Base16 themes for the Textadept editor
Clone the repository, e.g.:
cd ~/.textadept/themes
git clone
Copy or symlink all or some themes into .textadept/themes
Set a theme by putting the following in your ~/.textadept/init.lua
, e.g. for
Solarized Light:
view:set_theme(not CURSES and 'base16-solarized-light' or 'term')
This repo tracks the latest Textadept 12 changes.
The themes and tools from Tinted Theming are used.
To build or develop locally (using base16-builder-node
npm install base16-builder-node
Clone (or update) the schemes, which are tracked in as a submodule:
cd base16
git clone schemes
To update the themes, run git pull
in the schemes
To generate the themes from default.mustache
npx base16 build base16 --prefix base16-
If this repo is in .textadept/themes/base16-textadept
one can symlink the themes so Textadept can find them:
ln -s base16-textadept/base16/templates/textadept/themes/base16*.lua .
Tinted Theming: Base16: