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Redis Stack Server 7.4.0-v1

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@ViktarStarastsenka ViktarStarastsenka released this 03 Oct 11:31
· 3 commits to 7.4 since this release

This is a maintenance release for Redis Stack Server 7.4.0.

Update urgency: SECURITY: there are security fixes in the release.

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This version includes security fixes for the Redis server, addressing potential vulnerabilities such as an RCE when using Lua library components, and a denial-of-service (DoS) risk due to malformed ACL selectors or unbounded pattern matching.
Additionally, this maintenance release includes the latest version of Redis Insight.


Security and privacy

  • Redis:
    • (CVE-2024-31449) Lua library commands may lead to stack overflow and potential RCE.
    • (CVE-2024-31227) Potential Denial-of-service due to malformed ACL selectors.
    • (CVE-2024-31228) Potential Denial-of-service due to unbounded pattern matching.

Redis version:

Module versions

Recommended Client Libraries

Compatible with Redis Insight. The docker image redis/redis-stack for this version is bundled with Redis Insight 2.58.


Redis Stack 7.4 no longer includes Triggers & Functions (RedisGears 2) preview.
As a result, commands such as TFCALL, TFCALLASYNC, and TFUNCTION are no longer supported.
Any JavaScript functions stored in Redis will be removed, and JavaScript-based triggers will be disabled. However, Lua functions and scripts remain unaffected by this change.
If you used Triggers & Functions (T&F), you must delete all T&F functions before upgrading to Redis Stack 7.4. To do this:

  • Execute TFUNCTION LIST to retrieve all library names.
  • Use TFUNCTION DELETE for each library name.
    Failure to delete these functions will prevent Redis Stack 7.4 (or newer) from loading your RDB file.

Note: version numbers follow the following pattern:

  • x.y Redis Major version
  • z increases with even numbers as a module x.y version increases.
  • b denotes a patch to Redis or a module (any z of Redis or Modules). b will consist of a v + numeric value.
