email: [email protected]
The NCBI SARS-CoV-2 Variant Calling (SC2VC) Pipeline is a collection of snakemake workflows that allows calling high-confidence variants from SARS-CoV-2 NGS data in a standardized format. An overview for the pipeline is available here.
Results are available via following NCBI resources: NCBI SARS-COV-2 at AWS, NCBI SARS-COV-2 at GCP
Also, available as: Weekly ACTIV-TRACE reports
- Wrapper script to run workflow:
- Reference sequence and snpEff databases:
- toolbox/static/reference/
- toolbox/static/snpEff/
Following third party tools assumed to be installed in user environment:
- samtools:
- htslib
- samtools
- bcftools
- mummer
- snpEff
- trimmomatic
- minimap2
- SRA-toolkit
- Picard
- medaka
- hisat2
- vcftools
For the comprehensive list of tools used and their versions, please refer to Dockerfile
Pipeline expect reference sequence to be indexed, to create these indexes please run
gatk CreateSequenceDictionary -R toolbox/static/reference/NC_045512.2.fa
samtools faidx toolbox/static/reference/NC_045512.2.fa
gatk IndexFeatureFile --input toolbox/static/reference/NC_045512.2.known_sites.vcf
hisat2-build toolbox/static/reference/NC_045512.2.fa toolbox/static/reference/NC_045512.2.fa --platform --accession|--list [--instrument] [--conf] [--workdir] [--help]
--platform: platform, choices = [illumina, ont, pacbio, genbank], default = illumina
--instrument: applicable to ONT platform only, use with single accession option, default = PromethION
--accession: single accession, optional, either --accession or --list must be specified
--list: file with accession list, optional, either --accession or --list must be specified
NOTE: ONT file list is expected to have at least two columns: <acc> <instrument>
--conf: optional custom configfile to override default
--workdir: optional working directory, default = ./workdir
--help: to display this help
toolbox/workflow/ --accession SRR21830388 # in case of using docker image /pipelines/toolbox/workflow/ --accession SRR21830388 --conf /pipelines/toolbox/workflow/extra.config.yaml
toolbox/workflow/ --accession SRR15965069 --platform ont --instrument GridION
- PacBio
toolbox/workflow/ --accession SRR14895419 --platform pacbio