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Default port allocations

freefd edited this page Mar 27, 2025 · 1498 revisions

See for why this exists. Integrations other than exporters (e.g. adapters, webhooks) may also be listed here.

Please look for open ports on this list (Ctrl+F "FREE") before adding a new port. Thanks!

If you do not have a public repository with working code or you do not intend to immediately begin work on a project, please do not allocate a port.

Core components starting at 9090

Port Protocol Component
9090 http Prometheus server
9091 http Pushgateway
9092 n/a UNALLOCATED (to avoid collision with Kafka)
9093 http Alertmanager
9094 ? Alertmanager clustering

Exporters starting at 9100

Port Exporter
9100 Node exporter
9101 HAProxy exporter (v2 has native support)
9102 StatsD exporter: Metrics
9103 Collectd exporter
9104 MySQLd exporter
9105 Mesos exporter
9106 CloudWatch exporter
9107 Consul exporter
9108 Graphite exporter: Metrics
9109 Graphite exporter: Ingestion
9110 Blackbox exporter
9111 Expvar exporter
9112 promacct: pcap-based network traffic accounting
9113 Nginx exporter [alternative]
9114 Elasticsearch exporter
9115 Blackbox exporter
9116 SNMP exporter
9117 Apache exporter
9118 Jenkins exporter
9119 BIND exporter
9120 PowerDNS exporter
9121 Redis exporter
9122 InfluxDB exporter
9123 RethinkDB exporter
9124 FreeBSD sysctl exporter (documentation)
9125 StatsD exporter: Ingestion
9126 New Relic exporter
9126 Dynatrace Exporter
9127 PgBouncer exporter
9128 Ceph exporter
9129 HAProxy Log exporter
9130 UniFi Poller and UniFi exporter (archived, use UniFi Poller or SNMP instead)
9131 Varnish exporter
9132 Airflow exporter
9133 Fritz!Box exporter
9134 ZFS exporter / ZFS exporter (pdf)
9135 rTorrent exporter
9136 Collins exporter
9137 SiliconDust HDHomeRun exporter
9138 Heka exporter
9139 Azure SQL exporter
9140 Mirth exporter
9141 Zookeeper exporter
9141 Ping Exporter
9142 BIG-IP exporter
9142 BIG-IP Exporter (forked, WIP)
9143 Cloudmonitor exporter
9144 grok_exporter
9145 Aerospike exporter
9146 Icecast exporter
9147 Nginx Request exporter
9148 NATS exporter
9149 Passenger exporter
9150 Memcached exporter
9151 Varnish Request exporter
9152 Command runner exporter
9153 CoreDNS
9154 Postfix Exporter
9155 vSphere Graphite
9156 WebDriver Exporter
9157 IBM MQ exporter
9158 Pingdom Exporter
9159 Syslogstash metrics
9160 Apache Flink Exporter
9161 Oracle DB Exporter
9162 apcupsd exporter
9163 zgres exporter
9164 s6_exporter
9165 AWS instance health exporter
9165 Keepalived Exporter
9166 Dovecot exporter
9167 Unbound exporter
9168 gitlab-monitor
9169 Lustre exporter
9170 Docker Hub Exporter
9171 GitHub Exporter [alternative]
9172 Script Exporter
9173 Rancher Exporter
9174 Docker-Cloud Exporter
9175 Saltstack exporter
9176 OpenVPN exporter
9177 libvirt exporter
9178 Stream exporter
9179 Shield exporter
9180 ScyllaDB exporter
9181 Openstack Ceilometer exporter
9182 Windows exporter (Formerly wmi_exporter)
9183 Openstack exporter
9184 Twitch exporter
9185 Kafka topic exporter
9186 Cloud Foundry Firehose exporter
9187 PostgreSQL exporter
9188 Crypto exporter
9189 Hetzner Cloud CSI Driver (Nodes)
9190 BOSH exporter
9191 netflow exporter
9192 ceph_exporter
9193 Cloud Foundry exporter
9194 BOSH TSDB exporter
9195 MaxScale exporter
9196 UPnP Internet Gateway Device exporter
9197 Google's mtail log data extractor
9198 Logstash exporter
9199 Cloudflare exporter
9200 UNALLOCATED (to avoid collision with Elasticsearch)
9201 Remote storage bridge example code
9202 Pacemaker exporter
9203 Domain Exporter
9204 PCSensor TEMPer exporter
9205 Nextcloud exporter
9206 Elasticsearch exporter (queries and cluster metrics)
9207 MySQL exporter (queries)
9208 Kafka Consumer Group exporter
9209 FastNetMon Advanced exporter
9210 Netatmo exporter
9211 dnsbl-exporter
9212 DigitalOcean Exporter
9213 Custom Exporter
9214 MQTT Blackbox Exporter
9215 Prometheus Graphite Bridge
9216 MongoDB Exporter
9217 Consul agent exporter
9218 promql-guard
9219 SSL Certificate exporter
9220 NetApp Trident exporter
9221 Proxmox VE Exporter
9222 AWS ECS exporter
9223 BladePSGI exporter
9224 fluentd exporter
9225 mailexporter
9226 allas
9227 proc_exporter
9228 Flussonic exporter
9229 gitlab-workhorse
