Translating a plugin takes a lot of time, effort, and patience. I really appreciate the hard work from these contributors.
If you have created or updated your own language pack, you can send gettext PO and MO files to author. I can bundle it into plugin.
- VCS - Github:
- Translate Nav Menu Trim into your language.
You can also contribute by answering issues on the forums.
- Forum:
- Issues:
Forking on Github is another good way. You can send a pull request.
- Fork Nav Menu Trim from GitHub repository
- Create a feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
- Create new Pull Request
If you would like to contribute, here are some notes and guidlines.
- All development happens on the develop branch, so it is always the most up-to-date
- The master branch only contains tagged releases
- If you are going to be submitting a pull request, please submit your pull request to the develop branch
- See about forking and pull requests
For operation compatibility between PHP version and WordPress version, see below Github Actions.
- Version 1.2.4
- tested up to 6.2.0
- fix composer scripts
- update github actions
- fix load_textdomain method for testability
- add msgmerge to composer scripts
- add support section and enhance contribution section to README
- fix license
- Version 1.2.3
- add composer script
- remove makepot:php composer script
- change makepot from php script to wp cli
- change plugin initialization to plugins_loaded hook
- replace assert from assertEquals to assertSame
- Version 1.2.2
- fix wp-plugin-unit-test.yml
- add Upgrade Notice
- change requires at least to wordpress 4.9
- change requires to PHP 5.6
- bump up yoast/phpunit-polyfills version
- update wp-plugin-unit-test.yml
- change os to ubuntu-20.04 for ci
- add wp-plugin-unit-test-matrix.yml
- Version 1.2.1
- add test case for customizer
- update composer dependencies
- change from protected variable to public variable for unit test
- add timeout-minutes to workflows
- add phpunit-polyfills
- tested up to 5.8.0
- Version 1.2.0
- tested up to 5.7.0
- add composer scripts
- update japanese translation
- update pot
- add test case
- change constant name
- add sponsor link
- add FUNDING.yml
- add donate link
- update wordpress-test-matrix
- add GitHub actions for CI/CD, remove .travis.yml
- Version 1.1.2
- rename sanitize_callback function from sanitize_checkbox to sanitize_boolean
- fix indent and reformat with phpcs and phpcbf
- add composer.json for test
- add static code analysis config
- Version 1.1.1
- fix access modifier
- fix tests
- fix PHPDoc comment
- fix filter nav_menu_trim_get_options and nav_menu_trim_get_option
- change to add_action with load_textdomain
- add sanitize_checkbox
- Version 1.1.0
- update screenshot
- fix PHPDoc comment
- remove $languages_path
- fix .travis.yml
- fix tests
- add nav_menu_submenu_css_class function
- fix get_options function
- add default_options
- fix load_textdomain
- rename funtion name from trim_css_class to trim_menu_css_class
- Version 1.0.2
- fix tests
- fix data validation via wp_kses
- change output css to here document
- fix option detect
- change add_filter from plugin_action_links to plugin_action_links_{$plugin_file}
- add init function
- fix codesniffer.ruleset.xml
- Version 1.0.1
- fixed: fix .travis.yml
- fixed: fix trim_css_class function
- fixed: check exists class
- Version 1.0.0
- initial release
- Version 1.2.2
- Requires at least version 4.9 of the WordPress
- Requires PHP version 5.6
- Version 1.1.1
- Requires at least version 3.8 of the WordPress
Licensed under GPLv2.