Custom Fields Snapshots allow you to easily create backups of your Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) data by exporting post types, taxonomies, options, users, and comments. These snapshots enable version control, make it easier to share setups with team members, assist with migrations between WordPress environments, and allow quick restoration of previous configurations.
This plugin requires Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) or ACF Pro to be installed and activated.
- Export and import ACF field data for specific post types, taxonomies, options, users, and comments
- Fully compatible with all ACF field types, including repeaters, galleries, and flexible content
- Supports nested fields within complex field group structures
- Selective export: choose which field groups, post types, taxonomies, and individual posts, terms, users or user roles to export
- Rollbacks: automatically revert all changes if an import fails
- Detailed logging for import processes
- Developer-friendly: Extensive hook system for customization
- Multisite compatibility for seamless use across networked sites
Custom Fields Snapshots simplifies ACF data management, offering a reliable solution for site migrations, staging environment setup, and data backups. This tool ensures a smooth workflow and provides peace of mind for developers and site administrators.
- Navigate to Tools > Custom Fields Snapshots in your WordPress admin panel.
- On the Export tab, select the field groups, post types, taxonomies, options, specific posts, terms, users, or user roles you want to export.
- Click Export Snapshot to download a JSON file of your data.
- To import, go to the Import tab, upload the JSON file, and click Import Snapshot.
- Navigate to the 'Field Snapshots' menu in your WordPress admin panel.
- Select the field groups, post types, options, specific posts, users, or user roles you want to export.
- Click 'Export Snapshot' to download a JSON file of your data.
- To import, upload the JSON file and click 'Import Snapshot'.
Custom Fields Snapshots is compatible with both ACF Free and ACF Pro. While the plugin should work with versions prior to 5.0, as it relies on core ACF functions, it's recommended to use the latest version of ACF for optimal performance, security, and compatibility.
The plugin is regularly tested with the latest ACF versions to ensure continued compatibility. If you're using an older ACF version (prior to 5.0), the plugin should still function correctly with your setup.
If you encounter any compatibility issues, please don't hesitate to reach out for support.
Absolutely! This is one of the main features of the plugin. Just make sure both sites have the same ACF field groups set up before importing.
You can export any field types supported by ACF or ACF Pro, including repeater fields, galleries, and flexible content, from post types, taxonomies, options, users and comments.
If an import fails, the plugin will automatically attempt to revert any changes made during the import process, ensuring your data remains intact.
There's no hard limit set by the plugin, but very large snapshots may be affected by PHP memory limits or max upload sizes set by your server.
Yes, the plugin supports WordPress Multisite installations, allowing you to manage ACF data across all network sites.
No, the plugin is designed to be lightweight. It does not load any code on the front end of your site. In the admin area, it only loads the bare minimum code needed for functionality. Additional code is activated only when required, such as on the Export or Import pages or during the import process.
Filters the value of a field during the export.
This filter allows modification of field values during the export process. It can be used to customize or sanitize field values based on context or field name.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$value |
mixed | The current value of the field. |
$context |
string | The context of the export. Possible values are 'post', 'taxonomy', 'option', 'user', or 'comment'. |
$field |
array | The field configuration array. |
$context_data |
mixed | Additional context-specific data. |
add_filter( 'custom_fields_snapshots_export_field_value', 'modify_export_field_value', 10, 4 );
function modify_export_field_value( $value, $context, $field, $context_data ) {
if ( 'user' === $context && 'my_prefixed_field' === $field['name'] ) {
return 'prefix:' . $value;
return $value;
Fires when a field import is successful during the import process.
This action is triggered after a field has been successfully imported. It provides information about the imported field, including its name, value, group key, and the context of the import. This can be useful for logging, notifications, or performing additional operations after a field is imported.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$field |
string | The field configuration array. |
$value |
mixed | The value that was imported for the field. |
$group_key |
string | The key of the field group to which this field belongs. |
$context |
string | The context of the import. Possible values are 'post', 'taxonomy', 'option', 'user', or 'comment'. |
add_action( 'custom_fields_snapshots_import_field_complete', 'log_imported_field', 10, 4 );
function log_imported_field( $field, $value, $group_key, $context ) {
'Field "%s" imported with value "%s" in group "%s" for context "%s"',
is_scalar( $value ) ? $value : wp_json_encode( $value ),
Fires when a field import fails during the import process.
