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Private profiles (now generally available) enables users to turn their GitHub profile "private", which gives users control over features that share user data across the GitHub platform. When a profile
is private, the following content is hidden from the profile page:

  • Achievements and highlights
  • Activity overview and activity feed
  • Contribution graph
  • Follower and following counts
  • Follow and Sponsor buttons
  • Organization memberships
  • Stars, projects, packages, and sponsoring tabs

To enable this setting, visit

Learn more about private profiles. As we continue to release new privacy control features, please share your feedback.

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[August 2, 2022] Update: In order to better reach and improve the web experience for enterprise users, we are adding non-essential web cookies to certain subdomains that specifically market our products to businesses. These cookies will provide analytics to help us improve and deliver a better site experience for our enterprise customers, and enable us to further our support for enterprises through personalized content and marketing around our enterprise solutions.

The developer community remains the heart of GitHub, and we’re committed to respecting the privacy of developers using our product. We also recognize that we need to improve the developer experience for enterprise users and make it easier for businesses to find our enterprise solutions. This change is only on subdomains where GitHub markets products and services to enterprise customers, and all other GitHub subdomains will continue to operate as-is. 

You can learn more and give feedback on our privacy policy here for the next 30 days, after which the change will go into effect.

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Users now have the ability to turn their GitHub profile “private”, which gives users controls over features that share user data across the GitHub platform. To enable this setting, visit

Private profiles are in public beta. As we continue to release new privacy control features, please share your feedback.

For more information, see Private Profiles documentation.

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