9230 Network UPS Tools exporter
9231 Solr exporter
9232 Osquery exporter
9233 mgmt exporter
9234 mosquitto exporter
9235 gitlab-pages exporter
9236 gitlab gitaly exporter
9237 SQL Exporter
9238 uWSGI Exporter [alternative]
9239 Surfboard Exporter
9240 Tinyproxy exporter
9241 ArangoDB Exporter
9242 Ceph RADOSGW Usage Exporter
9243 Chef Compliance exporter
9244 Moby Container Exporter
9245 Naemon / Nagios Exporter
9246 SmartPi
9247 Sphinx Exporter
9248 FreeBSD gstat Exporter
9249 Apache Flink Metrics Reporter
9250 OpenTSDB Exporter
9251 Sensu Exporter
9252 GitLab Runner Exporter
9253 PHP-FPM exporter [alternative] [alternative] [alternative (for k8s envs)]
9254 Kafka Burrow exporter
9255 Google Stackdriver exporter
9256 Process exporter / td-agent exporter
9257 S.M.A.R.T. exporter
9258 Hello Sense Exporter
9259 Azure Resources Exporter
9260 Buildkite Exporter
9261 Grafana exporter
9262 Bloomsky exporter
9263 VMWare Guest exporter
9264 Nest exporter
9265 Weather exporter
9266 OpenHAB exporter
9267 Nagios Livestatus Exporter
9268 CrateDB remote remote read/write adapter
9269 fluent-agent-lite exporter
9270 Jmeter exporter
9271 Pagespeed exporter
9272 VMWare exporter
9273 Telegraf prometheus_client
9274 Kubernetes PersistentVolume Disk Usage Exporter
9275 NRPE exporter
9276 GitHubQL Exporter
9276 Azure Monitor exporter
9277 Mongo collection exporter
9278 Crypto Miner exporter
9279 InstaClustr Exporter
9280 Citrix NetScaler Exporter
9281 Fastd Exporter
9282 FreeSWITCH Exporter (Rust) - [alternative in Go]
9283 Ceph ceph-mgr "prometheus" plugin
9284 Gobetween
9285 Database exporter (oracle/postgres/mssql/mysql sql queries)
9286 VDO Compression and deduplication exporter
9287 Ceph iSCSI Gateway Statistics
9288 Elgato Key Light exporter
9288 consrv
9289 Lovoo's IPMI Exporter (to be run on the IPMI host itself)
9290 SoundCloud's IPMI Exporter (querying IPMI externally, blackbox-exporter style)
9291 IBM Z HMC Exporter
9292 Netapp ONTAP API Exporter
9293 Connection Status Exporter
9294 MiFlora / Flower Care Exporter
9295 Freifunk Exporter
9296 ODBC Exporter
9297 Machbase Exporter
9298 Generic Exporter
9299 Exporter Aggregator
9300 UNALLOCATED (to avoid collision with Elasticsearch)
9301 Squid Exporter
9302 Faucet SDN Faucet Exporter
9303 Faucet SDN Gauge Exporter
9304 Logstash Exporter
9305 go-ethereum Exporter
9306 Kyototycoon Exporter
9307 Audisto exporter
9308 Kafka Exporter
9309 Fluentd Exporter
9310 Open vSwitch Exporter
9311 IOTA Exporter
9312 UNALLOCATED (to avoid collision with Sphinx search API)
9313 Cloudprober Exporter
9314 eris Exporter
9315 Centrifugo Exporter
9316 Tado Exporter
9317 Tellstick Local Exporter
9318 conntrack Exporter
9319 FLEXlm Exporter
9320 Consul Telemetry Exporter
9321 Spring Boot Actuator Exporter
9322 haproxy_abuser_exporter
9323 Docker Prometheus Metrics under /metrics endpoint
9324 Bird Routing Daemon Exporter
9325 oVirt Exporter
9326 JunOS Exporter [alternative]
9327 S3 Exporter
9328 OpenLDAP syncrepl Exporter
9329 CUPS Exporter
9330 OpenLDAP Metrics Exporter
9331 influx-spout Prometheus Metrics
9332 Network Exporter
9333 Vault PKI Exporter
9334 Ejabberd exporter
9335 nexsan exporter
9336 Mediacom Internet Usage Exporter
9337 mqttgateway
9338 cAdvisor (Container Advisor) alternate port
9339 AWS S3 Exporter
9340 (Financial) Quotes Exporter
9341 slurm exporter
9342 FRR Exporter
9343 GridServer Exporter
9344 MQTT Exporter
9345 Ruckus SmartZone Exporter
9346 Ping Exporter
9347 Junos Exporter
9348 BigQuery Exporter
9349 Configurable Elasticsearch query exporter
9350 ThousandEyes Exporter
9351 Wal-e/wal-g exporter
9352 Nature Remo Exporter
9353 Ceph Exporter
9354 Deluge Exporter
9355 Nightwatch.js Exporter / Redis Sentinel Exporter
9356 Pacemaker Exporter
9357 P1 Exporter
9358 Performance Counters Exporter
9359 Sidekiq Prometheus
9360 PowerShell Exporter
9361 Scaleway SD Exporter
9362 Cisco Exporter
9363 ClickHouse
9364 Continent8 Exporter
9365 Cumulus Linux Exporter
9366 HAProxy Stick Table Exporter
9367 teamspeak3_exporter
9368 Ethereum Client Exporter
9369 Prometheus PushProx
9370 u-bmc
9371 conntrack-stats-exporter
9372 AppMetrics/Prometheus
9373 GCP Service Discovery
9374 "Smokeping" prober"
9375 Particle Exporter
9376 falco-exporter (deprecated)
