A collection of essential digital tools designed to assist with everyday tasks.
- Days Calculator - Calculate the number of days between two dates.
- Length Converter - Convert between centimeters and feet.
- Rule of Three Calculator - Calculate proportional values using the Rule of Three.
- Speed Converter - Convert between km/h and mph.
- Steps to Distance - Estimate distance (km) based on the number of steps.
- Temperature Converter - Convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
- Weight Converter - Convert between kilograms and pounds.
- Term Deposit Calculator - Calculate interest earned on term deposits over time.
- BMI Calculator - Calculate Body Mass Index based on height (cm) and weight (kg).
- Waist to Height Ratio (WHtR) - Estimate health risks based on your waist and height measurements (cm).
- Water Intake Calculator - Determine the daily water intake based on weight (kg).
- Pomodoro Timer - Boost productivity with the Pomodoro Technique.
- Text Case Converter - Convert text to uppercase, lowercase, camelcase, and more.
- Text Comparison - Compare two pieces of text and highlight differences.
- Text Counter - Count characters, words, sentences, and paragraphs.
- Password Generator - Generate strong and secure passwords.
- Text Sorter - Sort lines of text alphabetically or numerically.
- Typing Speed Test - Test your typing speed and accuracy in real-time.
- Visit the live version: My Essential Toolbox.
- Select the tool you need and input your data to get instant results!
- Simple and intuitive interface.
- Useful tools for daily tasks.
- Works on all modern web browsers.
- Support this project by giving it a star ⭐. Thanks!
- Feel free to suggest improvements or report any issues in the repository.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.