Gato GraphQL extensions add functionality and expand the GraphQL schema provided by Gato GraphQL.
This template repository helps you kickstart a GitHub repo, to develop, test and release your own extensions for Gato GraphQL.
Trivia fact 🤔
All extensions from are hosted on a monorepo created from GatoGraphQL/ExtensionStarter
Follow these steps:
- Click on
Use this template
→Create a new repository
- Select the GitHub owner, and choose a proper name for your repository (eg:
) - Choose if to make it Public or Private
- Click on
Create repository
As a result, a copy of this template will have been created under your GitHub repo:
Clone your repository in your local drive using the --recursive
option (needed to clone Git submodule GatoGraphQL/GatoGraphQL
git clone --recursive
Step on the project's folder:
cd {project folder}
And then run:
cd submodules/GatoGraphQL && composer install && cd ../.. && composer install
This step will replace all the initial placeholder strings in the extension starter with the values corresponding to your project.
Input your values in the command below and run:
composer initialize-project -- \
--php-namespace-owner=MyCompanyName \
--my-company-name="My Company Name" \
[email protected] \
These arguments (and additional ones, see below) are optional. If any of them is not provided, a default value is computed from the configuration in Git and the GitHub repo.
Print arguments and default values for initialize-project
To see the default values for the arguments, run:
composer initialize-project -- --dry-run
To print all the arguments for the initialize-project
command, run:
composer initialize-project -- --help
View all initialize-project
command arguments
Option | Description |
--git-base-branch |
Base branch of the GitHub repository where this project is hosted. If not provided, this value is retrieved using git |
--git-user-name |
Git user name, to "split" code and push it to a different repo when merging a PR. If not provided, this value is retrieved from the global git config |
--git-user-email |
Git user email, to "split" code and push it to a different repo when merging a PR. If not provided, this value is retrieved from the global git config |
--github-repo-owner |
Owner of the GitHub repository where this project is hosted (eg: "GatoGraphQL" in ""). If not provided, this value is retrieved using git |
--github-repo-name |
Name of the GitHub repository where this project is hosted (eg: "ExtensionStarter" in ""). If not provided, this value is retrieved using git |
--docs-git-base-branch |
Base branch of the (public) GitHub repository hosting the documentation for the extension, to access the images in PROD. If not provided, the value for option git-base-branch is used |
--docs-github-repo-owner |
Owner of the (public) GitHub repository hosting the documentation for the extension, to access the images in PROD. If not provided, the value for option github-repo-owner is used |
--docs-github-repo-name |
Name of the (public) GitHub repository hosting the documentation for the extension, to access the images in PROD. If not provided, the value for option github-repo-name is used |
--php-namespace-owner |
PHP namespace owner to use in the codebase (eg: "MyCompanyName"). If not provided, the value from the "github-repo-owner" option is used |
--composer-vendor |
Composer vendor to distribute the packages in the repo. If not provided, it is generated from the "php-namespace-owner" option |
--my-company-name |
Name of the person or company owning the extension. If not provided, the value for option git-user-name is used |
--my-company-email |
Email of the person or company owning the extension. If not provided, the value for option git-user-email is used |
--my-company-website |
Website of the person or company owning the extension. If not provided, the GitHub repo for this project is used |
Browse documentation within the codebase
The codebase contains snippets of documentation, to explain some feature or configuration.
Search for the following PHPDoc tags in the codebase:
: Information on some aspect of the monorepo setup@gatographql-project-action-maybe-required
: Indicates if some feature can be enabled/disabled and how@gatographql-extension-info
: Information on some aspect of the extension setup@gatographql-example
: Provides an example from the upstream monorepo@gatographql-readonly-code
: Indicates that the code must not be changed, as it is automatically modified via some script
The license in the monorepo is GPL v2.
If this this not your license, remove/replace this file.
git add . && git commit -m "Initialized project" && git push origin && git tag 0.0.0 && git push --tags
This will commit the codebase to your GitHub repo, and tag it with version 0.0.0
. (This tag is needed to start incrementing the version automatically from now on.)
(Instructions for running the webserver for PROD will be given further below.)
A Lando webserver is set-up and configured to develop the extensions in the monorepo.
- Runs on PHP 8.1
- It directly uses the source code on the repo
- XDebug is enabled
Follow these steps:
Run (only the first time):
composer build-server
After a few minutes, the website will be available under{composer-vendor}
(Or, if you have Lando's proxy disabled, it will be available under{randomPort}
The URL is printed on the console under APPSERVER URLS
(you will need to scroll up):
To print the URL again, run:
composer server-info
(This command also prints other useful data, including the port to connect to the MySql database, so you can visualize and edit the data in the DB using an external client, such as MySQLWorkbench.)
What plugins are installed in the webserver? 🤔
All plugins hosted on the "upstream" monorepo:
(The last two are utilities to run integration tests for Gato GraphQL. Among others, they provide CPT "dummy-cpt" and custom taxonomies "dummy-category" and "dummy-tag").
All plugins hosted on this "downstream" starter monorepo:
All the WordPress integration plugins, required by the extensions
Besides, some initial configuration is applied to the Gato GraphQL plugin Settings. For instance, the single endpoint is enabled (it is disabled by default).
Credentials for{composer-vendor}
- Username:
- Password:
Click on the Gato GraphQL link on the menu to open the GraphiQL client, and execute the following GraphQL query:
Where does field helloDolly
come from? 🤔
Field Root.helloDolly
is added to the GraphQL schema by the "Gato GraphQL - Hello Dolly" demo extension hosted in this monorepo.
This field returns any quote from the Hello Dolly song. The following query:
will return:
"data": {
"helloDolly": "Dolly, never go away again"
...or any of the other lines in that song.
If the installation of the starter was successful, you will receive a response:
Building the webserver (above) is needed only the first time.
From then on, run:
composer init-server
composer integration-test
This section explains all the steps needed to add an extension plugin to the monorepo.
composer create-extension -- \
--extension-name="Extension name"
If the extension is an integration for some WordPress plugin, run:
composer create-extension -- \
--integration-plugin-name="Plugin name" \
--integration-plugin-file=slug/file.php \
For instance, to build an integration for WooCommerce with version 8 or above, run:
composer create-extension -- \
--integration-plugin-name=WooCommerce \
--integration-plugin-file=woocommerce/woocommerce.php \
Print arguments for create-extension
To print all the arguments for the create-extension
command, run:
composer create-extension -- --help
View all create-extension
command arguments
Option | Description |
--template |
Template to use to create the extension plugin, from available options: "basic" [default: "basic"] |
--integration-plugin-file |
Integration plugin file (eg: "woocommerce/woocommerce.php" for the WooCommerce plugin), if any |
--integration-plugin-version-constraint |
Minimum required version of the integration plugin, in semver (eg: "^8.1"). If not provided, any version is accepted [default: "*"] |
--integration-plugin-name |
Name of the integration plugin (eg: WooCommerce). If not provided, it is generated from the integration plugin slug |
--extension-name |
Extension plugin name. If not provided, it is calculated from the integration plugin name |
--extension-slug |
Slug of the extension plugin. If not provided, it is generated from the integration plugin's slug, or from the "extension-name" option |
--extension-classname |
PHP classname to append to classes in the extension plugin. If not provided, it is generated from the "extension-slug" option |
After running the command above, execute the following bash commands to complete the process:
# (Git commit/push the changes to the repo)
git add . && git commit -m "Created new extension" && git push origin
# (Rebuild the Lando webserver for DEV)
composer rebuild-app-and-server
# (Install/activate the added plugins on the DEV webserver)
composer activate-extension-plugins
# (Install/activate the integration plugin on the PROD webserver) <= if already created
composer activate-extension-plugins-prod
The new extension plugin created with the command above contains the comment @gatographql-extension-todo
indicating that there are items to complete.
Complete the documentation for your module, under file:
To test the schema elements added by the extension, complete the GraphQL document:
(and the JSON response, in the same folder).
If integrating with another WordPress plugin, you will need to complete the file with stubs for that plugin (to avoid errors with PHPStan/Rector), under:
What are stubs needed for? And how to generate them? 🤔
Stubs are placeholders to "load" a functionality that is otherwise missing (because the plugin that contains it is not loaded when running unit tests and static analysis).
Stubs avoid PHPStan producing an error when analyzing packages which invoke classes, methods, constants, etc, from 3rd-party WordPress plugins. (Eg: the stubs file for hello-dolly
avoids an error from calling hello_dolly_get_lyric()
in the field resolver).
It also avoids Rector from producing errors when downgrading the code.
Stubs must be added for all the WordPress integration plugins for which there is an extension in the monorepo (eg: WooCommerce, Yoast SEO, etc).
The stub files, if not already available for that WordPress plugin, can be generated using php-stubs/generator
(check also php-stubs/wordpress-stubs
This section provides examples from the codebase in the upstream GatoGraphQL/GatoGraphQL
monorepo, demonstrating how to create the resolvers to extend the GraphQL schema (for fields, mutations, input objects, directives, etc).
In your code editor, copy the example file and paste it inside your extension folder (under the original folder structure), and adapt it to your needs:
- Adapt its content accordingly
- Inspect all services referenced inside the class, and verify if any of them must too be duplicated and adapted
- Similarly, find all references to the original class (eg: using the PHP Intelephense addon for VSCode), and verify if any of them must also be duplicated and adapted
You must also define those services in the service container, by uncommenting the corresponding entries on configuration file layers/GatoGraphQLForWP/packages/{extension-slug}-schema/config/schema-services.yaml
(Check submodules/GatoGraphQL/layers/CMSSchema/packages/users/config/schema-services.yaml
for an example.)
(From this section downwards, these features are general to GraphQL.)
Fields name
, displayName
, and others, for the User
Mutation createPost
Custom scalar Email
Enum CommentTypeEnum
Interface CustomPostInterfaceTypeResolver
Union type CustomPostUnionTypeResolver
Input Object UserSortInput
Oneof Input Object UserByInput
Directive @skip
(From this section downwards, these features are specific to Gato GraphQL.)
Field __typename
Enum String CustomPostEnumString
Error Payload Union Type RootAddCommentToCustomPostMutationErrorPayloadUnion
Mutation Post.update
Field Root.comments
(From this section downwards, these features are specific to WordPress.)
Custom Post Type Page
The monorepo includes scripts that completely automate the process of releasing the extension plugins in the monorepo.
Follow these steps:
(This is done only the first time, after creating the repo)
On your repo's "Settings > Actions > General > Workflow permissions", select option Read and write permissions
This will enable uploading the generated artifacts when creating a new release.
Choose which version you will be releasing. The same version will be applied to all plugins in the monorepo.
(Given that the current version is 0.0.0
To release version 0.0.1
, run:
composer release-patch
To release version 0.1.0
, run:
composer release-minor
To release version 1.0.0
, run:
composer release-major
What do these commands do? 🤔
Executing these commands will first prepare the repo for PROD:
- Update the version (in the plugin file's header, readme.txt's Stable tag, others) for all the extension plugins in the monorepo
- Update the documentation image URLs to point to that tag, under
- Commit and push
- Git tag with the version, and push tag to GitHub
And then, it will prepare the repo for DEV again:
- Update the version to the next DEV version (next semver +
) - Commit and push
To preview running the command without actually executing it, append -- --dry-run
composer release-patch -- --dry-run
After tagging the repo on the step above, we must create a release from the tag to generate the extension plugins for production.
To create the release, head over to the tags
page in your GitHub repo (
), and click on the new tag (eg: 0.1.0
Then, on the tag page, click on Create release from tag
, and then add a title and content, and submit the form.
This will trigger the generate_plugins.yml
workflow, which will generate the extension plugins and attach them as assets to the tag page.
For instance, after tagging Gato GraphQL with 1.0.9
, the tag page GatoGraphQL/GatoGraphQL/releases/tag/1.0.9 had the following assets attached to it:
Once the extension plugin has been generated, install it on the PROD webserver to test it, whether manually or using WP-CLI.
Using WP-CLI, if your repo is my-account/GatoGraphQLExtensionsForMyCompany
and you have released version 0.1.0
, run:
$ cd webservers/gatographql-extensions-for-prod
$ lando wp plugin install --force --activate
$ cd ../..
Once you've installed the release on the Lando webserver for PROD, log-in to the wp-admin
, access the GraphiQL client, and execute the following GraphQL query:
If the release was generated successfully, you will receive a response:
A Lando webserver is set-up and configured to test the released extension plugins, generated by GitHub Actions.
- Runs on PHP 7.4
- You must download the generated plugins for PROD (from GitHub Actions) and install them on the webserver
- XDebug is not enabled
Follow these steps:
Run (only the first time):
composer build-server-prod
After a few minutes, the website will be available under{composer-vendor}
(The URL is the same one as for DEV above, plus appending -for-prod
to the domain name.)
To print the URL again, run:
composer server-info-prod
The wp-admin
login credentials are the same ones as for DEV.
Building the webserver (above) is needed only the first time.
From then on, run:
composer init-server-prod
composer integration-test-prod
When developing an extension and testing it in the DEV webserver, whenever we create a new PHP service or modify the signature of an existing one (such as the PHP classname), we need to purge the container cache.
composer purge-cache
How does Gato GraphQL use a service container? 🤔
The Gato GraphQL plugin uses a service container (via the Symfony DependencyInjection library), to manage all services in PHP.
Services are PHP classes, and must be defined in configuration files services.yaml
and schema-services.yaml
to be injected into the container.
The first time the application is invoked, the container gathers all injected services and compiles them, generating a single PHP file that is loaded in the application.
Generating this file can take several seconds. To avoid waiting for this time on each request, the Gato GraphQL plugin caches this file after it has been generated the first time.
The container needs to be purged whenever a service is created, or an existing one updated or removed.
(In production, the Gato GraphQL plugin purges the cache whenever a new extension plugin is activated, or when the plugin Settings are updated. During development, it can in addition be triggered manually, by running composer purge-cache
This applies to resolvers (type resolvers, field resolvers, directive resolvers, and any other resolver that gives shape to the GraphQL schema), as these are PHP services. Whenever a resolver is added or removed, or is updated in such a way that modifies the GraphQL schema, the cached container must be purged.
Some example resolvers are:
- Field
(and others):UserObjectTypeFieldResolver
After adding a plugin or package to the monorepo, the configuration (containing all the packages) must be regenerated.
composer update-monorepo-config
What does command update-monorepo-config
do? 🤔
The update-monorepo-config
command will:
- Regenerate the root
, adding the new packages - Regenerate the root
, adding the new packages
You can at any moment re-install the WordPress site (and import the initial dataset).
On the DEV webserver:
composer reset-db
composer reset-db-prod
This is useful when:
- The installation when doing
was halted midway (or failed for some reason) - Running the integration tests was not completed (modifying the DB data to a different state, so that running the tests again will fail)
When a plugin or package folder has been renamed, you need to update the path in the overrides
section of the .lando.upstream.yml
Lando config file, and then rebuild the Lando webserver to reflect these changes.
composer rebuild-server
When a new extension plugin is added to the monorepo, it must have its Composer autoload file generated, and the plugin must be symlinked to the Lando webserver.
composer rebuild-app-and-server
Access the error logs from the Lando webserver:
composer log-server-errors
composer log-server-errors-prod
SSH into the Lando webserver:
composer ssh-server
composer ssh-server-prod
XDebug is already integrated when using VSCode.
Add a breakpoint in the source code and then, in the Run and Debug
tab, press on Start Debugging
with the corresponding configuration (defined in .vscode/launch.json
[Lando webserver] Listen for Xdebug
: For debugging the source code while running the Lando webserver for DEV[PHPUnit] Listen for Xdebug
: For debugging PHPUnit tests
XDebug is enabled but inactive; it must be activated when requesting the webpage (see below).
Activate XDebug for a request by appending parameter ?XDEBUG_TRIGGER=1
to the URL (for any page on the Gato GraphQL plugin, including any page in the wp-admin, the GraphiQL or Interactive Schema public clients, or other).
For instance:{composer-vendor}{composer-vendor}
Activate XDebug by prepending XDEBUG_TRIGGER=1
before the phpunit
command to run the unit tests.
For instance:
XDEBUG_TRIGGER=1 vendor/bin/phpunit submodules/GatoGraphQL/layers/GatoGraphQLForWP/phpunit-packages/gatographql/tests/Unit/Faker/WPFakerFixtureQueryExecutionGraphQLServerTest.php
When a PR is merged, all extension plugins in the monorepo are generated for DEV, and attached to workflow generate_plugins.yml
(in its Summary tab).
Then, workflow integration_tests.yml
is triggered. This workflow installs the generated plugins in an InstaWP instance, and executes the integration tests against this instance.
To use it, you need to:
- Expose the artifacts in your repo via (so these can be installed by InstaWP without being logged-in using a GitHub account)
- Have an account on InstaWP with access to SSH + WP-CLI
- Prepare a template in InstaWP, and import the needed dataset to run the tests, via WP-CLI
- Provide the template slug and repo ID from InstaWP via file
To import the dataset, you must run the following bash scripts in your InstaWP instance:
Review the GitHub Actions workflows that you need for your project.
