- new version L.Control.Layers.Tree.js, leaflet-providers.js, Control.FullScreen, togeojson.umd.js
- fontawesome-free-6.7.2
- Plugin Check issues
- targetmarker: different zoom, documentation
- Plugin Update Checker v5p5
- new organization of Github updates
- filemgr display issue fixed
- listmarker svg icon fixed
- listmarker: fixed empty overiconurl
- elevation setting bug
- overview-map: new option newtab: Open page, post or category links in a new tab
- listmarker: works with leaflet-extramarker and geojson markers now
- listmarker: new option highlight: color to highlight the list entry
- listmarker: new option background: define the background color of the list entry
- tmcw/togeojson version 6.0.0
- new shortcode: listmarker
- error handling multielevation
- WordPress 6.7
- more WordPress Coding Standards
- Bugs in Backend: filemgr, parentgroup
- remove < br/> if using Classic editor
- new version leaflet-providers
- Tests on WordPress 6.7 (beta)
- overviewmap: custom field for popup
- overviewmap: bug in ALL categories/tag
- leaflet-parentgroup: you can set more options now.
- leaflet-extramarker: title with spaces fixed.
- overviewmap: marker title, categories option AND
- targetmarker, targetlink: new option - mapid
- elevation: new languages: portuguese, polish
- fontawesome-free-6.6.0-web
- elevation: units such as knots, nautical miles
- parentgroup: realized with Leaflet.Control.Layers.Tree, works with markercluster and geojson also now.
- leaflet-parentgroup = parentgroup
- many new possibilities for targetmarker
- overviewmap: you can use tags like categories
- overviewmap: works for custom post types
- extramarker: admin interface
- fontawesome-free-6.5.2-web
- geojsonmarkers: groups others will be deleted if empty
- new version Control.FullScreen.js
- overviewmap: same icon options for all markers
- overviewmap: target=_blank deleted
- overviewmap: disable transients in backend
- Bug in overviewmap (negative lat, lng)
- new option for hover: opacity
- hover: new default for popupclose: 0
- Bug in overviewmap
- WPCS, translations
- catalan
- bug markerclustergroup
- fixed bugs in markerclustergroup
- fixed bug in uploader
- new version leaflet-rotate, d3
- grouping: html tags in menu
- some changes for WPCS
- fixed small bugs in leaflet-extramarker and geojsonmarker
- fixed bug in cluster
- documentation
- update turf, JShrink
- elevation: italian translation
- WordPress Coding Standards (see readme-wpcs.md)
- new shortcode parentgroup for nested groups from leaflet-optiongroup and -featuregroup
- new shortcode targetmarker - Jump to a position in a map with many markers and get the nearest marker
- try to fix problems with Elementor
- new version leaflet.fullscreen
- Bug in leaflet-search fixed.
- WordPress Coding Standards (css and some php files)
- overviewmap: using transients
- fontawesome-free-6.5.1-web
- markerclustergroup control has a position and collapse option now.
- every control has a position and collapse option now.
- translation: sprintf argnum %s
- fixing bug elevation colors
- new option: Delete all plugin settings when deleting the plugin?
- new version leaflet-search
- new version leaflet.fullscreen
- new version leaflet-providers.js
- solved: Polyline layer turns black after turning off all legend filters
- you can change the track color over the ruler filter now
- some corrections that Plugin Check has found
- new shortcode overviewmap: generates an overview map with geo positions provided in the pages and posts
- new options for hover: class (style the tooltip) and popupclose (keep the popup open or not)
- reduce inline Javascript for geojsonmarker
- multielevation accepts now also kml files
- leaflet-elevation 2.5.0
- local hosting of d3.min.js and tmcw/togeojson.umd.js
- bug multielevation: removed map.zoomControl (+/-)
- bug layerswitch: fixed extra options (Javascript in admin backend) in leafext_layerswitch_tiles_script and max_zoom
- CSP: prevent unsafe-eval for turf
- fixed bug with yAxisMin
- enqueue rotate for multielevation
- remove 'other' group from geojsonmarker groups if empty
- leaflet-elevation 2.4.0 with branch linear gradient
- leaflet-elevation waypoint labels rotate PR
- leaflet-elevation new options width, yAxisMin, yAxisMax
- New shortcode [hoverlap] - hover overlapping elements
- reduce inline Javascript
- leaflet-elevation-2.3.4
- elevation: new option edgeScale
- Raruto fixed Map automatically moves after clicking on markers when rotate: true
- layerswitch: providers can have a mapid
- cluster: fixed bug disableClusteringAtZoom=0
- New shortcode geojsonmarker: Design markers from geojson files according to their properties
- hover geojsontooltip: specify a short string for tooltip, if the popup is too big
- elevation-tracks: bug fixed
- elevation: arrows on track (Raruto/leaflet-elevation#244)
- elevation: almostOver = true
- multielevation: arrows on track
- leaflet-directory: bugs fixed
- filemgr: vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) fixed
- filemgr: bugs fixed
- revision of hover: bugs fixed, many new options
- leaflet-search: code cleanup, no option type anymore, css for iPhone
- leaflet-search: leaflet-polyline, -circle, -line
- leaflet-optiongroup: leaflet-polyline, -circle, -line
- new: Leaflet Search Control
- bug if disableClusteringAtZoom = 0 fixed
- fix && in inline JavaScript
- add_filter('render_block' to prevent various WordPress filters like wpautop in leaflet-shortcode block
- disable tooltip on hover on Samsung smartphones
- pay more attention to original values on hovering
- leaflet-extramarker title
- leaflet-gesture-handling-1.4.4
- changed Gesture Handling to work with Complianz-GDPR
- there is no bug safari popups in leafletjs 1.9.3 anymore
- interpret shortcode only in frontend, consider is_home()
- some documentation
- bug in optiongroup
- bug in grouping the default icon fixed
- leaflet-elevation-2.2.8 with own presentation of results.
