Open source license usage on GitHub.com
Open source simply isn’t open source without a proper license. Unless you’ve explicitly told others that they can modify and reuse your work, you’ve only showed others your code; you…
The vast majority of businesses today rely on open source, making it an essential part of the software industry. And millions of those projects are on GitHub. Learn about documentation, maintainers, gaming Git, licenses, and how open source positively impacts the world. You can also find information in our documentation about how to build and foster sustainable open source communities.
Open source simply isn’t open source without a proper license. Unless you’ve explicitly told others that they can modify and reuse your work, you’ve only showed others your code; you…
The GitHub Game Off, our very own game jam is returning next week! We’ve had some great games submitted in previous years and can’t wait to see what you come…
The Git developers have just released a major new version of the Git command-line utility, Git 2.3.0. As usual, this release contains many improvements, performance enhancements, and bug fixes. Full…
We announced our second annual game jam, the GitHub Game Off II, back in October. Today, we’re revealing the winners and giving you the chance to play and fork these…
We ran our very first game jam last year and had so much fun, we decided to throw another one! The Challenge You have the entire month of November to…
It’s easy to get caught up in code. Sharing your code isn’t everything, though: it’s also important to tell people how they can use that code. Choosing an open source…
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