9377 Cisco ACI Exporter
9378 etcd gRPC Proxy Exporter
9379 etcd Exporter
9380 MythTV Exporter
9381 Kafka ZooKeeper Exporter
9382 FRRouting Exporter
9383 AWS Health Exporter
9384 AWS SQS Exporter
9385 apcupsdexporter
9386 httpd-exporter
9386 Tankerkönig API Exporter
9387 SABnzbd Exporter
9388 Linode Exporter
9389 Scylla-Cluster-Tests Exporter
9390 Kannel Exporter
9391 Concourse Prometheus Metrics
9392 Generic Command Line Output Exporter
9393 Patroni Exporter
9393 Alertmanager Github Webhook Receiver
9394 Ruby Prometheus Exporter
9395 LDAP Exporter
9396 Monerod Exporter
9397 COMAP
9398 Open Hardware Monitor Exporter
9399 Prometheus SQL Exporter
9400 RIPE Atlas Exporter
9401 1-Wire Exporter
9402 Google Cloud Platform Exporter
9403 Zerto Exporter
9404 JMX Exporter
9405 Discourse Exporter
9406 HHVM Exporter
9407 OBS Studio Exporter
9408 RDS Enhanced Monitoring Exporter
9409 ovn-kubernetes Master Exporter
9410 ovn-kubernetes Node Exporter
9411 SoftEther Exporter
9412 Sentry Exporter
9413 MogileFS Exporter
9414 Homey Exporter
9415 cloudwatch_read_adapter
9416 HP iLO Metrics Exporter
9417 Ethtool Exporter
9418 Gearman Exporter
9419 RabbitMQ Exporter
9420 Couchbase Exporter
9421 APIcast
9422 jolokia_exporter
9423 HP RAID Exporter, prometheus-smartraid-exporter
9424 InfluxDB Stats Exporter
9425 Pachyderm Exporter
9426 Vespa engine exporter
9427 Ping Exporter
9428 SSH Exporter
9429 Uptimerobot Exporter
9430 CoreRAD
9431 Hpfeeds broker Exporter
9432 Windows perflib exporter
9433 Knot exporter
9434 OpenSIPS exporter
9435 eBPF exporter
9436 nshttpd/mikrotik-exporter, swoga/mikrotik-exporter
9437 Dell EMC Isilon Exporter
9438 Dell EMC ECS Exporter
9439 Bitcoind exporter
9440 RavenDB Exporter
9441 Nomad Exporter
9442 Mcrouter Exporter
9443 Napalm Logs Exporter
9444 FoundationDB Exporter
9445 NVIDIA GPU Exporter
9446 Orange Livebox DSL modem Exporter
9447 Resque Exporter
9448 EventStore Exporter
9449 OMERO.server Exporter
9450 Habitat Exporter
9451 Reindexer Exporter
9451 Starlink Exporter
9452 FreeBSD Jail Exporter
9453 midonet-kubernetes
9454 NVIDIA SMI Exporter
9455 iptables Exporter
9456 AWS Lambda Exporter
9457 Files Content Exporter
9458 Rocket.Chat Exporter
9459 Yarn Exporter
9460 HANA Exporter
9461 AWS Lambda read adapter
9462 PHP OPcache Exporter
9463 Virgin Media/Liberty Global Hub3 Exporter
9464 OpenTelemetry Node.js Prometheus Metric Exporter
9465 Hetzner Cloud k8s Cloud Controller Manager
9466 MQTT push gateway
9467 nginx-prometheus-shiny-exporter
9468 nasa-swpc-exporter
9469 script_exporter
9470 cachet_exporter
9471 lxc-exporter
9472 Hetzner Cloud CSI Driver (Controller)
9473 stellar-core-exporter
9474 libvirtd_exporter
9475 wgipamd
9476 immugw exporter
9476 OVN Metrics Exporter
9477 immuclient exporter
9477 CSP Violation Report exporter
9478 Sentinel exporter
9479 Elasticbeat exporter (filebeat, metricbeat, packetbeat, etc...)
9480 Brigade exporter
9481 DRBD9 exporter
9482 Vector Packet Process (VPP) exporter
9483 IBM App Connect Enterprise exporter
9484 kubedex-exporter
9485 Emarsys exporter
9486 Domoticz exporter
9487 Docker Stats exporter
9488 BMW Connected Drive exporter
9489 Tezos node metrics exporter
9490 Exporter for Docker Libnetwork Plugin for OVN
9491 Docker Container Stats exporter (docker ps)
9492 Azure Exporter (Monitor and Usage)
9493 ProSAFE Exporter
9494 Kamailio Exporter
9495 Ingestor Exporter
9496 389ds/IPA Exporter
9497 ImmuDB exporter
9498 tp-link HS110 exporter
9499 Smartthings exporter
9500 Cassandra exporter
9501 HetznerCloud exporter
9502 Hetzner exporter
9503 Scaleway exporter
9504 GitHub exporter
9505 DockerHub exporter
9506 Jenkins exporter
9507 ownCloud exporter
9508 ccache exporter
9509 Hetzner Storagebox exporter
9510 Dummy Exporter
9511 IIS Log Exporter
9512 Cloudera exporter
9513 OpenConfig Streaming Telemetry Exporter
9514 App Stores exporter (Google Play & Itunes)
9515 swarm-exporter
9516 Prometheus Speedtest Exporter (or prometheus-speedtest-exporter in Rust)
9517 Matroschka Prober
9518 Crypto Stock Exchange's Funds Exporter
9519 Acurite Exporter
9520 Swift Health Exporter
9521 Ruuvi exporter
9522 TFTP Exporter
9523 3CX Exporter
9524 loki_exporter
9525 Alibaba Cloud Exporter
9526 kafka_lag_exporter
9527 Netgear Cable Modem Exporter
9528 Total Connect Comfort Exporter
9528 Prusalink Exporter
9529 Octoprint exporter
9530 Custom Prometheus Exporter
9531 JFrog Artifactory Exporter
9532 Snyk exporter
9533 Network Exporter for Cisco API
9534 Humio exporter
9535 Cron Exporter
9536 IPsec exporter
9537 CRI-O
9538 Bull Queue
9539 Dedibox Exporter
9539 ModemManager exporter
9540 EMQ exporter
9541 smartmon_exporter
9542 SakuraCloud exporter
9543 Kube2IAM exporter
9544 pgio exporter
9545 HP iLo4 Exporter
9546 pwrstat-exporter
9547 Patroni exporter / Kea Exporter
9548 trafficserver exporter
9549 raspberry exporter
9550 rtl_433 exporter
9551 hostapd exporter
9552 Alpine apk exporter
9552 AWS Elastic Beanstalk Exporter
9553 Apt exporter
9554 ACC Server Manager Exporter
9555 SONA exporter
9556 routinator exporter
9557 mysql count exporter
9558 systemd exporter
9559 ntp exporter
9560 SQL queries exporter
9561 qBittorrent exporter
9562 PTV xServer exporter
9563 Kibana exporter
9564 PurpleAir exporter
9565 Bminer exporter
9566 RabbitMQ CLI Consumer
9567 Alertsnitch
9568 Dell PowerEdge IPMI exporter
9569 HVPA Controller
9570 VPA Exporter
9571 Helm Exporter
9572 ctld exporter
9573 JKStatus Exporter
9574 opentracker Exporter
9575 PowerAdmin Server Monitor Exporter
9576 ExaBGP Exporter
9577 Syslog-NG Exporter
9578 aria2 Exporter
9579 iPerf3 Exporter
9580 Azure Service Bus Exporter
9581 CodeNotary vcn Exporter
9582 Logentries/Rapid7 Exporter
9583 Signatory a remote operation signer for Tezos
9584 BunnyCDN exporter
9585 Opvizor Performance Analyzer process exporter
9586 WireGuard exporter: Rust (wg(8)), Go (native)
9587 nfs-ganesha exporter
9588 ltsv-tailer exporter
9589 goflow exporter
9590 Flow Exporter
9591 SRCDS Exporter
9592 GCP Quota Exporter
9593 Lighthouse Exporter
9594 Plex Exporter
9595 Netio Exporter
9596 Azure Elastic SQL Exporter
9597 GitHub Vulnerability Alerts Exporter
9598 Vector Logs & Metrics Router Exporter
9599 Pirograph Exporter, Liquidsoap
9600 CircleCI Exporter
9601 MessageBird Exporter
9602 Modbus Exporter
9603 Xen Exporter (using xenlight)
9604 XMPP Blackbox Exporter
9605 fping-exporter
9606 ecr-exporter
9607 Raspberry Pi Sense HAT Exporter
9608 Ironic Prometheus Exporter
9609 netapp exporter
9610 kubernetes_exporter
9611 speedport_exporter
9612 GitHub Exporter
9613 Azure Health Exporter
9614 NUT upsc Exporter
9615 Mellanox mlx5 Exporter
9616 Mailgun Exporter
9617 PI-Hole Exporter
9618 stellar-account-exporter
9619 stellar-horizon-exporter
9620 rundeck_exporter
9621 OpenNebula exporter
9622 BMC exporter
9623 TC4400 exporter
9624 Pact Broker Exporter
9625 Bareos Exporter
9626 hockeypuck
9627 Artifactory Exporter
9628 Solace PubSub+ Exporter
9629 Prometheus GitLab notifier
9630 nftables exporter or FreeBSD pfctl Exporter
9631 A OP5 Monitor exporter
9632 Belkin Wemo Insight exporter (WIP) or certmonger exporter
9633 smartctl exporter
9634 Aerospike ttl exporter
9635 Fail2Ban Exporter
9635 PuppetDB Exporter
9636 Exim4 Exporter
9637 KubeVersion Exporter
9638 A Icinga2 exporter
9639 Tinkerforge Brickd Exporter
9639 Scriptable JMX Exporter
9640 Logstash Output Exporter
9641 MQTT2Prometheus
9641 CoTURN exporter
9642 Bugsnag Exporter
9643 Cisco ACI exporter
9644 Exporter for grouped process
9645 Burp exporter
9646 Locust Exporter
9647 Docker Exporter
9648 NTPmon exporter
9649 Logstash Exporter
Logstash Pipeline Exporter
9650 Keepalived Exporter
9651 Storj Exporter
9652 Praefect Exporter
9653 Jira Issues Exporter
9654 Kuryr-Kubernetes Controller
9654 Ansible Galaxy Exporter
9655 Kuryr-Kubernetes CNI
9655 kube-netc Exporter
9656 Matrix
9657 Krill exporter
9658 SAP Hana SQL Exporter
9659 ECS task metadata exporter
9659 Absent Metrics Operator
9660 Kaiterra Laser Egg Exporter
9661 Hashpipe Exporter
9662 PMS5003 Particulate Matter Sensor Exporter
9663 SAP NWRFC Exporter
9664 Linux HA ClusterLabs exporter
9665 Senderscore Exporter / Juniper Junos Exporter
9666 Alertmanager Silences Exporter
9667 SMTPD Exporter
9668 SUSE's SAP HANA Exporter
9669 panopticon native metrics
9670 flare native metrics
9671 AWS EC2 Spot Exporter
9672 AirControl CO2 Exporter
9673 CO2 Monitor Exporter
9674 Google Analytics Exporter
9675 Docker Swarm Exporter
9676 Hetzner Traffic Exporter
9677 AWS ECS Exporter
9678 IRCd user exporter
9679 AWS Health Exporter
9680 SUSE's SAP Host Exporter
9681 MyFitnessPal Exporter
9682 Powder Monkey
9683 Infiniband Exporter
9684 Kibana Standalone Exporter
9685 Eideticom NoLoad Metric Exporter
9686 AWS EC2 Exporter
9687 Gitaly Blackbox Exporter
9688 BigBlueButton Exporter: Go, Python
9689 LAN Server Modbus Exporter
9690 TCP Longterm Connection Exporter
9691 Celery/Redis Exporter
9692 GCP GCE Exporter
9693 Sigma Air Manager Exporter
9694 Per-User usage Exporter for Cisco XE LNSs
9695 CIFS Exporter
9696 PagerDuty Exporter
9697 Tendermint Blockchain Exporter
9698 Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) Exporter
9699 Pyncette Exporter
9700 Jitsi Meet Exporter
9701 Workbook exporter
9702 HomePlug PLC exporter
9703 Vircadia
9704 Linux TC exporter
9705 UPC Connect Box Exporter
9706 Postfix exporter
9706 AWS EFA exporter
9707 Radarr exporter
9708 Sonarr exporter
9709 float_exporter
9709 Hadoop HDFS FSImage Exporter
9710 fortigate_exporter as well as nut-exporter
9711 Cloudflare Flan Scan report exporter
9712 Siemens S7 PLC exporter
9713 GlusterFS Exporter
9714 Fritzbox exporter
9715 TwinCAT ADS Web Service exporter
9716 Signald webhook receiver
9717 TPLink EasySmart Switch Exporter
9718 Warp10 Exporter
9719 Pgpool-II Exporter
9720 Moodle DB Exporter
9721 GTP Exporter
9722 TfL Cycles Exporter
9723 OpenVPN AAD Authenticator
9724 FreeSWITCH Exporter
9725 sunnyboy_exporter
9726 Python RQ Exporter
9727 CTDB Exporter
9728 NGINX-RTMP Exporter
9729 libvirtd_exporter
9730 lynis_exporter
9731 Nebula Exporter (unified exporter for broadcasters)
9732 nftables_exporter
9733 honeypot_exporter
9734 A10-Networks Prometheus Exporter
9735 WebWeaver
9736 MongoDB Query Exporter
9737 Folding@home Exporter
9738 Processor Counter Monitor Exporter
9739 Kafka Consumer Lag Monitoring
9740 flightdeck
9741 IBM Spectrum Exporter
9742 Nature Remo E series Exporter
9742 transmission-exporter
9743 sma-exporter
9744 NSX-T Exporter
9744 Waveplus Radon Sensor Exporter
9745 Cryptowat Exporter
9746 supercronic
9747 TED5000 Energy monitor exporter
9747 spectrum_virtualize_exporter
9747 StatusPage Exporter
9748 cloudstats_exporter
9749 Maddy Mail Server metrics endpoint
9750 c-lightning prometheus exporter
9751 OpenRCT2 Prometheus Exporter
9752 VMWare VC Exporter
9753 Alertmanager Exporter
9754 Libreswan IPsec Traffic Exporter
9755 OpenWeatherMap Exporter [alternative with support for the Air Pollution API]
