You can now display your preferred pronouns on your GitHub Mobile profile. Adding pronouns to your profile helps create a more inclusive and welcoming community for all. To do so, update your public profile information in the web settings and see them reflected on GitHub Mobile. Learn more in our documentation.
The contribution graph now supports keyboard interaction and compatibility with assistive technologies. Users can navigate the graph and filter contributions using the keyboard. While navigating the graph, a summary of each day is displayed visually in a tooltip and announced by screen readers.
Users can move keyboard focus to the contribution graph and then navigate it using the following commands:
- Press arrow keys to navigate cell by cell
- Press Page Up to navigate to the first cell in a column
- Press Page Down to navigate to the last cell in a column
- Press Home to navigate to the first cell in a row
- Press End to navigate to the last cell in a row
- Press Enter to filter content in the Contribution Activity section by the current cell
If the user is running a screen reader, it will announce the following text when the graph receives keyboard focus:
Contribution Graph, table, 54 columns, 8 rows.
User activity over 1 year of time. Each column is one week, with older weeks to the left. Select a cell to filter the "Contribution Activity" section.
When the user navigates to a cell, the screen reader will read a summary such as:
11 contributions on Monday, February 21, 2022.
We are excited to make one of our favorite GitHub features available to more users! If you encounter any issues with these changes, please leave a reply on this feedback discussion.
You can now hide individual Achievements.
Navigate to Achievements on your profile sidebar and click on an achievement to get started. Once in the detail view, the eye icon will indicate the current visibility of the achievement. Click on the eye icon to hide the achievement. When hidden, they are only visible to you.
You can still opt out of Achievements as a whole in your Profile Settings.
For more information, see Changing the visibility of Achievements. If you have any feedback to help us improve Achievements, be sure to post it in our discussions forum.
We launched the ability to follow an organization back in March and now we've made it possible for you to see that list of followers for your organization!
Learn more about following organizations here.
Achievements celebrate specific events and actions that happen on GitHub. They will appear as small badges listed in the sidebar of your profile and are in Public Beta starting today. Check out the blog post to learn more.
To stop private contributions from counting toward your Achievements or to turn off Achievements entirely, see "Showing your private contributions and Achievements on your profile."
Users now have the ability to turn their GitHub profile “private”, which gives users controls over features that share user data across the GitHub platform. To enable this setting, visit
Private profiles are in public beta. As we continue to release new privacy control features, please share your feedback.
For more information, see Private Profiles documentation.
Now you can customize your organization's Overview page to show content dedicated to public users or members of the organization. A new member view is only visible to members of the organization and can be controlled in the sidebar to toggle between public and member view.
A README only visible to members
Similar to the public organization README that we released last year, you can now create a README that is only visible to members of your organization. In the .github-private
repository the /profile/
will be displayed on your organization's Overview page.
Pinned private repositories
Organization owners are able to define a set of six public, private or internal repositories that are only visible to members of their organization, enabling members to quickly access popular or frequented repositories.
For more information about the new features, see "Customizing your organization's profile".
You can now follow organizations just like you can already follow users and keep up to date with the latest activity related to the organizations you follow in the new "For you" feed. Following organizations is available to anyone on GitHub as a public beta today. Learn more about the new "For you" feed and how to follow organizations.
Organizations can now display a
on their profile Overview.
Start with creating a .github
repository for the desired organization. Make sure it's public. Add a profile
folder to your .github
repository and add a
file to the profile
The contents of your
file will appear on the Overview page of the organization, visible to everyone. For an example, see the GitHub Overview page or learn more in the documentation.