CoCart JWT Authentication provides a set of actions that allow you to hook into various events. Each action is documented below with its description and usage example.
Fires when a new JWT token is generated after successful authentication.
add_action( 'cocart_jwt_token_generated', function( $token, $user ) {
// Log token generation
error_log("New token generated for user: {$user->ID}");
}, 10, 2 );
Fires when a token is refreshed using a refresh token.
add_action( 'cocart_jwt_auth_token_refreshed', function( $token, $user ) {
// Track token refresh events
error_log("Token refreshed for user: {$user->ID}");
}, 10, 2 );
Fires when a token is successfully validated.
add_action( 'cocart_jwt_auth_token_validated', function( $decoded ) {
// Access validated token data
$user_id = $decoded->data->user->id;
error_log("Token validated for user: {$user_id}");
} );
Fires when a token is deleted.
add_action( 'cocart_jwt_auth_token_deleted', function( $user_id ) {
$user = get_user_by( 'id', $user_id );
// Cleanup after token deletion
error_log("Token for {$user->display_name} has been deleted");
}, 10, 2 );
All actions follow WordPress coding standards and can be used with the standard add_action() function. The examples above show practical implementations for each action.