9756 GitHub API rate limit Exporter
9756 sma-inverter-exporter
9757 Intel® Optane™ PMCE Exporter (aka. IPMCTL Exporter)
9758 SUSE Saptune exporter
9759 AWS Subnet Exporter
9760 VEEAM AHVProxy Exporter
9761 SML Exporter
9762 Neon Service Standard Exporter
9763 Synology ActiveBackup Exporter
9764 Mercure
9765 SGX exporter
9766 DockerHub Rate-Limit Exporter
9767 FreeBSD RCTL Exporter
9768 DockerHub Ratelimit Exporter
9769 Altaro Backup Exporter
9770 Hilink exporter, exporter
9771 Synology Backup Exporter
9772 NJmon Exporter
9773 Philips Hue Exporter
9773 SHA Exporter
9774 MP707 exporter
9775 GitLab CI Server Exporter
9776 alertmanager-filter
9777 ufiber-exporter
9778 Octopus Energy Exporter
9779 Kubernetes Summary Exporter
9780 Hitron CODA Cable Modem Exporter (or Sagemcom F@st Exporter)
9781 TCP traceroute exporter
9782 RabbitMQ cluster operator
9783 ServerTech Exporter
9784 Shelly Exporter
9785 Pathvector
9786 ArvanCloud exporter
9787 fritzbox_exporter
9788 T-Rex NVIDIA GPU Miner Exporter
9789 Lagerist Disk latency exporter
9790 Sentry Exporter to collect issues & events metrics from your projects
9791 openhab_exporter
9792 smartrg808ac_exporter
9793 X.509 Certificate Exporter
9794 Lenovo XClarity Exporter or OpenOTP Exporter
9795 Prometheus Eaton UPS Exporter
9796 alertdog webhook
9797 dmarc-metrics-exporter
9798 slurm-job-exporter
9799 prommsd - Prometheus Monitoring Safety Device; alert roundtrip tester
9800 Akamai Global Traffic Management Metrics Exporter
9801 Akamai Edge DNS Traffic Exporter
9802 blackbox websocket exporter
9803 site24x7 Exporter
9804 gnmic gNMI CLI Client and Collector
9805 traceroute exporter
9806 mpd exporter
9807 Sunspec Solar Energy Exporter
9808 Celery Exporter
9809 ct-exporter
9810 rtrtr exporter
9811 zrepl internal exporter
9812 FreeRADIUS exporter
9813 IBM MQ Appliance exporter
9814 strongSwan/IPSec/vici Exporter
9815 Asterisk Exporter
9816 openrc-exporter
9817 Starlink Exporter (SpaceX)
9818 Time Exporter
9819 puppet-agent-exporter
9820 Christ Elektronik CLM5IP Exporter
9821 cgroups_exporter
9822 Meraki dashboard data exporter using API
9823 Grafana Alerts Exporter
9824 Chia Node Exporter
9825 Helium miner (validator) exporter
9826 CraftBeerPi exporter
9827 Jenkins node status exporter
9828 4D Server exporter
9829 Helium hotspot exporter
9830 IPTables/NFTables exporter
9831 RctMon - RCT Inverter metrics extractor
9832 P1Exporter - Dutch Electricity Smart Meter Exporter
9833 Graylog Server Exporter
9834 Jarvis Standing Desk Exporter
9835 Nvidia GPU Exporter (utkuozdemir)
9836 JetBrains Floating License Server Exporter
9837 Steam Exporter (A2S_INFO)
9838 Halon exporter
9839 What Active Users Exporter
9840 Kafka Connect exporter
9841 A2S Exporter
9842 Butler SOS (Qlik Sense monitoring tool) Exporter
9843 Butler (Qlik Sense DevOps toolbox) Exporter. WIP
9843 Butler CW (Qlik Sense cache warming tool) Exporter. WIP
9844 8430FT Exporter
9845 LVM exporter
9846 Cluster Exporter
9847 StayRTR Exporter
9848 Pimoroni Enviro and Enviro+ environmental monitoring sensor exporter
9849 modbusrtu_exporter
9850 Monnit Sensors MQTT Exporter WIP
9851 SCTP Exporter
9852 Starwind vSAN Exporter
9853 JDBC Exporter
9854 pgBackRest Exporter
9855 Prow Exporter
9856 iRODS Exporter
9857 Bobcat Exporter
9858 Sysload Exporter
9859 Tesla Wall Connector Exporter
9860 Noether Exporter
9861 IQair Exporter
9862 sensatronics_exporter
9863 Zulip Exporter
9864 Radio Thermostat Exporter
9865 Alamos FE2 Exporter
9866 rtrmon (separate deamon in stayrtr repo)
9867 nfs-subdir-external-provisioner-exporter
9868 CVMFS exporter
9869 Clash Prometheus Exporter
