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Following our opt-in preview last October, we’re excited to expand item limits for all projects — increasing from 1,200 to 50,000 items per project.

Since the last release, we’ve added support for project insights and mobile, addressed your top bug reports, and delivered key performance improvements.

We’re rolling out increased limits incrementally over the next week. If you see the Increased items preview pill in your project, you’re now in the preview.

Insights for all

With this release, we’re also making project insights fully accessible to all plans—removing paid gating entirely. All plans now have access to both current state and historical charts in public and private repositories, with no feature restrictions. Learn more about insights for projects.

For questions and feedback, join the discussion within the GitHub Community.

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Enterprise rules and custom properties are getting updates as part of the current public preview, as well introducing a new search and filter experience for custom properties.

Custom properties

Screenshot depicting new filter options available

There are new search and filtering options for custom properties now generally available to ensure you can easily find the right property.

  • Managed by allows you to limit your result by the organization or enterprise who manages the property.
  • Property type allows you to limit your result by the available type of properties.
  • Text allows you to limit your result by the context of the property name or values.

Enterprise custom properties

Screenshot of custom property promotion screen

Enterprise custom properties as part of the current preview can now be promoted from an organization to an enterprise property. This ensures properties configured in one organization are available across all organizations in an enterprise.

Enterprise code rulesets

Screenshot of configuring enterprise workflow rule

Required workflows are now available as a new rule in the enterprise code rules preview. This will allow you to target workflows across specific organizations and repositories with a single workflow file managed at the enterprise.

Note: GitHub Enterprise Cloud with data residency support for the enterprise workflow rule will be coming soon.

Join the discussion within GitHub Community.

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The improved merge experience on the pull request page announced in December will be enabled by default over the next few days! The feature remains in public preview while we address feedback (keep it coming!) and make final improvements before making it generally available later this quarter.

Screenshot of the updated merge box page on the pull request page showing that 1 review is required, a list of status checks (some failing), and a message about not having any merge conflicts.

This improved experience, while still familiar, is designed to help you better understand the state of your pull request and get it merged faster. To learn more, see the public preview announcement.

Recent fixes

There have been numerous bugs fixed and feature gaps filled since the public preview launched last year. Here are some notable fixes:

  • Fixed: Enabling auto-merge, deleting branch (after merging), or restoring branch previously failed with an unexpected error message.
  • Fixed: In certain scenarios, the commit author email address shown when merging the pull request would not match the email address in the resulting merge (or squash) commit.
  • Fixed: GitHub Actions workflow runs could only be approved from the classic merge experience.
  • Fixed: Status check durations were missing.

We’ve also made various improvements, including natural ordering for status checks. For a more complete list, see the recently fixed section of this discussion.

How to turn it off

To switch back to the classic experience, click the Switch back to the classic merge experience just below the merge experience on the Conversation page:

A screenshot showing how to switch back to the classic merge experience

If you want to return to the improved experience, click Try the new merge experience below the merge box on the pull request page:

A screenshot showing how to re-enable the improved merge experience

You can also toggle the experience via the feature preview dialog.

How to provide feedback

We want to hear from you! To provide feedback, ask questions, and see a list of known issues, visit the GitHub Community improved merge box discussion.

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Now in public preview, Linux arm64 hosted runners are available for free in public repositories. Following the release of arm64 larger hosted runners in June, this offering now extends to the open source-community. Powered by the Cobalt 100-based processors, these 4 vCPU runners can deliver up to a 40% performance boost compared to Microsoft Azure’s previous generation of Arm-based VMs, providing a power-efficient compute layer for your workloads. Arm-native developers can now build, test and deploy entirely within the arm64 architecture without the need for virtualization on your Actions runs.

How to use the runners

To leverage the arm64 hosted runners, add the following labels in your public repository workflow runs:

Please note that these labels will not work in private repositories, and the workflow will fail if added. All runs in public repositories will adhere to our standard runners usage limits, with maximum concurrencies based on your plan type. While the arm64 runners are in public preview, you may experience longer queue times during peak usage hours.


In partnership with Arm, GitHub provides the Ubuntu VM images for these runners, helping customers with a seamless start to building on Arm. To view the list of installed software, give feedback, or report issues with the image, visit the partner-runner-images repository.

Get started today!

To get started, simply add one of the new labels to theruns-on syntax in your public Actions workflow file. For more information on arm64 runners and how to use them, see our documentation and join the conversation in the community discussion.

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To help you better understand the state of your pull request and get it merged faster, the merge experience on the pull request page has been improved! This experience is currently in public preview.

Screen shot of the updated merge box page on the pull request page showing that 1 review is required, a list of status checks (some failing), and a message about not having any merge conflicts.

