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A simplified subset of C transpiled into Web Assembly

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C compiler for Web Assembly (c4wa)

This is a compiler from a subset of C language to Web Assembly.

If you're not familiar with Web Assembly, check out Wikipedia article. Web Assembly is a new universal executable format for the Web; it complements more traditional JavaScript for computationally intensive tasks or if there is a need to port to Web existing code written in other languages. Binary Web Assembly files have extension .wasm; throughout this document, WASM is used both as the name for binary Web Assembly format and as a shortcut for Web Assembly.

There are many compilers targeting Web Assembly; see for example a comprehensive list here. Why do we need another one?

Here are some unique features of c4wa :

  • It creates minimalistic well-optimized Web Assembly output without any "glue" to make it work with your application, without any embedded libraries, or any other overhead. This is simply C code translated as efficiently as possible to WASM; nothing more
  • It is out of the box fully compatible with any WASM runtime; there are no dependencies on JavaScript or node
  • It can efficiently utilize WASM linear memory model, making it possible to write applications with full dynamic memory allocation support and still only minimal overhead
  • In addition to binary WASM format, it can output text-based WAT format, which is entirely readable, properly formatted and could be used for better understanding inner workings of the compiler, edited manually, copied to separate WASM projects, or used for teaching/learning Web Assembly and WAT format

c4wa is not a full C implementation and isn't trying to be one. Still, most of the typical day-to-day coding targeting c4wa isn't much more complicated than coding in standard C. It supports loops, conditionals, block scope of variables, intermingled declarations, all of C operators and primitive types, structs, arrays, pointers, variable arguments and dynamic memory allocation. It can also apply external C preprocessor to your code before parsing.


There are many existing compilers from various programming languages to Web Assembly, including popular emscripten for compiling C code. They typically treat Web Assembly as a target not too different from a machine-level assembly; their main advantage is full support of the underlying language (so you can compile your existing code base with few, if any, changes), but in the process they often create bloated, unnecessary, and poorly fitting Web Assembly design code.

You may, of course, not care, as long as at the end it's working as expected. Some people who do care choose to write relatively simple fragments of Web Assembly in WAT (text-based) format. To make it clear, WAT format is more than just Web Assembly instructions written as text; it supports S-expressions and some other syntax sugar to make coding easier (See excellent introduction to WAT format at MDN.) Still, you are required to write each and every Web Assembly instructions manually, so a simple assignment like this: c = a*a + b*b + 1 might look like that:

(set_local $c (i32.add (i32.add (i32.mul (get_local $a) (get_local $a)) 
                    (i32.mul (get_local $b) (get_local $b))) (i32.const 1)))

c4wa purports to be a middle ground between these two extremes. It allows you to write your code in a relatively higher-level language (a subset of C) while retaining a close relation to an underlying Web Assembly. In addition to a binary WASM file, it can generate a well-formatted WAT output which will be similar to what a human programmer would have written when solving the problem directly in WAT.


c4wa needs Java 11 or above. Using preprocessor requires external C compiler (gcc is recommended).

While testing tools and examples described below assume POSIX-based environment, compiler itself should work on any platform with Java installed. Generated WASM files are, of course, platform-independent. (WAT files will be created in a default text format for your platform).

In order to run Web Assembly, you need a runtime. Easiest runtime to use is node; there are also universal runtimes such as wasmtime and wasmer with bindings for many languages. Any modern browser will also have a Web Assembly runtime built-in, though it is a bit more complicated since you'd also need a local server to run your code.

cw4a is entirely runtime-agnostic, though its testing framework is built on top of node.

Finally, if you are working with Web Assembly, you probably should have WebAssembly Binary Toolkit handy; it allows you to compile WAT files, verify a WASM file, dump its content by sections, and a lot more. However, c4wa doesn't have a dependency on any of the WABT tools.


Download the latest release from here; unzip to any directory and use shell wrapper c4wa-compile (c4wa-compile.bat on Windows). For example,

mkdir -p ~/Apps
cd ~/Apps
c4wa-compile --help


Let's say we want to check Collatz conjecture for a given integer number N.

