The page is about manually building the DOSBox-X source code. Automated development (preview) builds intended for testing purposes for various platforms are also available from the DOSBox-X Development Builds page. Released builds are available from the Releases page.
For instructions on installing and using DOSBox-X, please look at the INSTALL page and the DOSBox-X Wiki.
The four major operating systems and platforms of DOSBox-X are:
Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP for 32-bit and 64-bit x86/x64 and ARM
Linux (with X11) 64-bit x86/x64, and on a Raspberry Pi 3/4/5
macOS (Mac OS X) recent version, 64-bit Intel, ARM-based, and Universal
DOS (MS-DOS 5.0+ or compatible)
Straight Windows builds are expected to compile using the free community edition of Visual Studio 2017 to Visual Studio 2022 and the DirectX 2010 SDK.
Linux and MinGW Windows builds are expected to compile with the GNU autotools.
macOS builds are expected to compile on the terminal using GNU autotools and the LLVM/Clang compiler provided by XCode. Universal macOS builds are only possible when building on a host machine powered by an Apple Silicon CPU, due to requiring parallel Homebrew installations running natively and under Rosetta 2.
In all cases, the code requires a C++ compiler that can support the C++11 standard.
Note that DOSBox-X supports both SDL 1.x and 2.x, and it is written to compile against the in-tree copy of the SDL 1.x (Simple Directmedia Library), or against the SDL 2.x library provided by your Linux distribution.
For Visual Studio and MinGW compilation, the in-tree copy of SDL is always used. Note that the in-tree SDL 1.x library has been heavily modified from the original SDL 1.x source code and is thus somewhat incompatible with the stock library.
The modifications provide additional functions needed to improve DOSBox-X and fix many issues with keyboard input, window management, and display management that previously required terrible kludges within the DOSBox and DOSBox-X source code.
In Windows, the modifications also permit the emulation to run independent of the main window so that moving, resizing, or using menus does not cause emulation to pause.
In macOS, the modifications provide an interface to allow DOSBox-X to replace and manage the macOS menu bar.
Please look at the README.source-code-description file for more information and descriptions on the source code.
- General Linux or BSD compile (SDL1)
sudo make install
- General Linux or BSD compile (SDL2)
sudo make install
- macOS
- First install the required libraries needed.
brew install autoconf automake nasm glfw glew fluid-synth libslirp pkg-config
- Compile natively for the host architecture (SDL1 or SDL2)
- (Optional) Add
option to build an Universal Binary on an Apple Silicon CPU (will not work on Intel)./build-macos universal
./build-macos-sdl2 universal
- You can build an App Bundle from the result of this build with
- First install the required libraries needed.
- MinGW compile for Windows 7 or later
- First install the required libraries needed.
Libraries for mingw32(32-bit)Libraries for mingw64(64-bit)pacman -S git make mingw-w64-i686-toolchain mingw-w64-i686-libslirp mingw-w64-i686-libtool mingw-w64-i686-nasm autoconf automake mingw-w64-i686-ncurses
pacman -S git make mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain mingw-w64-x86_64-libslirp mingw-w64-x86_64-libtool mingw-w64-x86_64-nasm autoconf automake mingw-w64-x86_64-ncurses
- Compile (SDL1 or SDL2, Common for 32-bit/64-bit builds)
- First install the required libraries needed.
- MinGW compile (using MinGW32, not MinGW-w64: see NOTICE below) for lower-end systems including Windows XP or later (SDL1 or SDL2, 32-bit only)
- MinGW compile (using MinGW32, not MinGW-w64: see NOTICE below) on Windows to target the DOS platform (MS-DOS or compatible with HX DOS Extender, SDL1 only)
NOTICE: Use the 32-bit toolchain from the original MinGW project for the lowend and HX-DOS builds, not the MinGW-w64 project. Binaries compiled with MinGW-w64 have extra dependencies which are not supported by Windows XP or the HX DOS Extender.