What’s new

We’ve maintained the familiar look of the existing merge experience while incorporating several usability improvements:

  • Checks grouped by status: checks are now grouped by status with failing checks prioritized at the top of the list, making it easier to identify issues that need attention
  • Checks ordered alphabetically: status checks are now ordered alphabetically to make it easier to find a specific check
  • Commit metadata validation: errors from failing commit metadata rules (like non-compliant commit messages) can now be corrected and retried
  • Improved accessibility: consistent keyboard navigation, focus management, and landmarks help make the experience more accessible to everyone

For a more complete list of changes visit the feedback discussion.

Try it out

This improved experience is rolling out gradually and is turned off by default. Once it becomes available to you, a Try the new merge experience link will appear below the merge box on the pull request page:


Click it to switch to the improved experience. A link is also available for easily switching back to the existing experience. You can also toggle the experience via the feature preview dialog.

Known issues

As this experience is in public preview, you may run into some bugs and missing features (let us know when you do). Some of the known issues include:

  • Actions workflows requiring approval cannot be approved currently
  • Changing the commit author email when merging is not currently supported

For a more complete list of known issues visit the feedback discussion.


We want to hear from you! To provide feedback, ask questions, and see a list of known issues, visit the GitHub Community improved merge box discussion!

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GitHub Models has entered public preview! GitHub Models provides every GitHub developer with access to top AI models via a playground, API, and more.

GitHub Models product screenshot showing the model playground

Since the announcement of GitHub Models almost three months ago, we’ve shipped a number of enhancements and new models.

New features include:

  • Side-by-side comparisons – Compare the output of two models as they respond to the same prompt in real time.
  • Model presets – Save prompts, parameters, and messages to use later or share with a friend.
  • Multimodal support – Provide images in the playground to models that support multimodal capabilities.
  • Streamlined deployment process – Quickly move your application from development to production with an Azure production key.

New surfaces to use models include:

  • Models CLI extension – Use any model from the command line by extending the GitHub CLI with `gh extension install`.
  • Models Copilot extensionInstall the GitHub Models Copilot Extension and call GitHub Models with @models in GitHub Copilot Chat.
  • Azure AI Toolkit for VS Code – Access GitHub Models in VS Code with the pre-release of Azure AI Toolkit, available on the VS Code Marketplace.

New model ships include:

To learn more about GitHub Models, check out the docs.

Join our Community

Join our dedicated Community Discussions to discuss this update, swap tips, and share feedback.

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A new version of the commit details page is now available in public beta!

This new page, which is enabled by default, lets you quickly understand and navigate the changes in a commit with improvements to filtering, commenting, and keyboard navigation.

Screen shot of the new commit details page that shows the metadata about the commit, a file tree showing the 3 files changed by the commit, diff snippets for each of the changed files, and a floating comment

What’s new 🎉

Here are a few of the noteworthy changes:

  • Floating comments: Code comments float over the diff when selected. To select, click on the commenter’s avatar to the right of the line.
  • Comment counts: To help you identify files with comments, the number of comments for a file now appears in the file tree.
  • Keyboard navigation within diffs: You can now navigate around changed lines in the diff using the up and down keys on your keyboard. A new context menu also makes it easier to comment, copy, and select.
  • Quick view switching: Switching between unified and split views no longer reloads the page.
  • Filter by file extension: Easily filter changed files by file extension in the diff to see the content most relevant to you.
  • Filtered out diffs hidden: When filtering the file tree, diffs are filtered as well, allowing you to reduce distraction and see the files you care about most.

Next steps 📣

To give feedback, ask questions, or report a bug join us in the feedback discussion.

To opt out of the preview, go the Feature Preview dialog on your profile, select New Commit Details Page, and click Disable.

To learn more about viewing commits, see About commits.

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The pull request commits page has been refreshed to improve performance, improve consistency with other pages, and to make the experience more accessible!

Screenshot of the updated PR commits page showing a list of commits for a PR

To minimize disruptions, the capabilities of the classic commits page have been maintained, with a few exceptions: you can now use arrow keys to navigate the list of commits (instead of j and k) and focus indicators have been improved for better visual distinction.

Opt out

To switch back to the classic commits page, disable the “New Pull Request Commits Experience” feature preview (learn more).


To provide feedback, ask questions, learn about known issues, visit the GitHub Community feedback discussion!

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Custom models for GitHub Copilot are now available in Limited Public Beta for Copilot Enterprise. This new capability lets you fine-tune Copilot to better understand and align with your organization’s unique coding practices, improving the relevance and accuracy of code suggestions across your projects.

What are custom models?