9870 Siebel Exporter
9871 Tesla Powerwall Exporter
9872 File Exporter
9873 MQ Exporter
9874 Personal Weather Station Exporter
9875 OTRS Exporter
9876 energomera-exporter Energomera's electricity meter exporter
9877 Clash exporter
9878 Prometheus Relay Exporter
9879 Prometheus VMware ESXi exporter yet to be updated PR
9880 lanstats_exporter
9881 RADIUS exporter
9882 PODMAN exporter
9883 Prometheus HTML exporter (under development)
9884 Borg backup exporter
9885 Tesla exporter
9886 RouterOS exporter
9887 Salicru EQX inverter
9888 Volume Exporter
9889 CloudVector MicroSensor Exporter
9890 Weaponry pgSCV for PostgreSQL environments
9891 Dell/EMC XtremIO Exporter
9892 Pimoroni Enviro+ Exporter
9893 SONiC Exporter
9894 Opflex-agent Exporter
9895 Opflex-server Exporter
9896 py-air-control Air Quality Exporter
9897 Kubernetes Cloud Cost Exporter
9898 FreeBSD NFS Exporter
9899 Kafka Configs Metrics Exporter
9900 NVMe Exporter
9901 Envoy proxy, since v1.7.0 (doc)
9902 Andrews & Arnold line status exporter
9903 strongswan/libreswan IPsec stats exporter
9904 haraka exporter
9905 MongoDB Atlas exporter
9906 ClamAV daemon stats exporter
9907 Postfix stats exporter
9908 BorgBase exporter
9909 Aruba Exporter
9909 NetMeter Exporter
9910 anynode Exporter
9911 Zeek
9912 Azure App Secrets monitor
9913 Nginx VTS Exporter
9914 Chia Exporter
9915 Powerpal Exporter
9916 Dependency-Track Exporter
9917 Suricata Exporter
9918 Shelly Plug Exporter
9919 zedhook
9920 ddwrt-collector
9921 Hasura Exporter
9922 samba_exporter
9923 YOURLS exporter
9924 Systemd Resolved Exporter
9925 Statuspage exporter
9926 Ceph exporter
9927 Nagios exporter
9928 bpftrace exporter
9929 ThirdAI exporter
9930 OpenROADM NETCONF Exporter WIP
9931 VSCode Exporter
9932 Tezos Node Exporter
9933 Patroni Exporter
9934 Zyxel GS1200 Exporter
9935 Onionprobe
9936 LiteSpeed Ingress Controller
9937 Vault Assessment Prometheus Exporter
9938 Hitron CGNV4 exporter
9939 IBM Z CEX Device Plugin Prometheus Exporter
9940 minecraft-prometheus-exporter
9941 huawei-lte-exporter
9942 DRBD exporter via drbd-reactor
9943 FileStat Exporter
9944 NFSv4 server exporter
9945 jbod - Generic storage enclosure tool
9946 Shelly 3EM Exporter
9947 Emporia Smart Devices Exporter
9948 nextdns-exporter
9949 TACACS Exporter
9950 Raritan PDU Exporter
9951 PVE Node Discovery
9952 Chia Price Exporter
9953 Spacelift Exporter
9954 CMON Exporter
9955 Cloudkeeper metrics exporter
9956 Cloudkeeper worker exporter
9957 Solar logging stick exporter
9958 HDSentinel Exporter
9959 Authelia
9960 Solanteq SOLAR
9961 Speedify Exporter
9962 Cilium Agent
9963 Cilium Operator
9964 Cilium Proxy
9965 Hubble
9966 OpenVAS exporter
9967 clamscan-exporter
9968 vertica-prometheus-exporter
9969 poudriere exporter
9970 UnifiedMetrics (0.4.x+)
9971 AMD SMI Exporter
9972 SRS (v5.0.67+)
9973 Excel Exporter
9974 Meilisearch Exporter
9975 ntpd-rs and iowatcher-ng Exporter
9976 Apple Time Machine Exporter
9977 VMware vROps exporter
9978 gpsd exporter
9979 sfptpd exporter
9979 ElastAlert 2
9980 Login Exporter
9981 TP-Link P110 Exporter
9982 Traefik
9983 Sia Exporter
9984 CouchDB exporter
9985 BungeeCord Prometheus Exporter
9986 EOS exporter
9987 NetApp Solidfire Exporter
9988 Ping Identity Exporter
9989 Google Cloud Status Dashboard exporter
9990 Wildfly Exporter
9991 AuthLog Exporter
9992 Lutron QS/Homeworks Exporter
9993 Sense Energy exporter
9994 Checkpoint exporter
9995 Disk usage exporter and NUT exporter
9996 NVML exporter
9997 sockstat exporter
9998 ARM HWCPipe Exporter
9999 Exporter exporter

Please look for open ports on this list (Ctrl+F "FREE") before adding a new port. Thanks!