We start from this C code, which we save to file collatz.c :

extern int collatz(int N) {
    int len = 0;
    unsigned long n = N;
    do {
        if (n == 1)
        if (n % 2 == 0)
            n /= 2;
            n = 3 * n + 1;
        len ++;
    return len;

Use c4wa-compile to compile:

c4wa-compile -Xmodule.memoryStatus=none collatz.c

Write this simple node-based wrapper (save it as file collatz.js)

const fs = require('fs');
const wasm_bytes = new Uint8Array(fs.readFileSync('collatz.wasm'));
const n = parseInt(process.argv[2]);
WebAssembly.instantiate(wasm_bytes).then(wasm =>
    console.log("Cycle length of", n, "is", wasm.instance.exports.collatz (n)))

Now you can run the code :

node collatz.js 626331
# Output: Cycle length of 626331 is 508

Note that generated WASM file collatz.wasm is only 99 bytes in size.

If you run compiler with option -k, it'll also save a WAT file, which looks like this:

  (func $collatz (export "collatz") (param $N i32) (result i32)
    (local $len i32)
    (local $n i64)
    (set_local $n (i64.extend_i32_s (get_local $N)))
    (block $@block_1_break
      (loop $@block_1_continue
        (br_if $@block_1_break (i64.eq (get_local $n) (i64.const 1)))
        (if (i64.eqz (i64.rem_u (get_local $n) (i64.const 2)))
            (set_local $n (i64.div_u (get_local $n) (i64.const 2))))
            (set_local $n (i64.add (i64.mul (i64.const 3) (get_local $n)) (i64.const 1)))))
        (set_local $len (i32.add (get_local $len) (i32.const 1)))
        (br $@block_1_continue)))
    (get_local $len)))

If you can read Web Assembly instructions, you can see how this corresponds to the original C code, and it would seem reasonably close to how one might solve this problem directly in WAT.

There is nothing whatsoever that forces you to use node or JavaScript to execute WASM files. There are many universal runtimes with bindings available for many languages. For example, using wasmer, you can run collatz.wasm in python with this simple script:

import sys
from wasmer import engine, Store, Module, Instance
from wasmer_compiler_llvm import Compiler

store = Store(engine.Native(Compiler))
module = Module(store, open('collatz.wasm', 'rb').read())
instance = Instance(module)

n = int(sys.argv[1]);
print("Cycle length of", n, "is", instance.exports.collatz(n))

Save it as, install wasmer bindings and execute:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade wasmer wasmer_compiler_llvm
python3 626331
# Cycle length of 626331 is 508

We also provide two slightly customized wrappers to run WASM files: node-based and python-wasmer-based. Both will automatically call main function (must be exported) and both will support C-compatible printf. You can use it with any of the tests in this directory. For example

c4wa-compile 170-life.c
# both wrappers should make same output 
etc/run-wasm 170-life.wasm
etc/ 170-life.wasm

See Language Spec for in-depth discussion of implementing printf in WASM environment, and also the source code.

No standard library

Web Assembly is an embedded language; it is intended to be executed from a runtime which interprets Web Assembly instructions, perhaps compiles them into a native code (either ahead of time or JIT), and handles all communications with OS, execution environment and the user. It could also optionally provide Web Assembly with access to some library functions, via import functionality.

From that standpoint, integrating any kind of standard library with c4wa compiler isn't practical. To the extent Web Assembly code might need access to some library utilities (mathematical utilities such as atan2, for example), it is almost always better to simply import them from the runtime, and most of the time, there isn't any other choice anyway, since all communication with the environment is done through the runtime. For example, in order to read from or write to files in Web Assembly, one needs to import from runtime something resembling fopen function (and of course some runtimes, such as browser, won't support this).

The only exceptions could be methods either already embedded into Web Assembly specification (such as sqrt or memcpy) or dealing with dynamic memory allocations (malloc and free), and perhaps also some common utilities to work with memory and with strings.

