simple DI container for LastaFlute, forked from Seasar as Java8
private AbcLogic abcLogic;
- Quick component: convention registration, hot reloading (prototype)
- Rich component: flexible manual registration (singleton)
Simple logic in Lasta Di, speed is prior. And following features:
- Small dependencies: Javassit, JTA, Slf4j (only three)
- Lazy Loading: Minimum initialization in (in hot, warm)
Can boot it by example of LastaFlute:
- git clone
- prepare database by *ReplaceSchema at DBFlute client directory 'dbflute_maihamadb'
- compile it by Java8, on e.g. Eclipse or IntelliJ or ... as Maven project
- execute the *main() method of (org.docksidestage.boot) HarborBoot
- access to
and login by user 'Pixy' and password 'sea', and can see debug log at console.
// call at lastaflute-example-harbor/dbflute_maihamadb
// and select replace-schema in displayed menu
...:dbflute_maihamadb ...$ sh
*main() method
public class HarborBoot {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new JettyBoot(8090, "/harbor").asDevelopment().bootAwait();
(English pages have a low count but are increscent...)
Lasta Di forks Seasar, AOP alliance and extends it, thankful wonderful functions.
And also forks S2ClassBuilder (called Redefiner in Lasta Di), provides flexible Di xml.
If the frameworks were not there, no Lasta Di here.
I appreciate every framework.
Not only LastaFlute, Lasta Di is used by:
- RiverWeb:
- S2Robot:
Deeply Thanks!