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Irihi.Ursa Irihi.Ursa GitCode

Ursa is an enterprise level UI library for building cross-platform applications with Avalonia UI.


.NET Foundation

This project is supported by the .NET Foundation.

Get Started

  1. Ursa

Add nuget package:

dotnet add package Irihi.Ursa
  1. Ursa.Themes.Semi

To make Ursa controls show up in your application, you need to reference to a theme package designed for Ursa. Ursa.Themes.Semi is a theme package for Ursa inspired by Semi Design. You can add it to your project by following steps.

Add nuget package:

dotnet add package Semi.Avalonia
dotnet add package Irihi.Ursa.Themes.Semi

Include Styles in application:


        <semi:SemiTheme Locale="zh-CN" />
        <u-semi:SemiTheme Locale="zh-CN"/>

You can now use Ursa controls in your Avalonia Application.

    <StackPanel Margin="20">
        <u:TagInput />

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant to clarify expected behavior in our community. For more information see the .NET Foundation Code of Conduct.

Compatibility Notice

Ursa currently is compatible with both Avalonia 11.1.x and 11.2.x, but specifically does not support Avalonia 11.2.0.


Prism Extension

If you need to integrate Ursa with Prism.Avalonia, you can use the Irihi.Ursa.PrismExtension package. This package provide Dialog related services to utilize Ursa Dialogs with Prism flavor.

ReactiveUI Extension

If need to integrate Ursa with Avalonia.ReactiveUI, you can use the Irihi.Ursa.ReactiveUIExtension package. This package implements the ReactiveUI versions of UrsaWindow and UrsaView. Please refer to wiki for detail.


We offer limited free community support for Semi Avalonia and Ursa. Please join our group via FeiShu(Lark)