Custom models are large language models (LLMs) that have been fine-tuned using your organization’s codebases. By training a model on your proprietary libraries, specialized languages, and internal coding patterns, Copilot delivers code suggestions that are more context-aware and tailored to your organization’s needs.

During this beta, you can create a custom model using your GitHub repositories. Optionally, you may also enable the collection of code snippets and telemetry from developers’ Copilot prompts and responses to further fine-tune the model. This process closely aligns Copilot’s suggestions with your coding practices, making them more relevant and accurate. As a result, your development teams will spend less time on code reviews, debugging, and manual code adjustments, ultimately boosting team productivity and ensuring more consistent code quality.


Importantly, your data remains entirely yours. It is never used to train another customer’s model, and your custom model is kept private, ensuring full control, security, and privacy.

When to Use Custom Models

Custom models enable you to make Copilot’s suggestions more relevant to your specific needs, which can lead to higher acceptance rates of the code suggested by Copilot among your developers. Consider using custom models in the following scenarios:

  • Enhance Library and API Usage: When your organization relies heavily on custom libraries or APIs that aren’t well-represented in public datasets, a custom model can prioritize these in its suggestions, making it easier for your developers to follow internal standards.

  • Improve Support for Specialized Languages: If your team works with less common or proprietary languages, custom models can make Copilot much more effective. Fine-tuning helps Copilot understand these languages better, reducing friction and improving productivity.

  • Adapt to Evolving Codebases: As your codebase changes, you have full control over when and how often to retrain your custom model. By regularly retraining, you can ensure that Copilot keeps up with the latest coding patterns, so it continues to provide relevant and accurate suggestions.

How to Get Started

  1. Sign Up for the Beta:
    Sign up here to participate in the Limited Public Beta and make sure your organization is on the Copilot Enterprise plan.

  2. Prepare Your Repositories:
    Choose the repositories that best reflect your organization’s coding standards. Include those with proprietary libraries, specialized languages, or key internal frameworks to get the most out of fine-tuning. If your enterprise has multiple GitHub organizations, note that only one organization and its repositories can be used for training during this beta.

  3. Enable Telemetry Collection:
    To further customize your model, consider enabling the collection of code snippets and telemetry related to developers’ prompts and Copilot’s suggestions. This data will be securely collected and used for additional fine-tuning, improving the accuracy and relevance of Copilot’s output for your team. Your data will only be used to enhance your custom model and will not be shared with others. For more details about our data-handling practices, please visit the Trust & Security Center or review GitHub’s data protection agreement.

  4. Training and Usage:
    After setup, your custom model will be trained using the selected repositories. Once it’s ready, your developers’ IDEs will automatically start using the custom model, which will inform all in-line code completions.

  5. Monitoring & Quality Assessment:
    Regularly retrain your custom model to keep it aligned with new code and evolving practices. Use the Copilot Usage Metrics API to track metrics like suggestion acceptance rates and see how much it’s improving.

Additional Resources

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Gain valuable insights and effectively monitor your enterprise’s security landscape and progress with two new enterprise-level pages: the security overview dashboard and secret scanning metrics.

New overview dashboard on the security tab at the organization level

Key features

  • Customizable filters: Select specific time periods and focus areas such as security tool, team, or custom repository property.
  • Comprehensive data: Trending and snapshot data provide a robust security landscape overview.
  • Detailed metrics: Includes metrics such as the average age of security alerts, mean time to remediate, and push protection statistics.

To access these new enterprise-level views, navigate to your enterprise account. In the enterprise account sidebar, click Code Security. The new pages are accessible to organization owners and organization security managers, with data scoped to the repositories and alerts you have access to.

These two pages are now available as a public beta on GitHub Enterprise Cloud and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.14.

Learn more about security overview, managing code security for your enterprise, and send us your feedback

Questions or suggestions? Join the conversation in the community discussion.

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Customers desire clear, relevant, and actionable insights about how Actions workflows are being used in their organization. Today, we are thrilled to announce that Actions Usage Metrics is available in public beta for GitHub Enterprise Cloud plans.

Actions Usage Metrics screenshot

Time is the most important metric for DevOps and DevEx teams. The question they want answered is, “where are all my minutes going?” Actions Usage Metrics addresses this question and others by focusing on minutes used per workflow, job, repository, runtime OS, and runner type. This data helps organizations locate areas of improvement in their software delivery lifecycle, saving time and money.

Customers can filter data by any combination of workflows, jobs, repositories, runtime OS, and runner type to view total minutes, number of jobs, workflow executions, and more. All usage metrics, filtered or not, can be downloaded as a .csv file to use with your tool of choice.

By default, organization owners can access Actions Usage Metrics. However, access permissions can be granted to other members or teams using Actions fine-grained permissions. This ensures the right level of access to Actions Usage Metrics data, enabling informed decisions and improvements.

