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Prometheus custom_exporter


This project is aimed to retrieve specific metrics that can't be found in dedicated exporters.


This exporter work with a dedicated config’s file that’s contain all needed metrics.

Each dedicated metrics will use a collector to access to data and a custom commands list that's will be run into this collector. The final command must expose a ready to be parsed result set to extract metric value and tags value. A mapping config allows to specify the tags included otherwise, only last data on each row or record will be extract.

A collector is define by his name and include the type (bash, mysql ...) and credential (data source name, user, password, uri ...).

The dedicated metrics are exposed with a prefix "custom" and the name of this metrics extract from the config file.

How it's work

The main process will load the config file and will register a dedicated collector into Prometheus client framework for each metrics. Each metric is composed of a collector helper who's include a specific type collector defined into the config file

On each call to the metrics path of the exporter (i.e., the main process will call each registered Prometheus collectors in multithreading and grab all results to expose them to the caller.

If a metrics is not available (errors on running command, result empty ...) a minimal result will be exposing. When this metric’s commands rise up, the result will appear. If the config of a metrics is not well defined, the metrics will be not registered into the main process. If no metrics are registered, the main process will exit with an error status.

Build from source

Requirement : go version >= 1.13 (using go mod)

To build from source, a makefile is available in the repos, so the easiest build process is :

go get -u
cd $GOPATH/src/


or building with promu tools:

go get -u
cd $GOPATH/src/


go get -u
cd $GOPATH/src/

$GOPATH/bin/promu build --prefix $GOPATH/bin

Note: a bosh release for cloudfoundry is available at github


The configuration is split in 2 separate parts:

  • credentials: provide credentials an data type to the custom export.
  • metrics: provide commands that are to be run to retrieve metrics and key-value mapping


The credential section is composed at least as:

  • name: name of the credential
  • type: collector type (one of existing collector : redis, mysql, bash, ...). If the type is not understand the metrics connected to this credential will be ignored

This other options depends of collectors:

Option Name Description Collector
dsn the DSN (Data Source Name) is an URL like string usually use to connect to database mysql, redis
user the user to run command in shell process bash

The DSN form example for each collector:

* mysql: driver://user:password@protocol(addr:port|[addr_ip_v6]:port|socket)/database
* redis: protocol://<empty>:password@host:port/database


The metrics section is composed at least as:

  • name: name of the metrics
  • commands: list of command to run to retrieve the metrics tags and value
  • credential: the credential's name to use in this metrics (cannot be null : collector type is include in the credential)
  • value_type: the prometheus value type (COUNTER, GAUGE, UNTYPED)

This others options are optionals:

Option Name Description Collector
mapping the list of tags to be found in result set all
separator the separator used in some collector like bash bash
value_name the name of the metric value key who's be found in result of command redis

Manifest & result examples

First example


  - name: mysql_credential_tcp
    type: mysql 
    dsn: mysql://user:password@tcp(
  - name: mysql_credential_socket
    type: mysql 
    dsn: mysql://user:password@unix(/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock)/database_name
  - name: shell_credential
    type: bash
    user: root
  - name: redis_credential
    type: redis
    dsn: tcp://:[email protected]:1234/0
  - name: node_database_size_bytes
    - find /var/vcap/store/mysql/ -type d -name cf* -exec du -sb {} ;
    - sed -ne s/^\([0-9]\+\)\t\(\/var\/vcap\/store\/mysql\/\)\(.*\)$/\3 \1/p
    credential: shell_credential
    - database
    separator: ' '
    value_type: UNTYPED
  - name: node_database_provisioning_bytes
    - select db_name,max_storage_mb*1024*1024 FROM mysql_broker.service_instances;
    credential: mysql_credential
    - database
    value_type: UNTYPED
  - name: node_redis_info
    credential: redis_credential
    - role
    value_name: value
    value_type: UNTYPED

Results returned in the custom exporter

[08:53:09] BOSH MySQL ~ # curl -s | grep -i 'node_database'
# HELP node_database_provisioning_bytes Metric read from /var/vcap/jobs/node_exporter/config/database_provisioning.prom
# TYPE node_database_provisioning_bytes untyped
custom_node_database_provisioning_bytes{database="cf_74df5b8f_e7fe_4151_8ec3_741296d42fbc"} 1.048576e+09
custom_node_database_provisioning_bytes{database="cf_d7161ef3_e6fc_4a05_9631_834525f0f7ba"} 1.048576e+09
custom_node_database_provisioning_bytes{database="cf_fa61054d_5c08_4734_a31e_4f2e6065897b"} 1.048576e+08
# HELP node_database_size_bytes Metric read from /var/vcap/jobs/node_exporter/config/database_size.prom
# TYPE node_database_size_bytes untyped
custom_node_database_size_bytes{database="cf_74df5b8f_e7fe_4151_8ec3_741296d42fbc"} 4157
custom_node_database_size_bytes{database="cf_d7161ef3_e6fc_4a05_9631_834525f0f7ba"} 4157
custom_node_database_size_bytes{database="cf_fa61054d_5c08_4734_a31e_4f2e6065897b"} 4157

Another example


  - name: mysql_connector
    type: mysql ##Possible types are for the moment shell mysql redis
    dsn: mysql://root:[email protected]:1234/mydb
  - name: custom_metric
    - 1
    - 2
    - 3
    credential: mysql_connector
    - tag1
    - tag2
    value_type: UNTYPED
    separator: \t #useless for MySQL but can be usefull for shell

Result example (MySQL view)

|  1 | chicken | 128 |
|  2 | beef | 256 |
|  3 | snails | 14 | 

Result example (Exporter view)

custom_metric{tag1="1",tag2="chicken",instance="ip:port",job="custom_exporter"}  128
custom_metric{tag1="2",tag2="beef",instance="ip:port",job="custom_exporter"}  256
custom_metric{tag1="3",tag2="snails",instance="ip:port",job="custom_exporter"}  14

Port binding

According to we will use TCP/9209

WIP : Working schema