Most likely, the following GitHub Actions workflows are not initially needed:
: You first need to have InstaWP and configure the template accordinglyscoping_tests.yml
: Initially there are no packages to scope in the startersplit_monorepo_tagged.yml
: The "Monorepo Split" is not enabled by default (see section Monorepo Split below)split_monorepo.yml
: Same as above
If this is the case, you can disable these workflows so they don't run unnecessarily.
is multi-monorepo. To learn about the features provided by this architecture, visit Multi-Monorepo (Architecture of the Extension Starter).
composer copy-upstream-files
What files does copy-upstream-files
copy? 🤔
Executing composer copy-upstream-files
will copy files from the "upstream" GatoGraphQL/GatoGraphQL
repo (which is a Git submodule), to the "downstream" my-account/GatoGraphQLExtensionsForMyCompany
These files include GitHub Actions workflows and Lando config files.
For instance, the Lando webserver for DEV uses the source code files from the main Gato GraphQL plugin, via the mapping defined in the upstream file .lando.upstream.yml
Whenever that file is updated in the Gato GraphQL repo, by executing composer copy-upstream-files
we will fetch that updated file and copy it as the downstream .lando.base.yml
file (it is renamed in the process, and the paths are adapted to point to submodules/GatoGraphQL/...
Then we execute composer rebuild-server
, and the new mapping will take effect.
Retrieve the list of all Composer commands available in the monorepo:
composer list
View all monorepo commands
composer command |
Description |
activate-extension-plugins |
Download/activate the extension plugins, and any required integration plugin |
activate-extension-plugins-prod |
Download/activate the extension plugins, and any required integration plugin, in the PROD server |
analyse |
Run PHPStan static analysis of the code |
build-js |
Build all JS packages, blocks and editor scripts for all plugins in the Gato GraphQL - Extension Starter repo |
build-server |
Initialize the Lando webserver with the 'Gato GraphQL' demo site, for development. To be executed only the first time |
build-server-prod |
Initialize the Lando webserver with the 'Gato GraphQL' demo site, for production. To be executed only the first time |
check-style |
Validate PSR-12 coding standards (via phpcs) |
check-style-wp |
Validate WordPress custom rules coding standards (via phpcs) |
copy-files-from-upstream-monorepo |
[multi-monorepo] Copy specific files to be reused across monorepos, from the upstream GatoGraphQL/GatoGraphQL to this downstream repo |
copy-folders-from-upstream-monorepo |
[multi-monorepo] Copy all files in specific folders to be reused across monorepos, from the upstream GatoGraphQL/GatoGraphQL to this downstream repo |
copy-upstream-files |
[multi-monorepo] Copy both specific files, and all files in specific folders, to be reused across monorepos, from the upstream GatoGraphQL/GatoGraphQL to this downstream repo |
create-extension |
Create an extension plugin, hosted in this monorepo |
debug |
Run and debug PHPUnit tests |
delete-settings |
Delete the plugin settings from the DB |
deoptimize-autoloader |
Removes the optimization of the Composer autoloaders for all the plugins installed in the webserver |
destroy-server |
Destroy the Lando webserver with the 'Gato GraphQL' demo site |
destroy-server-prod |
Destroy the Lando webserver with the 'Gato GraphQL' demo site for PROD |
disable-caching |
Disable caching for the 'Gato GraphQL' in DEV |
disable-restrictive-defaults |
Do not use restrictive default values for the Settings |
enable-caching |
Enable caching for the 'Gato GraphQL' in DEV |
enable-restrictive-defaults |
Use restrictive default values for the Settings |
fix-style |
Fix PSR-12 coding standards (via phpcbf) |
fix-style-wp |
Fix WordPress custom rules coding standards (via phpcbf) |
import-data |
Imports pre-defined data into the DB (posts, users, CPTs, etc) |
improve-code-quality |
Improve code quality (via Rector) |
init-server |
Alias of 'start-server |
init-server-prod |
Runs the init-server-prod script as defined in composer.json |
init-server-upstream |
Runs the init-server-upstream script as defined in composer.json |
initialize-project |
Initialize the project, replacing the extension starter data with your own data |
install-deps-build-js |
Install all dependencies from npm to build the JS packages, blocks and editor scripts for all plugins in the Gato GraphQL - Extension Starter repo |