To learn more about Actions Usage Metrics, check out our docs or head to our community discussion.

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Configuring merge queue in your repo rulesets is now available in public beta!

Screenshot showing the configuration of merge queue inside a ruleset

Merge queue & rule insights

Until now, rule insights would only list one pull request as merged even when multiple pull requests were merged by the queue at the same time. Also in this beta, each pull request in a merge queue will have an individual record in rule insights, linked to the actor that added the pull request to the merge queue.

Example screenshot showing rules insights and all PRs from a queue

Within the additional data of a rule insight dialog you can now see all the pull requests that merged in the same group along with the checks needed for the queue.

Example screenshot of details of a queue in rule insights


  • The merge queue rule cannot be configured via an API. This feature will be available in the near future.
  • Merge Queue for branch protections and repository rules do not support wildcard patterns
  • Not supported in organization rulesets.
  • Multiple merge queues configured against a single branch will prevent merging.

Join the discussion within GitHub Community.

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Reduce pull request noise and fix multiple security alerts at once with Dependabot grouped security updates.

Starting today, you can enable grouped security updates for Dependabot at the repository or organization-level. When you click “Enable” for this feature, Dependabot will collect all available security updates in a repository and attempt to open one pull request with all of them, per ecosystem, across directories. There is no further configuration available at this time.

Known limitations

  • Dependabot will NOT group across ecosystem (e.g. it will not group pip updates and npm updates together)
  • Dependabot WILL group across directories (e.g. if you have multiple package.json’s in different directories in the same repository)
  • If you have version updates enabled as well, Dependabot will NOT group security updates with version updates
  • If you use grouping for version updates, your groups configuration in dependabot.yml will NOT apply to security updates

To enable this feature, go to your repository or organization settings page, then go to the Code security and analysis tab, and click “Enable” for grouped security updates (this also requires each affected repository to enable Dependency graph, Dependabot alerts, and Dependabot security updates). When you enable this feature, Dependabot will immediately attempt to create grouped security pull requests for any available security updates in your repository.

We’d love to hear your feedback as you try this feature! Join the discussion within GitHub Community.

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Banner announcing the new overview dashboard states prioritization made simple with security insights

A new asset in security management is now available for GitHub enterprise users. Reinforcing the “shift left” philosophy, this feature is designed to integrate security into the heart of the development lifecycle, empowering your organization to proactively identify and address vulnerabilities.

Key advantages

Historical context

By comparing historical and current data, you can visibly track improvements in your security landscape and demonstrate the value of security investments.

Reporting period drop-down menu for the new overview dashboard

Customized focus

Sharpen your focus with filters that dissect your security data by teams, repositories, or any categorization that aligns with your goals. Whether it’s tracking team performance or monitoring metrics across a core group of repositories with the repository topic filter, there’s a plethora of options available to meet your needs.

Drop-down of filters for the new overview dashboard

Prioritization made simple

With clear insights into severity and net resolve rate—security’s version of developer velocity—the dashboard shows you if your resources are aligned with the most severe threats and if remediation speed is in harmony with security demands.

Security alerts trends graph grouped by severity and the net resolve rate tile from the new overview dashboard

Strategic alignment

Gain a strategic perspective with the Repositories “Top 10” list, which shows you repositories with the largest number of open alert counts, to understand where to direct your attention first.

Repositories top 10 list from the new overview dashboard

Shift left

The dashboard, which is accessible by everyone in the organization, helps you drive best security practices by understanding potential issues as early as possible, reducing risk and workload down the line.

New overview dashboard

This overview dashboard is now available as a beta on GitHub Enterprise Cloud and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.13.

Learn more about the new overview dashboard and send us your feedback

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We are excited to announce the beta release of Copilot in GitHub Support, a faster way to find answers to your GitHub related questions! In August, we launched the Alpha to a limited number of randomly selected GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers. We have made lots of improvements to the experience since and are excited to welcome more customers into the new experience. Copilot in GitHub Support is now trained on the latest GitHub Enterprise Server documentation in addition to GitHub Enterprise Cloud documentation it was previously trained on.

Initially, we’re offering the Copilot experience to a limited number of randomly selected GitHub Enterprise customers. We hope to continue rolling out the experience to a wider audience over the coming months.

During the beta, GitHub will be reviewing answers provided and collecting feedback from participating customers to improve the accuracy.

Copilot in GitHub Support is part of our ongoing effort to make GitHub the best place for all developers to collaborate, innovate, and ship great software. We believe that Copilot in GitHub Support will enhance your experience and productivity.

We look forward to hearing from you and learning from your feedback.

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