Not hosted on any ELPA or MELPA, and not planning to due to low code quality
, modus-themes
, cl
, dash
is built-in in emacs 28.
A small package to fetch and display random art pieces from The Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection API.
A personal project to work with a REST API and emacs lisp.
Only deals with Objects and Object Endpoints. I did not consider Departments and Search integral to casually viewing art pieces.
Run with met-run
. Opens another window in Org mode with a random art object’s information. Being Org mode, links should be navigable and images, if present, should be shown.
Display which field you want to be displayed by (setq met-FIELD t)
, and vice versa.
Objects frequently do not have certain fields, so those cannot be shown.
From official Met API website (as of July 19, 2021):
At this time, we do not require API users to register or obtain an API key to use the service. Please limit request rate to 80 requests per second.”
- Can do retroactively by regex-ing for ^artist, etc.
- Currently using a mix of cl and native elisp
- Evaluation of whole file takes a bit due to defining
, the IDs of all 450000+ objects. met-random-object-id
sometimes fails to get a valid ID, due to some being omitted in repository.- this is “solved”
by querying until a valid ID is produced, but is costly in terms of rate limits.
- this is “solved”
function is extremely messy- Non Ascii (?) characters are not printed correctly
- May frequently see \200\200\223 etc.
- I believe this may be due to
or howjson-read-object
processes this text. - This issue is not seen using CLI curl
must be set tot
for everything else to display properly- May be due being first in list, or some other obscure reason
Initial package, alpha version
Only exposed function is met-run