The Framework for Evaluating Damages and Impacts (FrEDI)
FrEDI estimates the annual physical and economic impacts of temperature change to the US, through the 21st century (and optionally through 2300).
The 2024 FrEDI Technical Documentation and v4.1 of the FrEDI R package were subject to an independent external peer review and public comment period. All comments received were carefully reviewed, considered, and responded to. The final versions of the 2024 Technical Documentation and v4.1 R package were published in August 2024.
To install FrEDI for the first time:
new = .libPaths()[1],
repo = "USEPA/FrEDI",
subdir = "FrEDI",
type = "source",
force = TRUE
#ref = "branch" # this will install a particular branch of interest
After loading FrEDI, point FrEDI to a particular temperature file of
interest formatted year, temp_c:
tempInputFile <- file.path("your_file.csv")
You also can add in files for U.S. GDP and population.
Here we specify that the temperature inputs are global. This will allow FrEDI to convert those temperatures to CONUS level:
inputs <- import_inputs(tempfile = tempInputFile, temptype = "global")
A simple command to run FrEDI using the inputs specified above :
df <- run_fredi(inputsList= inputs, aggLevels="all")
There are different levels to aggregate the data. By selecting "none", FrEDI will print out all of the information and the user can then aggregate after.
The FrEDI team welcomes and values community contributions, but please see our Contribution Guide and note by contributing to this project, you agree to abide to our Contributor Code of Conduct.
For more information, refer to the documentation at and