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In your homepage activity Feed, you can see activity from other users, content GitHub recommends for you in “Suggested for you” modules, and trending developers/repositories.

The sorting algorithm we’ve had in place in the Feed could lead to these items being placed out of chronological sequence. We’ve heard your feedback, though, that the out-of-sequence ordering of activity can make it difficult to be effective with daily tasks in GitHub.

So now, we’re sorting all activity in the Feed chronologically. The newest activity appears first and older activity appears as you scroll down your Feed.

As part of this change, we also merged the design and UI to be more consistent across individual feeds and organization feeds, by slightly modifying the card layout in organization feeds. These minor template differences should not impact the content that appears for you.

Learn more and give us your feedback

For more information and discussion on these changes, join us in this discussion.

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A dark background with two security-themed abstract shapes positioned in the top left and bottom right corners. In the center of the image, bold white text reads "Incident Resolved" with a white Octocat logo.

We will now post updates and status interruptions in real-time on GitHub Community. We understand that no product is perfect, and there will be times when unsuspected degradations or outages occur. To make information as open and accessible as possible, any incident that occurs and is on our GitHub status page will have a corresponding discussion post on GitHub Community.

This will give you a centralized thread in Community Discussions for you to share your experiences and find up to date information as it impacts your work.

What can you expect?

  • If an incident occurs and is on our GitHub status page, a discussion will post declaring the incident in the community
  • The ability to subscribe to an open incident discussion for real-time updates
  • Subsequent updates to post on the incident’s discussion thread
  • When an incident is resolved, you will see a marked answer and an image indicating the incident is resolved
  • If available, a link to the public incident summary

Questions or feedback? We want to hear from you! Join our Community discussion to share.

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npm feedback is now available on GitHub Community. Previously feedback for npm took place on the npm feedback channel, which is going to be sunset as we migrate unresolved discussions.

External users should utilize the new npm category on GitHub Community to make suggestions to any part of npm, the cli, the registry, and the website. Users can vote and rank topics to voice their opinions and give support to existing items.

Please join us on GitHub Community to share your feedback on npm!

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We're excited to share four improvements that we think will improve how moderators maintain their communities. Our goal with thesse improvements is to help moderators of large communities distribute the workload of maintaining healthy discourse. The improvements we're proposing are:

  1. Allowing users with the triage role to make the following changes (only within Discussions):
    a. Move Discussions to a different cateogory
    b. Convert Issues to Discussions in bulk
    c. Hide Discussion comments
    d. Edit and delete Discussion comments
  2. Allowing users with the triage role to report content. (Impacts Discussions, Issues, PRs).
  3. Let prior contributors be able to report content by default in new repos. (Impacts Discussions, Issues, PRs).
  4. Maintainers can choose to let ALL users report content. (Impacts Discussions, Issues, PRs).

The first two changes to the triage role impact existing users with that permission. These changes slightly increase the scope of what the role can do – but we believe that these changes are consistent with how the majority of maintainers are trying to use the triage role.

Changes 3 and 4 impact who can report content by default. Moving forward, new repos will get a better default (letting prior contributors report content), but ultimately, we're putting the power in the hands of maintainers to decide how best to run their communities.

For questions or feedback, please visit our community.

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Maintainers of GitHub repositories can now use Category Forms to create templates for their Discussions, which means that users can start new discussions with all the necessary information already included. We hope this leads to less repetitive back and forth conversation with maintainers, as users are more likely to capture all relevant details in their first Discussion post.

Similar to Issue Forms, maintainers can create a discussion template, which will live in .github/DISCUSSION_TEMPLATE/. Each template will map 1:1 with the available Discussion Categories slugs. For example, the template for the “Announcements” category will be .github/DISCUSSION_TEMPLATE/announcements.yml. Once created, Category Forms in Discussions will be familiar to users who have seen them in issues:

Learn more about Category Forms
For questions or feedback, please visit our community.

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gif of adding note to blocked user

You can now add a note to describe why the blocking of a user took place, to provide projects and teams with the context around privacy and safety decisions. Notes on blocked users at the organization level will be visible to the owners and moderators of that organization. Notes on blocked users from your personal account will be visible just to you.

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Users now have the ability to turn their GitHub profile “private”, which gives users controls over features that share user data across the GitHub platform. To enable this setting, visit

Private profiles are in public beta. As we continue to release new privacy control features, please share your feedback.

For more information, see Private Profiles documentation.

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You can now enable Discussions for your organization, which is a place for your organization to share announcements and host conversations that aren't specific to a single repository within
your organization. To get started, go to Organization Settings -> Discussions -> Enable discussions for this organization.

enable org discussions

For more information, see GitHub Discussions documentation.

For questions or feedback, visit GitHub Discussions feedback.

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Get insights on your Discussions community with the new dashboard called Community in the Insights tab. This dashboard gives you a quick way to monitor the following:

  • Number of Discussions, Issues, and Pull Requests open over time
  • Page views of Discussions over time, segmented by logged in vs anonymous users
  • Daily Discussions contributors over time
  • New Discussions contributors over time


For more information, see GitHub Discussions documentation.

For questions or feedback, visit GitHub Discussions feedback.

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We've added enhanced support for CITATION.cff files to GitHub. CITATION.cff files are plain text files with human- and machine-readable citation information, and with this new feature, GitHub parses this information into convenient formats such as APA and BibTeX that can be copied by others.

Under the hood, we’re using the ruby-cff RubyGem to parse the contents of the CITATION.cff file and build a citation string that is then shown in the GitHub user interface. Special thanks to the gem creators @sdruskat @jspaaks and @hainesr who worked with us to build this.

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