Accordingly, c4wa compiler exposes all methods already available in Web Assembly as built-in functions and gives a choice of memory managers with number of built-in libraries, and that's about it. More details are in the Language Spec.


Test suite

There is large (and growing) set of tests, from trivial to rather complicated, in this directory. For each of these files, you can find generated WAT code here.

Sample Web Application

Using compiled WASM file in a Web page is a bit more complicated than simply loading it into node.js.

  • For security reasons, browsers can't load WASM from local files (file:/// protocol); you need a local web server to run it.
  • You need npm module browserify to use any node-targeted code in Web (e.g. printf).

There is a sample project in this directory which illustrates how it could be done. Among other features, it also redirects printf calls made from C source to HTML <textarea> element.

To try it, simply run ./init.bash from that directory (it'll check prerequisites, install required npm modules, compile the source and load in browser);
To cleanup, use ./init.bash clean.

Game of life

Previously, I had a native WAT implementation for Conway's game of life (on a final toroidal board); later I used original implementation in C and compiled with c4wa.


  • Only minimal changes to the code were necessary for make it compatible with c4wa (and some of these changes wouldn't be necessary in version 0.2);
  • c4wa compiler yields comparable though a bit larger WASM file (1415 bytes vs 1187);
  • Performance of c4wa-generated implementation is pretty much same as the original implementation directly in WAT, except for wasmer runtime, where it is significantly better.

Game of Life: infinite board

Unlike previous example, this Web Application was designed with c4wa in mind. It uses a scalable implementation which can support a board of almost any dimensions. Board/Game algorithms are written in C, and generated Web Assembly file (production version) is about 6Kb. You can also take a look at corresponding WAT file.


Development and testing

To run tests, execute

./gradlew test
etc/run-tests all

First command will run all units tests; this only verifies successful compilation, not correctness of generated code. node.js-based script run-tests will then run wat2wasm on every created WAT file and will verify that generated WASM would run and print expected output (saved as commented out section in every source file). It will also cross-compile with native C and check that output is exactly the same. Finally, it will compare binary WASM file generated by wat2wasm and one made directly by c4wa.

Due to this multistage process C Source => WAT => WASM => execute, there could be three types of changes you are making:

  1. Changes which are NOT expected to update any of the existing WAT files. For example, you could be optimizing or cleaning the code, or implementing a new language feature;
  2. Changes which are expected to propagate to (some) WAT files, but not actually change generated WASM. This is relatively rare, but for example you may be changing variable naming or formatting; You'll see updates in WAT, but none of that has any impact on the output of wat2wasm;
  3. Finally, your changes could be expected to actually change (hopefully, improve or optimize) generated WASM code.

After running ./gradlew test you should look at updated WAT files in tests/wat directory whether anything changed unexpectedly. If not (and wasn't expected to, case 1 above), there isn't anything else to test.

If there are changes, you should first compare new versions of updated WAT files to approve the changes. If changed are as expected, then you could run etc/run-tests all. It'll do two things for you:

  • Run all WAT files through wat2wam to create WASM files in tests/wasm directory;
  • Load these WASM files in node.js and execute function main in each one of them.

If you are making changes of type 2, at this point you need to make sure WASM files haven't changed and if they indeed haven't, you are all set. If they did change, and were expected to, you need to pay attention to the report generated by run-tests to make sure all tests actually passed runtime execution.

Error testing

Since release 0.4 of the compiler, there are separate error tests (see here) consisting of parsable but invalid C code. ./gradlew test will verify that each of them will generate expected number of errors and warnings.

Built-in interpreter

Since release 0.5, compiler includes a built-in Web Assembly interpreter (invoked with -e). Similarly to run-wasm and wrappers, it calls main() with no arguments and supports printf import. Unlike these wrappers however, it's not a complete implementation, and also very inefficient relative to any WASM runtime (which makes it necessary to disable it for some tests in the test suite which would otherwise take too long). It is however helpful for some run-time verification (such as alignment hints).