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icesSAG provides R functions that access the web services of the ICES Stock Assessment Graphs database.

icesSAG is implemented as an R package and is currently hosted on r-universe and available on CRAN.


The stable version of icesSAG can be installed from CRAN using the install.packages command:

install.packages("icesSAG", repos = "")

or a potentially more recent, but less stable version installed from r-universe:

install.packages("icesSAG", repos = "")


For a summary of the package:



To download the summary data for all sandeel stocks published in 2018 use:

summary_data <- getSAG(stock = "sandeel", year = 2023)
##   Year recruitment high_recruitment low_recruitment low_SSB    SSB high_SSB low_F     F high_F catches landings
## 1 1983   285000075        404690458       200709063  307520 452254   665108 0.478 0.596  0.744  382629       NA
## 2 1984    75526942        108094090        52771793  136696 194269   276092 0.540 0.674  0.840  498671       NA
## 3 1985   518266424        723794791       371099778  307364 431059   604534 0.577 0.720  0.898  460057       NA
## 4 1986    75376039        107979318        52616996  202400 265402   348014 0.389 0.484  0.602  382844       NA
## 5 1987    49081856         72043445        33438554  708828 977741  1348673 0.302 0.377  0.471  373021       NA
## 6 1988   201037095        284748295       141935577  420971 577810   793081 0.421 0.523  0.651  422805       NA
##   discards IBC Unallocated_Removals LandingsBMS TBiomass LogbookRegisteredDiscards StockPublishNote Purpose Fage
## 1       NA  NA                   NA          NA       NA                        NA  Stock published  Advice  1-2
## 2       NA  NA                   NA          NA       NA                        NA  Stock published  Advice  1-2
## 3       NA  NA                   NA          NA       NA                        NA  Stock published  Advice  1-2
## 4       NA  NA                   NA          NA       NA                        NA  Stock published  Advice  1-2
## 5       NA  NA                   NA          NA       NA                        NA  Stock published  Advice  1-2
## 6       NA  NA                   NA          NA       NA                        NA  Stock published  Advice  1-2
##   fishstock recruitment_age AssessmentYear  units stockSizeDescription stockSizeUnits fishingPressureDescription
## 1               0           2023 tonnes                  SSB         tonnes                      FALSE
## 2               0           2023 tonnes                  SSB         tonnes                      FALSE
## 3               0           2023 tonnes                  SSB         tonnes                      FALSE
## 4               0           2023 tonnes                  SSB         tonnes                      FALSE
## 5               0           2023 tonnes                  SSB         tonnes                      FALSE
## 6               0           2023 tonnes                  SSB         tonnes                      FALSE
##   fishingPressureUnits AssessmentKey AssessmentComponent
## 1                   NA         17718                   0
## 2                   NA         17718                   0
## 3                   NA         17718                   0
## 4                   NA         17718                   0
## 5                   NA         17718                   0
## 6                   NA         17718                   0
ggplot(summary_data[complete.cases(summary_data[c("Year", "recruitment")]),],
       aes(x=Year, y=recruitment, group = fishstock, colour = fishstock)) +

verbose web service calls

If you want to see all the web service calls being made set this option


The result will be

codKeys <- findAssessmentKey("cod", year = 2017)
## GETing ...

## no token used

## OK (HTTP 200).

which allows you to investigate the actual web service data if you are interested:

Authorised access via tokens

ICES provides public access to the results of published stock assessments. If you are an ICES stock assessor and wish to access unpublished results, or to upload your results, this can be done using token authentication.

This is easy to set up, simply run the following line and all future requests to the SAG database will be authenticated.


uploading data

To upload the results of a stock assessment to SAG you must provide two pieces of information, Stock information, such as stock code, assessment year and reference points, and yearly results, such as landings and estimated fishing mortality. There are two helper functions to create the required objects.


returns a list (it requires a stock code, assessment year and contact email as a minimum), with the correctly named elements. And,


returns a data.frame (it requires year as default) with the correctly named columns

A simple (almost) minimal example is:

info <-
    StockCode = "whb-comb",
    AssessmentYear = 1996,
    ContactPerson = "[email protected]",
    StockCategory = 3,
    Purpose = "",
    ModelType = "A",
    ModelName = "XSA"
fishdata <- stockFishdata(1950:1996)

# simulate some landings for something a bit intesting
fishdata$Landings <- 10^6 * exp(cumsum(cumsum(rnorm(nrow(fishdata), 0, 0.1))))

# you can create an XML file to upload yourself
xml <- createSAGxml(info, fishdata)

# or upload directly - not currently working...
# key <- uploadStock(info, fishdata)

You can check that the data was uploaded by searching for our stock. Note you will need to make sure the icesSAG.use_token option is set to TRUE

findAssessmentKey('whb-comb', 1996, full = TRUE)
## using system username: colin
## Consider adding a default username using:
##  icesConnect::set_username(<add username here>)

##   AssessmentKey StockKeyLabel    Purpose StockDatabaseID StockKey
## 1          9331      whb-comb InitAdvice              NA   136737
## 2          9344      whb-comb      Bench              NA   136737
## 3         11559      whb-comb       <NA>              NA   136737
## 4         11560      whb-comb       <NA>              NA   136737
## 5         11561      whb-comb       <NA>              NA   136737
##                                              StockDescription        Status AssessmentYear
## 1 Blue whiting in Subareas I-IX, XII and XIV (Combined stock) Not Published           1996
## 2 Blue whiting in Subareas I-IX, XII and XIV (Combined stock) Not Published           1996
## 3 Blue whiting in Subareas I-IX, XII and XIV (Combined stock) Not Published           1996
## 4 Blue whiting in Subareas I-IX, XII and XIV (Combined stock) Not Published           1996
## 5 Blue whiting in Subareas I-IX, XII and XIV (Combined stock) Not Published           1996
##                SpeciesName        ModifiedDate                          SAGStamp LinkToAdvice AssessmentComponent
## 1 Micromesistius poutassou 31/05/2024 11:13:05  whb-comb_1996_9331_2024531111305           NA                  NA
## 2 Micromesistius poutassou 31/05/2024 11:13:05  whb-comb_1996_9344_2024531111305           NA                  NA
## 3 Micromesistius poutassou 31/05/2024 11:13:05 whb-comb_1996_11559_2024531111305           NA                  NA
## 4 Micromesistius poutassou 31/05/2024 11:13:05 whb-comb_1996_11560_2024531111305           NA                  NA
## 5 Micromesistius poutassou 31/05/2024 11:13:05 whb-comb_1996_11561_2024531111305           NA                  NA

Displaying graphs

We can also look at the landings graph created from the data that were uploaded


or download all four summary graphs and display them in a 2x2 grid.

graphs <- getSAGGraphs(key)


ICES Stock Assessment Graphs database:

ICES Stock Assessment Graphs web services:


icesSAG is developed openly on GitHub.

Feel free to open an issue there if you encounter problems or have suggestions for future versions.

The current development version can be installed using:
