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Scaling your GitHub usage just got easier! We are expanding our pay-as-you-go usage-based billing and licensing reporting interface to include GitHub Enterprise (GHE) and GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS) Server-only usage.

We announced pay-as-you-go billing for GHE and GHAS on August 1, 2024 to give customers flexible self-provisioning and pricing. Since then, enterprise accounts on github.com created on or after that date could generate a GitHub Enterprise Server key for the appropriate license count when license adjustments were needed. This required all users, including Server-only users, to be represented in the enterprise account’s user list on GitHub Enterprise Cloud.

Now, you can track and monitor your Server-only license usage for both Enterprise and Advanced Security as a separate line item on the Billing & Licensing > Licensing page.

Note that it will still be required to add all Server-only users to your GitHub Enterprise Cloud enterprise user list to account for their license usage and generate a license key with the appropriate license count. This update does not change this compliance requirement.

Enterprise Server summary in licensing

For existing customers who already have GHE or GHAS, your plan and existing billing method will remain as-is.

If you are interested in pay-as-you-go usage-based billing and have a GitHub account team, please connect with them to discuss whether switching to this model is an option for you.

Check out our documentation to learn more about usage-based billing for licenses.

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In your homepage activity Feed, you can see activity from other users, content GitHub recommends for you in “Suggested for you” modules, and trending developers/repositories.

The sorting algorithm we’ve had in place in the Feed could lead to these items being placed out of chronological sequence. We’ve heard your feedback, though, that the out-of-sequence ordering of activity can make it difficult to be effective with daily tasks in GitHub.

So now, we’re sorting all activity in the Feed chronologically. The newest activity appears first and older activity appears as you scroll down your Feed.

As part of this change, we also merged the design and UI to be more consistent across individual feeds and organization feeds, by slightly modifying the card layout in organization feeds. These minor template differences should not impact the content that appears for you.

Learn more and give us your feedback

For more information and discussion on these changes, join us in this discussion.

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We revamped the Enterprise Cloud Licensing page content.


  • Enhanced Usability: We’ve simplified how license usage is presented for enterprises using the Visual Studio Subscription with GitHub Enterprise license bundle, making it clearer and easier to understand your usage metrics.
  • Optimized CSV Download Experience: We updated the Licensing page’s CSV download feature to provide better feedback on the report’s status. For reports with a large volume of data, we now email the CSV report to you once it’s ready.

Join the discussion within GitHub Community.

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New updates to the branches and commits pages are now in feature preview. These updates are focused on improved navigation, performance, and making these experiences more accessible.


Screenshot showing new branches page on GitHub Docs Repository

We added clarity to the list header explaining what each section of the branches page does. Stale branches are now hidden by default to speed up page load times.

GIF walkthrough of branches page showing the new UI and clicking on various elements to show new functionality.


Screen shot showing new commits page on GitHub Docs Repository

You can now filter commits by a date range and collapse the list per day to find the commits that matter to you quickly.

GIF showing the commits page filtering by date in a calendar and collapsing commits for a whole day

Click here if you have feedback and let us know in our community discussion.

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A total redesign of GitHub’s code search and navigation was released to all logged in GitHub users in May. Starting today, the new redesigned code navigation experience, including a file tree and symbols pane, will be available to anyone browsing anonymously on GitHub.com. To access the new code search experience, and make full use of the symbol navigation, create an account or log in to GitHub.com.

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At GitHub Universe last year, we announced a total redesign of GitHub's code search and navigation experience, powered by our all-new code search engine that we built from scratch. And in February, we announced our public beta.

Today, we are rolling out this feature to all GitHub users. Thanks to the members of the beta community for your excellent feedback and engagement throughout the beta!

Screenshot of code search results

Check out our blog post to learn more about how GitHub's new code search and code view can help you search, navigate, and understand your code. And if you have feedback, please share it with us in our feedback discussion.

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Caching dependencies and other commonly reused files enables developers to speed up their GitHub Actions workflows and make them more efficient.
We have now enabled Cache Management from the web interface to enable developers to get more transparency and control over their cache usage within their GitHub repositories.

Actions users who use actions/cache can now:

  • View a list of all cache entries for a repository.
  • Filter and sort the list of caches using specific metadata such as cache size, creation time, or last accessed time.
  • Delete a corrupt or a stale cache entry
  • Monitor aggregate cache usage for repositories and organizations.

In addition to the Cache Management UX that we have now enabled, you could also use our Cache APIs or install the GitHub CLI extension for Actions cache to manage your caches from your terminal.

Learn more about dependency caching to speed up your Actions workflows.
For questions or to share your feedback, visit the GitHub Actions community.

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Reading and understanding code is an absolutely critical task for software developers. Research suggests developers spend far more time reading code than writing it. Reviewing a pull request, planning a new feature, researching a system’s architecture, or determining how to fix a bug are all activities that rely on finding critical information scattered across the codebase.

That’s why we’ve built the new code search and code view—to help developers search, navigate, and understand their code, their team’s code, and the world’s open source code.

At GitHub Universe in November we announced the beta waitlist for the new code search and code view. Today we’re removing that waitlist. Now any user can access the new search and code viewing experience using this link, or via the feature preview menu. To access the feature preview menu, click your avatar at the top-right of a GitHub page and select Feature preview. Then select the beta and click the Enable button.

mockup screenshot of new code view and code search features

This beta brings three powerful new capabilities to GitHub.com. First, an entirely new search interface, allowing you to construct powerful queries with suggestions, completions, and the ability to slice and dice your results.

The second capability is our entirely new code search engine, capable of searching and even understanding code. It delivers more relevant results with incredible speed. Curious about how it works? Read about the groundbreaking technology behind the new code search in the GitHub blog earlier this month.

The third capability is a redesigned code view. The new view integrates search, browsing, and code navigation, allowing developers to rapidly traverse their code to find answers.

This is a big step forward for code search and navigation at GitHub, but we’re far from done. Check it out yourself, and share your feedback with us here.


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