First install the development tools, headers and libraries needed
sudo apt install automake gcc g++ make libncurses-dev nasm libsdl-net1.2-dev libsdl2-net-dev libpcap-dev libslirp-dev fluidsynth libfluidsynth-dev libavdevice58 libavformat-dev libavcodec-dev libavcodec-extra libavcodec-extra58 libswscale-dev libfreetype-dev libxkbfile-dev libxrandr-dev
Then change to the directory where you unpacked the DOSBox-X source code, and run the following commands:
sudo make install
Alternatively you can also compile the SDL2 version by running the ./build-debug-sdl2
First install the development tools, headers and libraries needed
sudo dnf group install "C Development Tools and Libraries"
sudo dnf install SDL_net-devel SDL2_net-devel libxkbfile-devel ncurses-devel libpcap-devel libslirp-devel libpng-devel fluidsynth-devel freetype-devel nasm
If you want to be able to record video, you will also need to install ffmpeg-devel which you can get from the optional rpmfusion-free repository. Then change to the directory where you unpacked the DOSBox-X source code, and run the following commands:
sudo make install
Alternatively you can also compile the SDL2 version by running the ./build-debug-sdl2
First ensure that your system has all the necessary development tools and libraries installed, such as by following the dnf steps in the above "To compile DOSBox-X in Fedora Workstation". Then run the following commands:
sudo dnf group install "RPM Development Tools"
After a successful compile, the RPM can be found in the releases directory.
The official Raspberry PI website has an article including build instructions from source.
sudo apt install libtool autogen autoconf automake libncurses-dev gcc g++ make libncurses-dev nasm libsdl-net1.2-dev libsdl2-net-dev libpcap-dev libslirp-dev fluidsynth libfluidsynth-dev libavformat-dev libavcodec-dev libavcodec-extra libswscale-dev libfreetype-dev libxkbfile-dev libxrandr-dev
git clone
cd dosbox-x
If you have audio problems, you may want to try the SDL2 build using ./build-debug-sdl2
You can build the source code with Visual Studio 2017, 2019, and 2022. (The code currently cannot be built with Visual Studio 2015) The executables will work on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Vista or higher.
Use the ./vs/dosbox-x.sln
"solution" file and build the source code.
You will need the DirectX 2010 SDK for Direct3D9 support.
By default the targeted platform is v142 (Visual Studio 2019).
To build the source code on Visual Studio 2017 or 2022,
you may change the platform toolset to v141 or v143 respectively.
For Visual Studio 2017, you have to set WindowsTargetPlatformVersion
to whatever
Windows SDK version installed in your PC, for example 10.0.22000.0
(Visual Studio 2019 and beyond will pick the latest Windows SDK version installed
if you set the value to 10.0
To build executables that will work on Windows XP, you have to change the target platform to v141 (Visual Studio 2017). After the build is completed, you have to patch the PE header of the executable using a tool included in the source code.
./contrib/windows/installer/PatchPE.exe path-to-your-exe-file/dosbox-x.exe
Libraries such as SDL, freetype, libpdcurses, libpng and zlib are already included,
and as of DOSBox-X 0.83.6 support for FluidSynth MIDI Synthesizer is also included
for Windows builds (set mididevice=fluidsynth
in the [midi] section of DOSBox-X's
configuration file (dosbox-x.conf) along with required soundfont file [e.g.
or GeneralUser_GS.sf2
] to use it).
The slirp backend for the NE2000 network emulation is only supported by MinGW builds but not Visual Studio builds.
Build the source code for your platform (Win32, x64, ARM and ARM64 are supported).
As of 2018/06/06, Visual Studio 2017 builds (32-bit and 64-bit) explicitly require a processor that supports the SSE instruction set. As of version 2022.09.01, Visual Studio ARM/ARM64 builds require a Windows SDK that includes the OpenGL library.
Visual Studio Code is supported, too.