This action is triggered when an attempt to import a field fails. It provides detailed information about the field, including the attempted value, the existing value, and the context of the import. This can be useful for logging, error handling, or notifying administrators about import failures.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$field |
string | The field configuration array. |
$value |
mixed | The value that was attempted to be imported. |
$existing_value |
mixed | The current value of the field before the import attempt. |
$context |
string | The context of the import. Possible values are 'post', 'taxonomy', 'option', 'user', or 'comment'. |
$group_key |
string | The key of the field group to which this field belongs. |
$context_data |
array | Additional context-specific data. |
add_action( 'custom_fields_snapshots_import_field_failed', 'log_failed_field_import', 10, 6 );
function log_failed_field_import( $field, $value, $existing_value, $context, $group_key, $context_data ) {
'Failed to import field "%s" with value "%s". Existing value: "%s". Context: "%s", Group: "%s"',
is_scalar( $value ) ? $value : json_encode( $value ),
is_scalar( $existing_value ) ? $existing_value : wp_json_encode( $existing_value ),
Filters the value of a field before importing in the import process.
This filter allows modification of field values before they are imported during the import process. It can be used to adjust, validate, or transform the data as needed based on various factors such as the field name, context, or existing values.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$value |
mixed | The field value to be imported. |
$existing_value |
mixed | The existing value of the field in the database. |
$field |
string | The field configuration array. |
$context |
string | The context of the import. Possible values are 'post', 'taxonomy', 'option', 'user', or 'comment'. |
$group_key |
string | The key of the field group to which this field belongs. |
$context_data |
array | Additional context-specific data. |
add_filter( 'custom_fields_snapshots_import_field_value', 'modify_import_field_value', 10, 6 );
function modify_import_field_value( $value, $existing_value, $field, $context, $group_key, $context_data ) {
if ( 'taxonomy' === $context && 'my_numeric_field' === $field['name'] && absint( $value ) > 300 ) {
return 300;
return $value;
Filters the arguments for retrieving data during the export process, e.g. for get_posts(), get_users(), get_terms().
This filter allows modification of the arguments passed to get_comments() when exporting comment data. It can be used to adjust which comments are included in the export.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$args |
array | The current arguments for the export. |
$context |
string | The context of the export. Possible values are 'post', 'taxonomy', 'option', 'user', or 'comment'. |
$field |
array | The field configuration array. |
$context_data |
mixed | Additional context-specific data. |
add_filter( 'custom_fields_snapshots_export_args', 'my_custom_export_args_filter', 10, 4 );
function my_custom_export_args_filter( $args, $context, $field, $context_data ) {
if ( 'comments' === $context ) {
$args['number'] = 10; // Limit to 10 comments
if ( 'my_special_field' === $field['name'] ) {
$args['meta_key'] = 'special_flag';
$args['meta_value'] = 'yes';
return $args;
Fires before exporting the field data in the export process.
This action is triggered just before the export process begins. It can be used for logging, performing pre-export operations, or modifying the export data.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$field_groups |
array | The field groups to be exported. |
$exports |
array | The data types to export. |
add_action( 'custom_fields_snapshots_export_pre', 'log_export_start', 10, 2 );
function log_export_start( $field_groups, $exports ) {
error_log( 'Export started: ' . wp_date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) );
Fires after exporting the field data in the export process.
This action is triggered immediately after the export process completes. It can be used for logging, performing post-export operations, or processing the exported data.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$field_groups |
array | The field groups that were exported. |
$exports |
array | The data types that were exported. |
add_action( 'custom_fields_snapshots_export_post', 'log_export_completion', 10, 2 );
function log_export_completion( $field_groups, $exports ) {
error_log( 'Export completed: ' . wp_date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) );
Fires before importing the field data in the import process.
This action is triggered just before the import process begins. It provides access to the JSON data that will be imported, allowing for pre-import operations, validation, or modification of the import data.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$json_data |
array | The JSON data to be imported. |
add_action( 'custom_fields_snapshots_import_pre', 'log_import_start', 10, 1 );
function log_import_start( $json_data ) {
error_log( 'Import started: ' . wp_date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) . ' with ' . count( $json_data ) . ' items.' );
Fires after successfully importing the field data in the import process.
