Thank you for downloading pyModis
pyModis is a Python library to download and process MODIS data from NASA server
Copyright Luca Delucchi - 2010-2020
pyModis is licensed under the terms of GNU GPL 2. Read COPYING for more info
For how to compile or install pyModis see INSTALL file.
Some executables are distributed with the library:
- modis_download downloads MODIS data
- modis_download_from_list downloads MODIS data from NASA servers, the names of files to download have to be contained into a text file.
- modis_parse parses the XML file of MODIS data and return some variables
- modis_multiparse parses the XML file of multiple MODIS data and returns the bounding box or writes the XML file with the information of all selected tiles
- modis_mosaic creates the mosaic of multiple MODIS tiles
- modis_convert converts MODIS data from HDF format and Sinusoidal projection to other formats and projections
- modis_quality checks the quality of MODIS data using the QA layer
The logo of pyModis is pyModis.png; it is released under CC-BY-SA and it's distributed with the pyModis library
More info about pyModis at