Check the README.development-in-Windows file for more information about this platform.
The following libraries are used by DOSBox-X:
SDL 1.2.x or SDL 2.x (in-tree)
The Simple DirectMedia Library available at
The SDL1 library distributed with DOSBox-X had been heavily modified from the original to support for example native OS menus.
Note that only version 1.2.x (SDL1 version) and version 2.x (SDL2 version) are currently supported.
License: LGPLv2+
Curses (optional)
If you want to enable the debugger you need a curses library.
ncurses should be installed on just about every Unix/Linux distro.
For Windows get pdcurses at
License: Public Domain
Libpng (in-tree; optional)
Needed for the screenshots.
For Windows get libpng from
See for more details.
License: zlib/libpng
Zlib (in-tree)
Needed by libpng, and for save-state and CHD support.
For Windows get libz (rename to zlib) from
See for more details.
License: zlib
FreeType (in-tree; optional)
Needed for TrueType font (TTF) output and printing support.
It is available from
License: FTL or GPLv2+
FluidSynth (optional)
For soundfont support.
It is available from
License: LGPLv2+
libpcap (optional)
For pcap backend of NE2000 networking support.
For Windows get Npcap (WinPcap for Windows 10) from
License: 3-clause BSD license
libslirp (optional)
For slirp backend of NE2000 networking support.
License: Modified 4-clause BSD license
SDL_Net (in-tree; optional)
For Modem/IPX support.
License: LGPLv2+
SDL_Sound (in-tree; optional)
For compressed audio on diskimages (cue sheets) support.
This is for cue/bin CD-ROM images with compressed (MP3/OGG/FLAC) audio tracks.
Get it from
Licence: LGPLv2+
ALSA_Headers (optional)
For ALSA support under Linux. Part of the Linux kernel sources.
License: LGPLv2+
The DOSBox-X configure script accepts the following switches, which you can use to customize the code compilation:
Includes FEATURE [ARG=yes]
Less verbose build output (undo: "make V=1")
Do not reject slow dependency extractors
Forces SDL drawn menus
Enables HX-DOS target
Enables Emscripten target
Enables SDL 1.x
Enables SDL 2.x
Compiles with xBRZ scaler (default yes)
Scaler render full line instead of detecting changes, for slower systems
Compiles with ALSA MIDI support (default yes)
Enables Direct3D 9 support
Enables Direct3D shaders
Enables the internal debugger. --enable-debug=heavy enables even more debug options. To use the debugger, DOSBox-X should be run from an xterm and when the sdl-window is active press alt-pause to enter the debugger.
Do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no)
Verbose build output (undo: "make V=0")
Speeds up one-time build
Omits support for large files
Do not enable X11 integration
Do not enable compiler optimizations
Do not try to compile and run a test SDL 2.x program
Do not try to compile and run a test SDL 1.x program
Do not try to compile and run a test ALSA program
Disables FreeType support
Disables printer emulation
Disables MT32 emulation
Disables screenshots and movie recording
Disables FFMPEG avcodec support
Disables the emulated FPU. Although the FPU emulation code isn't finished and isn't entirely accurate, it's advised to leave it on.
Disables the assembly FPU core. Although relatively new, the x86/x64 FPU core has more accuracy than the regular FPU core.
Disables the dynamic x86/x64 specific CPU core. Although it might be a bit unstable, it can greatly improve the speed of dosbox-x on x86 and x64 hosts. Please note that this option on x86/x64 will result in a different dynamic/recompiling CPU core being compiled than the default. For more information see the option --disable-dynrec
Disables the recompiling CPU core. Currently x86/x64 and arm only. You can activate this core on x86/x64 by disabling the dynamic-x86 core.
Disables all dynamic cores. (same effect as --disable-dynamic-x86 or --disable-dynrec).
Disables OpenGL support (output mode that can be selected in the DOSBox-X configuration file).
Disables unaligned memory access.