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GitHub Advanced Security: Introducing GitHub Secret Protection and Code Security

At GitHub, we believe that investing in the security of your codebases should be straightforward, cost-effective, and accessible for everyone. Today, we’re announcing changes to pricing plans and availability of GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS), aligning with our ongoing mission to help organizations of all sizes secure their code with the flexibility they seek.

Announcing new pricing plans for GitHub Advanced Security

Starting April 1, 2025, GitHub Advanced Security will be available as two standalone security products: GitHub Secret Protection and GitHub Code Security. In addition, these products will become available to GitHub Team plan customers for the first time.

GitHub Secret Protection

New customers can purchase GitHub Secret Protection, which includes features that help detect and prevent secret leaks (e.g. secret scanning, AI-detected passwords, and push protection for secrets). Secret Protection will be available for $19 per month per active committer, with features including:

  • Push protection, to prevent secret leaks before they happen
  • AI detection with a low rate of false positives, so you can focus on what matters
  • Secret scanning alerts with notifications, to help you catch exposures before they become a problem
  • Custom patterns for secrets, so you can search for sensitive organization-specific information
  • Security overview, which provides insight into distribution of risk across your organization
  • Push protection and alert dismissal enforcement for secrets, which supports governance at enterprise scale

In addition, we’re launching a new scanning feature to help organizations understand their secret leak footprint across their GitHub perimeter. This feature will be free for GitHub Team and Enterprise organizations.

GitHub Code Security

New customers will also be able to purchase Code Security, which detects and fixes vulnerabilities in your code before it reaches production. Code Security will be available for $30 per month per active committer with features including:

  • Copilot Autofix for vulnerabilities in existing code and pull requests for developer-first security management
  • Security campaigns to address security debt at scale
  • Dependabot features for protection against dependency-based vulnerabilities
  • Security overview, which provides insight into distribution of risk across your organization
  • Security findings for third-party tools

Availability for GitHub Team customers

Starting April 1, 2025, customers on the GitHub Team plan can purchase Secret Protection and Code Security. These products will be available through a consumption-based, pay-as-you-go model (i.e., metered billing) to ensure security remains affordable, scalable, and accessible for all customers on GitHub.

Get started today

Existing customers with plans managed with a GitHub or Microsoft sales account team can transition to the new GitHub Advanced Security plans at start time of renewal for renewal dates after April 1, 2025. Please contact your account team for further details. For existing self-serve customers, instructions on how to transition to the new GitHub Advanced Security plans will be announced over the coming months through GitHub’s roadmap and changelog.

GitHub Team customers can choose to purchase Secret Protection or Code Security from their organization settings pages starting April 1, 2025.

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npm’s massive ecosystem of open source packages is one of its greatest strengths. But as a security-conscious developer, it can be tough to keep up with vulnerability reporting and updates once your project has more than a handful of dependencies, each of which has its own set of dependent packages. Dependabot notifies you of vulnerabilities and their fixes as they come in. Unfortunately, it’s hard to distinguish actionable alerts about direct dependencies you’ve added to your manifests from those transitive dependencies that were pulled in along the way… until now, that is.

GitHub’s dependency graph now tracks direct and transitive dependencies for npm packages. This helps you triage, prioritize, and remediate your Dependabot alerts. This capability shows up in user-facing features across the site:

  • Dependabot alerts will now contain a direct label if they are associated with a package you’ve directly included in a manifest. You can filter the list of alerts down to only these direct ones with the relationship:direct filter in the search bar.
  • Alerts for transitive dependencies now show transitive path information – the chain of packages which led from your direct dependency to the transitive one which has the vulnerability.
  • A repository’s dependency graph now distinguishes between direct and transitive relationships. Direct dependencies will have a label in the table UI, whereas indirect dependencies have a disclosure menu that shows the transitive path which led to their inclusion.
  • A repository’s SBOM will contain a relationships section that uses the SPDX relationshipType: DEPENDS_ON field to express the tree of package dependencies. Tools like can help explore and visualize this tree.
  • The GraphQL API will now return a relationship field with direct, transitive, or unknown values in the DependencyGraphDependency object. See the API documentation for details.