- new shortcode: choropleth - https://github.com/timwis/leaflet-choropleth
- new shortcodes leaflet-optiongroup and leaflet-featuregroup (Leaflet.FeatureGroup.SubGroup)
- new option in markerClusterGroup: visible
- fixed some bugs in zoomhomemap, hover, multielevation
- compability with themes and (block)editor
- sgpx (from WP GPX Maps) does not work with some themes (like TT2)
- elevation new parameter track: switch track on/off
- filemgr: per default all types selected
- typo multielevation (distanceMarkers)
- fixed: fullscreen crashes the editor.
- detect network activated leaflet-map on multisite
- works with the new standard theme now
- some documentation cleanup
- new shortcode leaflet-extramarker: https://github.com/coryasilva/Leaflet.ExtraMarkers
- leaflet-elevation 2.2.7 (with pull request)
- elevation: followMarker, zFollow, !detached chart
- error extensions in file listing
- pace and acceleration work together now
- bug in sgpx
- leaflet-gestures-1.4.3: Please check your Leaflet Map settings for scrollwheel. See the help for Gesture Handling!
- Leaflet.Control.FullScreen 2.4.0
- Backend interface for non-admin
- File Manager
- leaflet-directory: Tracks from all files in a directory
- Solved Bug: detect Browser language in gesture handling
- leaflet-gesture-handling-1.4.2
- leaflet-elevation-2.2.6
- Solved Bugs
- hover with placementstrategies and hidemarkers
- own theme in multielevation
- leaflet-gesture-handling 1.4.1
- leaflet-elevation-2.2.5
- New: Pace - time per distance
- New: Themes and Colors
- Please check css in your own theme.
- Bug:
do not work on multiple maps on one page
- hover: bug with geojson fixed
- hover: tooltip on click in circle, polygon, line removed
- elevation: some strings for translation added
- swedish translation frontend from @argentum
- hover.php reviewed, new: hovering circles, polygons and lines
- zoomhome.php max_zoom removed. This should be set in leaflet-map settings depending on the tiles. See https://github.com/leaflet-extras/leaflet-providers/blob/master/leaflet-providers.js
- clustergroup.php (Leaflet.FeatureGroup.SubGroup): markers can also be defined in a geojson file, new parameters others and unknown
- leaflet-elevation 1.7.6
- elevation: new/changed options: waypoints, wptLabels, wptIcons
- fixed error in collapse control top right
- WordPress 5.9
- fixed layerswitch
- fixed gestures (sgpx did not work because of this)
- cluster now works with leaflet-marker and markers in leaflet-gpx, leaflet-geojson, leaflet-kml
- multielavation: it works with multiple maps on one page now.
- hover: new option for click tolerance
- leaflet-elevation 1.7.5
- elevation:
- miles marker
- in Safari: setting preferCanvas to false as default
- layerswitch:
- extra options
- Leaflet-providers
- Leaflet.Control.Opacity
- some changes in leaflet-gestures.js for L.control
- gestures: The language can be determined by Site or by Browser
- multielevation revised:
- bug fix start marker
- geojson filter for waypoints
- option for filename as trackname
- options like in elevation
- Leaflet.GeometryUtil
- hidemarkers: geojson filter for marker
- leaflet.fullscreen 2.2.0
- leaflet-elevation 1.7.3
- multielevation fixed, removed leaflet-gpx
- multielevation parameter name, lat, lng now optional
- zoomhomemap reviewed
- Integration shortcode sgpx from WordPress plugin wp-gpx-maps (some parameters)
- leaflet.markercluster 1.5.3
- leaflet.fullscreen 2.1.0
- leaflet-elevation 1.7.2
- bug fix in parameters for markercluster
- new parameter for elevation: show / hide chart and summary block as whole
- revision of the elevation admin page
- Leaflet.markercluster V 1.5.1
- leaflet-gpx V 1.7.0
- leaflet-elevation V 1.7.0; new parameter waypoints
- taking care of parameter max_zoom from leaflet-map
- changing the parameter names for [cluster] to those of the Leaflet.markercluster (old names are still valid)
- [cluster] parameters are valid for [markerClusterGroup] also
- bug in [gestures] fixed
- bug in [layerswitch] option attribution fixed
- [zoomhomemap] works for any [leaflet-*] object. [elevation] no longer needs a marker for [zoomhomemap].
- ignore waypoints in gpxgroup (multielevation)
- and more
- Bugs in placementstrategies and cluster
- Leaflet.MarkerCluster.PlacementStrategies
- Bugfix https://wordpress.org/support/topic/leafext_enqueue_elevation-unknown/
- New elevation parameter: marker
- Works with Elementor now
- Tested on WordPress 5.8
- enhancement of elevation and introduction of many parameters
- leaflet-gesture-handling 1.3.5
- leaflet-elevation-1.6.9
- bug fix hover
- leaflet-elevation 1.6.8
- https://github.com/Raruto/leaflet-gesture-handling (is newer)
- fixed some mistakes in gestures and others
- deal with safari bug on markers popup
- hovering on all geojsons and markers
- multielevation (gpx-groups)
- zoomhomemap works on multiple maps on a page now.
- fixing markercluster and markerClusterGroup for this.
- Shortcodes can be used on more than one map per page, except zoomhomemap.
- Parameter for GestureHandling
- fixed markerClusterGroup
- prepare for translation
- documentation
- documentation on a help page
- prepare for translation
- new setting options for [markercluster]
- new setting options for [zoomhomemap]
- New functions:
- markerClusterGroup
- Switching Tile Layers
- leaflet-elevation v1.6.7
- First Release