This is the HTML front end and API for the Global Change Information System (GCIS).
This portion of the GCIS is called Tuba.
Prerequisites :
- PostgreSQL 9.3+,
- requires addtional dev, contrib, and server packages
- Perl 5.20
- uuid dev package
- OpenSSL dev package
- A recent raptor (<>)
On Ubuntu 14.04, they can be installed with:
- sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib-9.3 libpg-hstore-perl \
postgresql-9.3 postgresql-server-dev-9.3 libuuid1 uuid-dev make \
openssl libssl-dev libpq-dev graphviz libxml2 raptor2-utils curl \
For CentOS, they can be installed with:
- sudo yum install openssl-devel uuid-devel make postgresql93-devel \
postgresql93-contrib postgresql93-server postgresql93 graphviz \
libxml2 raptor2-utils curl perlbrew gcc git
Instantiate Perlbrew environment:
perlbrew init # complete the init instructions
perlbrew install perl-5.20.0
perlbrew install-cpanm
perlbrew install-patchperl
perlbrew switch perl-5.20.0
Clone the Repository :
git clone
Install of Perl prerequisites :
cd gcis
cpanm --installdeps .
Customize install_base (optional) :
echo $(dirname $(dirname $(which perl)))
vi Build.PL
# use the ouput of the command above as the value for --install_base below
# or create a file $HOME/.modulebuildrc, that contains :
# install --install_base /your/directory/here
Software installation :
perl Build.PL # --install_base=(see above) if using custom
./Build test
./Build install
Database configuration :
Add these directives to postgresql.conf, under "CUSTOMIZED OPTIONS" :
audit.username = 'unknown'
audit.note = ''
Database installation :
sudo su - postgres -c "createuser -P -s -e $(whoami)"
./Build dbinstall
Configuration :
cp eg/Tuba.conf.sample Tuba.conf
sudo mkdir /var/local/projects
sudo chown $(whoami):$(whoami) /var/local/projects
Starting :
hypnotoad bin/tuba
Starting in dev mode :
morbo -l bin/tuba