If you do not have a public repository with working code or you do not intend to immediately begin work on a project, please do not allocate a port.

Add new exporters above. If there's a gap try to fill it, otherwise add 1 to the last entry.

Exporters outside of the standard port ranges:

Port Exporter
8000 CXP (Resource-friendly Docker Container Exporter for Prometheus) +45 Stars
2112 Tetragon
2223 Inspektor Gadget
3105 Solis Exporter
3903 mtail
4040 prometheus-nginxlog-exporter
5006 Neptune Fusion Apex Exporter
5555 prometheus-jdbc-exporter, any Java DB driver
6060 Crowdsec Exporter
7100 Scraparr
7300 MidoNet agent
7355 CS:GO Exporter
8765 Falco
8080 cAdvisor (Container Advisor) / Traefik
8082 trickster
8088 Fawkes
8089 prom2teams
8292 Phabricator webhook for Alertmanager
8404 HA Proxy (v2+)
9001 freeRouter exporter
9042 rds_exporter
9043 prometheus-rds-exporter
9045 Prometheus Alertecho
9087 Telegram bot for Alertmanager
9097 JIRAlert
9099 SNMP Trapper
9100 - 9999 see standard port range above!
10001 justmysocks_exporter
10002 Lemmy
10003 ecowater_prometheus_exporter
10004 openziti_exporter
10005 Digicert Exporter
10006 Qsys Exporter
10007 Time of Use Exporter
10008 Ceph NVMe-oF Exporter
10009 Shelly Plus Plug Exporter
10010 Herpstat SpyderWeb Exporter
10011 Shelly Pro 3 EM Exporter
10012 dmarc_srg_exporter
10013 tilekiln
10014 Radiator
10015 Kiwi Warmer Exporter
10016 Twelve Data Exporter
10017 IBM Security Verify Access / Security Access Manager
10018 Repquota disk quota information
10019 Proxmox Backup Server Exporter
10020 Youtube Exporter
10021 pmacct-exporter
10022 Shelly Plus 1 PM Exporter
10023 fishymetrics
10024 Shelly Plus PM Mini Exporter
10025 Bsky Firehose Exporter
10026 mcexport (Minecraft Probing Exporter)
10027 osm2pgsql-replication (osm2pgsql replication)
10028 Shelly EM Exporter
10029 rasdaemon Exporter
10030 dcexport (Discord Guild Exporter)
10031 OpenCTI Exporter
10032 Self Service Portal Exporter
10080 UNALLOCATED (To avoid collision with Amanda and blocked by web browsers
10100 aws_quota_exporter
10101 Prometheus Android Exporter
10200 Hardware Observer Operator
10201 Hangfire exporter
10998 E3DC Power Management System Exporter
11111 Foreman Exporter
11112 Threshold Exporter
12345 journald-exporter
15692 rabbitmq_prometheus
15353 dns_exporter
15693 silverpeak-prometheus
16995 Storidge exporter
17871 qBittorrent Exporter
18899 Solana Wallet Exporter
19091 Transmission Exporter
19854 gpbackup Exporter
19999 Netdata
24231 Fluent Plugin for Prometheus
28272 Nagios Check Exporter
29091 Simple Transmission Exporter
30042 Prefect2 Prometheus Exporter
36123 Homebridge Prometheus Exporter
36333 Prometheus Weathermen
39100 Open Telekom Cloud Prometheus Exporter
42004 ProxySQL exporter
44322 Performance Co-Pilot exporter
44323 PCP exporter
61091 DCOS exporter


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