This action is triggered immediately after the import process completes successfully. It can be used for logging, performing post-import operations, or triggering other processes that depend on the import being finished.
This action does not pass any parameters.
add_action( 'custom_fields_snapshots_import_complete', 'log_import_completion' );
function log_import_completion() {
error_log( 'Custom Fields Snapshots import completed successfully at: ' . wp_date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) );
Fires when the import process fails.
This action is triggered when the import process encounters an error and fails to complete successfully. It can be used for error logging, notifying administrators, or performing any necessary cleanup operations after a failed import.
This action does not pass any parameters.
add_action( 'custom_fields_snapshots_import_failed', 'log_import_failure' );
function log_import_failure() {
error_log( 'Custom Fields Snapshots import failed at: ' . wp_date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) );
Filters the arguments used to retrieve users for export in the Custom Fields Snapshots plugin.
The custom_fields_snapshots_render_export_users
filter allows you to modify the arguments passed to get_users()
when retrieving users for export. This can be used to customize which users are included in the export process and what user data is retrieved.
(array) The arguments forget_users()
add_filter( 'custom_fields_snapshots_render_export_users', 'my_custom_export_users', 10, 1 );
function my_custom_export_users( $args ) {
$args['exclude'] = array(
2, // Exclude user with ID 2
return $args;
Filters the user roles to be exported in the export process.
This filter allows modification of the list of user roles that will be included in the export. It can be used to add, remove, or modify the roles that will be exported.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$roles |
array | The user roles to be exported. |
add_filter( 'custom_fields_snapshots_render_export_user_roles', 'modify_export_user_roles', 10, 1 );
function modify_export_user_roles( $roles ) {
if ( isset( $roles['contributor'] ) ) {
unset( $roles['contributor'] );
return $roles;
Filters the list of post types to exclude from the export.
This filter allows modification of the list of post types that should be excluded from the export. It's particularly useful for excluding specific post types based on the export type.
Parameter | Type | Description |
$post_types |
array | The post types to be excluded from export. |
$type |
string | The type of post types to render ('public' or 'private'). |
add_filter( 'custom_fields_snapshots_export_exclude_post_types', 'exclude_revisions_from_private_export', 10, 2 );
function exclude_revisions_from_private_export( $post_types, $type ) {
if ( 'private' === $type ) {
$post_types[] = 'revision';
return $post_types;
Filters the taxonomies to be excluded from export.
The custom_fields_snapshots_export_exclude_taxonomies
filter allows you to modify the list of taxonomies that should be excluded from the export process. This can be useful for customizing which taxonomies are available for export based on the taxonomy type (public or private).
(array) The default array of taxonomies to be excluded from export.$type
(string) The type of taxonomies being processed. Possible values are 'public' or 'private'.
add_filter( 'custom_fields_snapshots_export_exclude_taxonomies', 'my_custom_exclude_taxonomies', 10, 2 );
function my_custom_exclude_taxonomies( $excluded_taxonomies, $type ) {
if ( 'public' === $type ) {
// Add 'category' to the list of excluded public taxonomies
$excluded_taxonomies[] = 'category';
} else {
// Remove 'nav_menu' from the list of excluded private taxonomies
$excluded_taxonomies = array_diff( $excluded_taxonomies, array( 'nav_menu' ) );
return $excluded_taxonomies;
Filters the field types that require value formatting.
The custom_fields_snapshots_field_type_format
filter allows you to modify the list of ACF field types that require special value formatting during export or import operations.
(array) The default array of field types that require value formatting.$field
(array) The ACF field object being processed.
add_filter( 'custom_fields_snapshots_field_type_format', 'my_custom_field_type_format', 10, 2 );
function my_custom_field_type_format( $format_types, $field ) {
// Add 'gallery' to the list of field types that require formatting
$format_types[] = 'gallery';
return $format_types;
Filters whether to include inactive field groups in the render_field_groups_selection()
This filter allows you to control whether inactive field groups should be included when rendering the field groups selection. By default, inactive field groups are excluded.
(bool) Whether to include inactive field groups. Default false.
add_filter( 'custom_fields_snapshots_render_inactive_field_groups', '__return_true' );