install-site |
Installs the WordPress site |
install-site-prod |
Installs the WordPress site in the PROD server |
integration-test |
Execute integration tests (PHPUnit) |
integration-test-prod |
Execute integration tests (PHPUnit) against the PROD webserver |
log-server-errors |
Show (on real time) the errors from the Lando webserver |
log-server-errors-prod |
Show (on real time) the errors from the Lando webserver for PROD |
log-server-warnings |
Show (on real time) the warnings from the Lando webserver |
log-server-warnings-prod |
Show (on real time) the warnings from the Lando webserver for PROD |
merge-monorepo |
Create the monorepo's composer.json file, containing all dependencies from all packages |
merge-phpstan |
Generate a single PHPStan config for the monorepo, invoking the config for the PHPStan config for all packages |
preview-code-downgrade |
Run Rector in 'dry-run' mode to preview how the all code (i.e. src/ + vendor/ folders) will be downgraded to PHP 7.4 |
preview-hello-dolly-downgrade |
Runs the preview-hello-dolly-downgrade script as defined in composer.json |
preview-src-downgrade |
Run Rector in 'dry-run' mode to preview how the src/ folder will be downgraded to PHP 7.4 |
preview-vendor-downgrade |
Run Rector in 'dry-run' mode to preview how the vendor/ folder will be downgraded to PHP 7.4 |
propagate-monorepo |
Propagate versions from the monorepo's composer.json file to all packages |
purge-cache |
Purge the cache for the 'Gato GraphQL' in DEV |
purge-cache-upstream |
Runs the purge-cache-upstream script as defined in composer.json |
rebuild-app-and-server |
Update the App dependencies (from Composer) and rebuild the Lando webserver |
rebuild-server |
Rebuild the Lando webserver |
rebuild-server-prod |
Rebuild the Lando webserver for PROD |
release-major |
Release a new 'major' version (MAJOR.xx.xx) (bump version, commit, push, tag, revert to 'dev-master', commit, push) |
release-minor |
Release a new 'minor' version (xx.MINOR.xx) (bump version, commit, push, tag, revert to 'dev-master', commit, push) |
release-patch |
Release a new 'patch' version (xx.xx.PATCH) (bump version, commit, push, tag, revert to 'dev-master', commit, push) |
remove-unused-imports |
Remove unused use imports |
reset-db |
Resets the WordPress database |
reset-db-prod |
Resets the WordPress database in the PROD server |
server-info |
Retrieve information from the Lando webserver |
server-info-prod |
Retrieve information from the Lando webserver for PROD |
ssh-server |
SSH into the Lando webserver with the 'Gato GraphQL' demo site |
ssh-server-prod |
SSH into the Lando webserver for PROD with the 'Gato GraphQL' demo site |
start-server |
Start the Lando webserver with the 'Gato GraphQL' demo site, for development |
start-server-prod |
Start the Lando webserver for PROD with the 'Gato GraphQL' demo site, for development |
stop-server |
Stop the Lando webserver |
stop-server-prod |
Stop the Lando webserver for PROD |
stop-server-upstream |
Runs the stop-server-upstream script as defined in composer.json |
stopping-integration-test |
Runs the stopping-integration-test script as defined in composer.json |
stopping-integration-test-prod |
Execute integration tests (PHPUnit) against the PROD webserver, stopping as soon as there's an error or failure |
stopping-unit-test |
Runs the stopping-unit-test script as defined in composer.json |
unit-test |
Execute unit tests (PHPUnit) |
update-deps |
Update the Composer dependencies for the 'Gato GraphQL' plugins |
update-monorepo-config |
Update the monorepo's composer.json and phpstan.neon files, with data from all packages |
use-default-restrictive-defaults |
Remove the set value, use the default one |
validate-monorepo |
Validate that version constraints for dependencies are the same for all packages |
To check the coding standards via PHP CodeSniffer, run:
composer check-style
To automatically fix issues, run:
composer fix-style
Execute unit tests via PHPUnit:
composer unit-test
Execute integration tests against the Lando webserver for DEV:
composer integration-test
Execute against the Lando webserver for PROD:
composer integration-test-prod
To execute PHPStan, run:
composer analyse
Via Rector (dry-run mode):
composer preview-code-downgrade
Use the issue tracker to report a bug or request a new feature for all packages in the monorepo.
Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.