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BEP 4: Project Roles

Pavithra Eswaramoorthy edited this page Jan 15, 2024 · 24 revisions
BEP 4 Project Roles
Authors Bryan Van de Ven
Status Implemented

This document serves to define various roles within the Bokeh project.


NumFocus Project Committee

The NumFocus committee is primarily responsible for administering use of funds in the Bokeh NumFocus account.

The current NumFocus Committee comprises:

Conduct Sub-committee

Additionally a subset of the NumFocus Committee is responsible for addressing reports related to the Community Code. Reports to are currently received by:

In the event it is necessary to make a report involving someone on the NumFocus Committee itself, please use the general NumFocus CoC reporting form.

Core Team

The Core Team is represented in the GitHub team @bokeh/core. The members of this team are responsible for the ongoing organizational maintenance and technical direction of the Bokeh project. Generally speaking, this includes:

  • Reviewing and merging Pull Requests from other contributors
  • Making and implementing decisions about project infrastructure
  • Protecting and managing confidential project information such as service passwords

It is desirable that at least one half of the NumFOCUS Bokeh project committee should be members of @bokeh/core at all times.

The current active Core Team comprises:

Additionally, the service account bokeh-integrations which is used to allow external services to integrate with the Bokeh GitHub organization, is a permanent member of @bokeh/core.

Any member of @bokeh/core may request to leave or change to emeritus status at any time, without discussion. All other changes to Core Team membership are decided by agreement of the current members.

Changes to Core Team membership should be recorded under the Revisions section at the bottom of this document.


Moving in and out of involvement is natural end expected in Open Source. We wish to recognize these former Core Team members for their significant and lasting contributions to the Bokeh project:

Development Team

The Development Team is represented in the GitHub team @bokeh/dev. Due to the external circumstances, the Bokeh continuous integration infrastructure performs optimally only on branches directly on the main repository. The Development Team comprises active contributors who may submit pull requests from branches directly on the main repository. Development Team members are encouraged to:

  • Participate in GitHub discussions on issues and pull requests
  • Join occasional video conference meetings with other project members
  • Make at least one pull request to a Bokeh project annually

The minimum criteria for joining @bokeh/dev is acceptance of two substantive pull requests to a Bokeh project. Anyone meeting this threshold who also agrees to join, may be added to @bokeh/dev by any member of the core team, without discussion. Generally a core team members will try to extend an invitations when new contributors first become active, however users may also self-nominate themselves to any core team member.

Any member of @bokeh/dev may request that they be removed, at any time, at which point they will be removed by a core team member at the first opportunity. Additionally, if a user is inactive (defined as no submitted PRs or discussion participation) for more than one year, they may be removed by any member of the core team, without discussion.

Release Managers

Release managers are members of the Development Team who are authorized to use the release deployment scripts to make "dev", "rc", or full releases of Bokeh. The membership of this team is defined by the release-managers team, which is checked whenever the release deployment scripts are run.

Membership is decided by agreement of the core team.

If a release manager leaves the Development Team, they will also be removed from the release-managers team. A release manager may also request to step down at any time, with or without leaving the development team.


Changes to this document, including updates to the Core Team membership, shall be recorded below:

Date Change
2019-02-12 Philipp Rudiger added to the Core Team
2019-07-26 Carolyn Hulsey added to the Core Team
2019-07-26 Changed Revisions formatting to use a table
2020-05-03 Clarified NF Committee vs Core Team duties
2020-05-03 Add section for conduct sub-committee
2020-05-26 Pavithra Eswaramoorthy added to Core Team
2021-03-05 Timo Cornelius Metzger added to Core Team
2021-03-19 Pavithra replaces Luke on NF Committee
2021-09-13 Timo replaces Sarah on NF Committee
2022-02-18 Emeritus section added with Sarah and Luke #12000
2022-03-02 Add Ian Thomas to the Core Team #12015
2022-07-17 Carolyn moved to Core Emeritus, Pavithra added to Conduct committee
2023-10-19 Update to reflect shift from "Maintainers" to "release-managers" team
2024-01-16 Update CoC link and move to form-based CoC reporting process