5 simple things every developer can do to ship more secure code
From plug-and-play automations to protected branches, here are simple ways any developer can build more secure software on GitHub—all with a free account.

From plug-and-play automations to protected branches, here are simple ways any developer can build more secure software on GitHub—all with a free account.
From automating builds and releases to taking care of large-scale regression testing, here are a few ways we use GitHub Actions to build GitHub.
Reusable workflows offer a simple and powerful way to avoid copying and pasting workflows across your repositories.
A quick guide on the advantages of using GitHub Actions as your preferred CI/CD tool—and how to build a CI/CD pipeline with it.
Looking to avoid security vulnerabilities, buttons that don’t work, slow site speeds, or manually writing release notes? This one’s for you.
Check out some advanced automation and CI/CD capabilities you can use today with GitHub Actions on any GitHub account.
Tips on how to get started using GitHub Actions and resources to learn more about making it work for you.
What began as a small group effort in 2015 has now turned into a global initiative here at GitHub to amplify Black voices and talent in the tech community.
Today we’re introducing The ReadME Podcast, a GitHub podcast that takes a peek behind the curtain of some of the most impactful open source projects, and the developers who make…
GitHub Actions is a powerful platform that empowers your team to go from code to cloud, all from the comfort of your repositories. In this post, I’ll walk through a…
February is Black History Month in the US and Canada, a month when we celebrate our amazing Black/African American heritage and what it represents in our society, our work, and…
After much anticipation, the npm CLI version 7 is now generally available!
Open source powers software on a planetary scale: 99% of code is built on it. The rewards and challenges of creating open source are deeply familiar to the maintainers and…
Make better contributions, triage your issues efficiently, save time with saved replies, and more with @bdougie’s protips.
We spoke with our latest GitHub Action Hero, Shohei Ueda, about the story behind Hugo setup, mdbook Action, and a few other projects.
Starting March 5, we’re hosting an online GitHub Actions Hackathon challenging you to create original Actions.