This repository hosts source code of LISFLOOD model. Go to Lisflood OS page for more information.
Other useful resources
You can use conda environment to easily install dependencies.
- Install miniconda
- Create a conda env named "lisflood" and install dependencies:
conda create --name lisflood python=3.7 -c conda-forge
conda activate lisflood
conda install -c conda-forge pcraster gdal
- Install lisflood-model pypi package
pip install lisflood-model
Command above will also install the executable lisflood
in the conda env, so that you can run LISFLOOD with the following:
lisflood /absolute_path/to/my/local/folder/LF_ETRS89_UseCase/settings/cold.xml
You can also clone the repository which contains datasets to test the model. Follow this instruction for a basic test (included in this repository under tests/data)
- Clone the master branch of this repository (you need to have git installed on your machine).
git clone --single-branch --branch master
- Install requirements into a python 3 conda env
conda create --name lisflood python=3.7 -c conda-forge
conda activate lisflood
conda install -c conda-forge pcraster gdal
cd lisflood-code
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you don't use conda but a plain virtualenv, you need to install PCRaster and GDAL by your own and include its python interface in PYTHONPATH environment variable. For details, please follow instruction on official docs.
- Run a cold run for the test catchment
Now your environment should be set up to run lisflood. Try with a prepared settings file for one of the two test catchments:
mkdir tests/data/LF_ETRS89_UseCase/out
python src/ tests/data/LF_ETRS89_UseCase/settings/cold.xml
If the command above successed without errors, producing into tests/data/LF_ETRS89_UseCase/out folder, your lisflood installation was correct.
You can use the updated docker image to run lisflood, so without taking care to install dependencies on your system.
docker pull jrce1/lisflood:latest
docker run -v /absolute_path/to/my/local/folder:/usecases jrce1/lisflood:latest usecases
After this command, you can find all files to run tests against catchments under the directory you mapped: /absolute_path/to/my/local/folder/
Now, you can run LISFLOOD as a docker container to test included catchments. Only thing you need to do is to map the test catchment folder to the container folder input
, by using -v option.
In the XML settings file, all paths are adjusted to be relative to the very same settings file, so you don't need to edit paths, as long as you keep same folders structure.
docker run -v /absolute_path/to/my/local/folder/LF_ETRS89_UseCase:/input jrce1/lisflood /input/settings/cold.xml
Once LISFLOOD finished, you find reported maps in /absolute_path/to/my/local/folder/LF_ETRS89_UseCase/out/
LISFLOOD is also distributed as a standard python package. You can install the pip package in your Python 3 virtualenv:
pip install lisflood-model
Command above will also install the executable lisflood
in the virtualenv, so that you can run LISFLOOD with the following:
lisflood /absolute_path/to/my/local/folder/LF_ETRS89_UseCase/settings/cold.xml
Please note that there are known issues when installing the LISFLOOD code on Windows (source code and pypi package). We cannot provide Windows support and strongly recommend using LINUX to install the LISFLOOD code. Windows users are recommended to execute LISFLOOD with a Docker image.
The users are recommended to download the reference settings xml file and adapt it by inserting their own paths and modelling choices.
If you find an issue in our code, please follow the GitHub flow to propose your changes (Fork, commit your changes and ask for a Pull Request). You are required to run unit tests during your development and before to propose a pull request.
To execute unit tests:
pytest tests/
Furthermore, before to propose a pull request, there are additional tests we ask you to execute:
pytest tests/ -m "slow"
These tests could take 30 minutes or several hours, depending on your machine.
You can find full description and implementation details at Test documentation page.
Note: If yuor pull request is about a new feature you may want to integrate in LISFLOOD, ensure to include tests with good coverage for it.
For more info about pytest, see official website.