A table of Dependabot alerts can now be filtered to show only direct dependencies

We started with npm because it’s the most popular package ecosystem in the known universe, but it’s just the beginning. Over the next few months, package types for other programming languages will also get the transitivity treatment. Up next: Maven packages for Java.

To try this out, you’ll need to make sure the dependency graph is enabled. To see the Dependabot labels, you’ll also need to enable Dependabot alerts. If the “Direct” labels aren’t showing up for you immediately, push a commit that updates one of your manifest files, which will trigger an update of the dependency graph.

Join the discussion within GitHub Community.

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Developers can now use Dependabot to keep their Docker Compose dependencies up to date automatically. For projects that use Docker Compose as a package manager, Dependabot version updates can now ensure dependencies stay current with the latest releases.

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Dependabot alerts now feature the Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) from the global Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), helping you better assess vulnerability risks.

EPSS scores predict the likelihood of a vulnerability being exploited, with scores ranging from 0 to 1 (0 to 100%). Higher scores mean higher risk. We also show the EPSS score percentile, indicating how a vulnerability compares to others.

For example, a 90.534% EPSS score at the 95th percentile means:

  • 90.534% chance of exploitation in the next 30 days
  • 95% of other vulnerabilities are less likely to be exploited

You can use EPSS scores to help prioritize dependency vulnerabilities based on exploit likelihood. Only ~0.5% of vulnerabilities have an EPSS score above 50%. This makes EPSS a powerful tool for prioritization based on exploitation likelihood, especially when used in conjunction with exploitation severity (CVSS). For more information on using EPSS and/or CVSS for vulnerability prioritization, check out FIRST’s EPSS user guide.

This feature is available on today, and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server staring with version 3.17.

Learn more in FIRST’s EPSS User Guide.
Join the discussion within GitHub Community.
Read more about viewing, sorting, and filtering Dependabot alerts in GitHub’s Dependabot docs.

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Developers can now use Dependabot to keep their bun dependencies up to date automatically. For projects that use bun as a package manager, Dependabot Version Updates can now ensure dependencies stay current with the latest releases.

Support for bun security updates will be added in the future.

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As of February 5, 2025, Dependabot no longer supports Python 3.8, which has reached its end-of-life. If you continue to use Python 3.8, Dependabot will not be able to create pull requests to update dependencies. If this affects you, we recommend updating to a supported release of Python. As of February 2025, Python 3.13 is the newest supported release.

View Python’s official documentation for more information about supported releases.

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Starting today, Dependabot offers full support for pnpm workspace catalogs.

pnpm workspace catalogs are widely used in monorepos, and improper dependency handling can lead to:

  • Broken dependency trees due to unintended modifications.
  • Install failures in CI environments due to lockfile mismatches.
  • `NoChangeErrors` when workspaces conflict with each other.

Starting today, Dependabot fully supports pnpm workspace catalogs. This means that Dependabot now:

  • Ensures safe, scoped updates for each workspace.
  • Prevents lockfile inconsistencies that break dependency resolution.
  • Improves the reliability of updates in `pnpm` monorepos.

Learn more about Dependabot
Learn more about pnpm catalogs
Join the community discussion to share feedback and tips

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As of January 20th, 2025, Dependabot no longer supports npm version 6, which has reached its end-of-life. If you continue to use npm version 6, Dependabot will be unable to create pull requests to update dependencies. If this affects you, we recommend updating to a supported release of npm. As of December 2024, npm 11 is the newest supported release.

View npm’s official documentation for more information about supported releases.

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On February 5th, 2025, Dependabot will end support for Python version 3.8, which has reached its end-of-life. If you continue to use Python version 3.8, there’s a risk that Dependabot will not create pull requests to update dependencies. To prevent this from happening, please update to a supported release of Python. As of January 2025, the latest supported release of Python is version 3.13. View Python’s official documentation for more information about supported releases.

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On January 20th, 2025, Dependabot will end support for npm version 6, which has reached its end-of-life. If you continue to use npm version 6, there’s a risk that Dependabot will not create pull requests to update dependencies. In that case, we recommend updating to a supported release of npm. As of December 2024, the newest supported release of npm is version 11. View NPM’s official documentation for more information about supported releases.

