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Prometheus metrics exporter for the GitHub API rate limits

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Prometheus exporter for GitHub API rate limits written in Go. Allows for exporting scanning data into Prometheus by scraping the GitHub API for rate limit information. Note that the endpoint used does not count in the rate limiter, ie. running the exporter does put additional load on the API usage.


Several pre-compiled binaries are available from the releases page.

A docker image is also available on our registry.

docker run --github.user octocat=<access token for user>


Provide a GitHub user name and access token to exporter limits based on that user (it is possible to provide multiple users). If you omit these fields the limits are based on unauthenticated requests. These are limited by the calling IP address.

To create a personal access token follow official documentation on Creating a personal access token .

It exposes prometheus metrics on / on port 9532 (can be configured).

github-ratelimit-exporter --github.user octocat=<access token for user>

See all configuration options with the --help flag

$ github-ratelimit-exporter --help
Usage of github-ratelimit-exporter:
      --github.url string                   URL for GitHub rate limit API (default "")
      --github.user username=access-token   GitHub users to get rate limits for. Repeat flag for multiple users. (default [  ])
      --log.development                     Log in human readable format
      --log.level Level                     Logging level. Available values are 'debug', 'info', 'error' (default info)
      --web.listen-address string           HTTP server address exposing Prometheus metrics (default "")
      --web.request-read-timeout duration   HTTP server read request timeout (default 5s)
      --web.shutdown-timeout duration       HTTP server graceful shutdown timeout. Set to 0 to disable shutdown timeout (default 10s)


The exporter can be build using the standard Go tool chain if you have it available.

go build

You can build inside a Docker image as well. This produces a github-ratelimit-exporter image that can run with the binary as entry point.

docker build -t github-ratelimit-exporter .

This is useful if the exporter is to be depoyled in Kubernetes or other dockerized environments.

Here is an example of running the exporter locally.

$ docker run -p 9756:9756 github-ratelimit-exporter:latest --github.user octocat=<access token for user> --log.development=true
2020-10-06T20:13:10.714Z	info	src/main.go:85	Starting GitHub ratelimit exporter
2020-10-06T20:13:10.715Z	info	src/main.go:86	Listening on: ''
2020-10-06T20:13:10.715Z	info	src/main.go:87	Scrapping: '' for user names [ octocat ]
2020-10-06T20:13:32.174Z	info	src/main.go:130	Getting latest rate limit values for 'octocat'	{"username": "octocat"}
2020-10-06T20:13:35.516Z	info	src/main.go:113	Observing rate limit values: user=octocat resource=core remaining=4839	{"values": {"limit":5000,"remaining":4839,"reset":1602017397}, "username": "octocat", "resource": "core"}
2020-10-06T20:13:35.517Z	info	src/main.go:113	Observing rate limit values: user=octocat resource=search remaining=30	{"values": {"limit":30,"remaining":30,"reset":1602015275}, "username": "octocat", "resource": "search"}
2020-10-06T20:13:35.517Z	info	src/main.go:113	Observing rate limit values: user=octocat resource=graphql remaining=5000	{"values": {"limit":5000,"remaining":5000,"reset":1602018815}, "username": "octocat", "resource": "graphql"}
2020-10-06T20:13:35.517Z	info	src/main.go:113	Observing rate limit values: user=octocat resource=integration_manifest remaining=5000	{"values": {"limit":5000,"remaining":5000,"reset":1602018815}, "username": "octocat", "resource": "integration_manifest"}


To deploy the exporter in Kubernetes, you can find a simple Kubernetes deployment and secret yaml in the examples folder. You have to add your GitHub user access token in the secrets.yaml and the GitHub user that you want to get metrics from in the args section of the deployment.yaml. The examples assumes that you have a namespace in kubernetes named: monitoring.

It further assumes that you have kubernetes service discovery configured for you Prometheus instance and a target that will gather metrics from pods, similar to this:

- job_name: 'kubernetes-pods'
  - role: pod

  - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
    action: keep
    regex: true
  - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
    action: replace
    target_label: __metrics_path__
    regex: (.+)
  - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
    action: replace
    regex: (.+):(?:\d+);(\d+)
    replacement: ${1}:${2}
    target_label: __address__
  - action: labelmap
    regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)

To deploy it to your kubernetes cluster run the following commands:

kubectl apply -f examples/kubernetes.yaml


The project uses Go modules so you need Go version >=1.15 to run it. Run builds and tests with the standard Go tool chain.

go build
go test


This exporter is a fork of marceloalmeida/github-ratelimit-exporter.


Prometheus exporter for GitHub API rate limits








  • Go 94.7%
  • Dockerfile 5.3%