Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics exposed by *NIX kernels, written in Go with pluggable metric collectors.
This chart bootstraps a Prometheus Node Exporter daemonset on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
See helm repo for command documentation.
helm install [RELEASE_NAME] prometheus-community/prometheus-node-exporter
See configuration below.
See helm install for command documentation.
helm uninstall [RELEASE_NAME]
This removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
See helm uninstall for command documentation.
helm upgrade [RELEASE_NAME] prometheus-community/prometheus-node-exporter --install
See helm upgrade for command documentation.
Starting from version 4.0.0, the node exporter
chart is using the Kubernetes recommended labels. Therefore you have to delete the daemonset before you upgrade.
kubectl delete daemonset -l app=prometheus-node-exporter
helm upgrade -i prometheus-node-exporter prometheus-community/prometheus-node-exporter
If you use your own custom ServiceMonitor or PodMonitor, please ensure to upgrade their selector
fields accordingly to the new labels.
Change the following:
hostRootFsMount: true
enabled: true
mountPropagation: HostToContainer
See Customizing the Chart Before Installing. To see all configurable options with detailed comments, visit the chart's values.yaml, or run these configuration commands:
helm show values prometheus-community/prometheus-node-exporter
You can enable prometheus-node-exporter
endpoint protection using kube-rbac-proxy
. By setting kubeRBACProxy.enabled: true
, this chart will deploy a RBAC proxy container protecting the node-exporter endpoint.
To authorize access, authenticate your requests (via a ServiceAccount
for example) with a ClusterRole
attached such as:
kind: ClusterRole
name: prometheus-node-exporter-read
- apiGroups: [ "" ]
resources: ["services/node-exporter-prometheus-node-exporter"]
- get
See kube-rbac-proxy examples for more details.