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As part of our ongoing efforts to improve flexibility and control for managing the security manager role, we are retiring the security manager API and replacing it with the more robust organization roles API, which provides expanded functionality for managing roles in an organization, including security managers.

Endpoints Affected

The following security manager endpoints will be retired in 12 months:

  • GET /orgs/{org}/security-managers/teams
  • PUT /orgs/{org}/security-managers/teams/{team_slug}
  • DELETE /orgs/{org}/security-managers/teams/{team_slug}

After this period, these endpoints will no longer be available. Instead, you can use the organization roles API to perform the same actions and much more.

Retirement Timeline

  • 2025-12-31
  • GitHub Enterprise Server: Version 3.20


The organization roles API offers enhanced capabilities for managing roles across an organization. Use the following endpoint as a replacement:

  • GET /orgs/{org}/roles
  • GET /orgs/{org}/roles/{role_id}/teams
  • PUT /orgs/{org}/roles/{role_id}/teams/{team_slug}
  • DELETE /orgs/{org}/roles/{role_id}/teams/{team_slug}

You can start transitioning to the organization roles API today on For GitHub Enterprise Server users, the organization roles API will support the security manager role starting in version 3.16.

Learn more about the organization roles API and send us your feedback

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Dependabot can now keep you up to date with the latest version of the .NET SDK by updating the global.json file in your repository. You can enable updates for the .NET SDK by adding a dotnet-sdk entry to your dependabot.yml file. At this time, Dependabot will not create security alerts for the .NET SDK, although performing regular version updates will ensure you’re always using the latest .NET SDK.

See our documentation to learn more about configuring Dependabot.

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As of November 6, 2024, Dependabot no longer supports Composer version 1, which has reached its end-of-life. If you continue to use Composer version 1, Dependabot will be unable to create pull requests to update your dependencies. If this affects you, we recommend updating to a supported release of Composer. As of October 2024, the newest supported version of Composer is 2.8, and the long-term supported version is 2.2.

View Composer’s official documentation for more information about supported releases.

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Copilot Autofix for Dependabot is now available in private preview for TypeScript repositories.

This new feature combines the power of GitHub Copilot with Dependabot, making it easier than ever to automatically fix breaking changes introduced by dependency updates. With Copilot Autofix, you can save time and minimize disruptions by receiving AI-generated fixes to resolve breaking changes caused by dependency upgrades in Dependabot-authored pull requests.

Why Copilot Autofix for Dependabot?

Dependency updates can introduce breaking changes that lead to failing CI tests and deployment delays. Identifying the exact cause of these breaks and implementing the correct fix can require significant time and effort, making it challenging to stay on the most up-to-date and secure version of a dependency.

Dependabot can now leverage the power of Copilot Autofix to analyze dependency updates that fail CI tests and suggest fixes, all within the pull request. Copilot Autofix for Dependabot not only helps keep your dependencies up to date, but also keeps your CI green. Staying up-to-date on dependencies upgrades with breaking changes is now easier and faster than ever.

How to join the private preview

To sign up for the feature waitlist, fill out the form to express your interest. We’ll notify selected participants as we roll out the feature over the coming weeks.

This feature is available in private preview to GitHub Advanced Security customers on cloud deployments. Starting today, we support TypeScript repos with tests set up in GitHub Actions. As we continue to develop this feature, we will expand coverage for additional languages and testing requirements.

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Please keep an eye on future changelogs for more updates as the feature moves to public preview and general availability.

To learn more, please join the waitlist or check out the latest GitHub feature previews.

To hear what others are saying and offer your own take, join the discussion in the GitHub Community.

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In the coming months, the current interface for managing code security settings for an enterprise will be deprecated and replaced with new and improved code security configurations that will provide you a more consistent and scalable way to manage security settings across repositories within your enterprise.

The current REST API endpoint to enable or disable a security feature for an enterprise is now deprecated. It will continue to work for an additional year in the current version of the REST API before being removed in September of 2025, but note that it may conflict with settings assigned in code security configurations if the configuration is unenforced, potentially resulting in a security configuration being unintentionally removed from a repository. To change the security settings for repositories at the enterprise level, you can use the current enterprise-level security settings UI or the upcoming code security configurations API.

Send us your feedback!.

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