Short break trips in urban destinations are clearly increasing, and this fact has implications fo... more Short break trips in urban destinations are clearly increasing, and this fact has implications for destinations linked to the different length of stay segments. Thus, this paper analyses the duration of the stay in relation to motivation, satisfaction, image, repetition and recommendation of leisure tourists in an urban destination. The main contribution of this article is to highlight the differences and similarities between the behaviours of short and long breakers for the constructs mentioned, not developed until now. The theoretical model is validated using a structural equation modelling methodology. The sample size is 10,953 tourists visiting the city of Barcelona, relevant for its increasing tourism appeal. Results confirm that differences and similarities are found for those tourist segments. By way of example it is worth mentioning that the repeat visits have a negative effect on tourists’ recommendation, in particular in the case of long break as compared with short break ...
During last years research in tourism has put especial attention to tourist image as a factor tha... more During last years research in tourism has put especial attention to tourist image as a factor that influences consumer behaviour. At the same time, previous research confirms that length of stay also is influenced by tourist image. Considering the differences between short break tourists and long stay tourist, and the new city tourism trends; this paper aims to analyse city break tourists considering three variables: tourists' profile, motivation and perceived image. Barcelona was the destination used as a case study for this explorative research. Findings reveal a classification of three kinds of city break tourists based on socioeconomic variables, identifying some substantial differences in their motivations and perceived image of the destination. Although limitations of this study are linked to their explorative character, some future research lines are proposed.
L’articolo contribuisce alla letteratura dell’identita turistica e dei marchi territoriali avendo... more L’articolo contribuisce alla letteratura dell’identita turistica e dei marchi territoriali avendo come obiettivo principale l’individuazione delle principali dinamiche e problematiche relative alla comunicazione dell’identita turistica nelle aree montane. In particolare, la ricerca esamina il ruolo degli operatori dell’industria alberghiera nella promozione e nella comunicazione dell’identita della Valle d’Aosta, in quanto soggetti privati chiave in tale contesto territoriale. L’analisi qualitativa, condotta attraverso l’utilizzo combinato di interviste semi-strutturate, dati secondari ed osservazione diretta, rivela che tra i principali fattori che influenzano la comunicazione dell’identita nelle aree montane vi sono gli aspetti legati ai soggetti a cui essa viene affidata — in prevalenza famiglie e comunita locale — e alla stagionalita di tali contesti geografici.
A Espanya, més de 2,5 milions de persones viuen amb algun tipus de discapacitat (Imserso, 2014). ... more A Espanya, més de 2,5 milions de persones viuen amb algun tipus de discapacitat (Imserso, 2014). Les barreres turístiques es poden definir com factors que influencien la participació i el comportament dels turistes i es divideixen en tres categories: intrapersonals, interpersonals i estructurals. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi exploratori és desenvolupar i validar una escala per mesurar els tipus de barreres que 248 turistes espanyols amb algun tipus de discapacitat han d’afrontar quan viatgen. Els resultats mostren que les barreres intrapersonals deriven en tres factors diferents: falta de coneixement, problemes de salut i dependència física i psicològica. Les barreres interpersonals es divideixen en dos factors: incongruències entre habilitat i repte, i comunicació. Les barreres estructurals es classifiquen en quatre factors: informació i comunicació, cost i cuidador, socioespacials i d’actitud. Tenint en compte la importància d’aquest segment de mercat a Espanya i a la resta del món,...
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2021
Tourism Social Entrepreneurship is a market-based strategy for sustainable tourism development. I... more Tourism Social Entrepreneurship is a market-based strategy for sustainable tourism development. It solves complex social issues to benefit disadvantaged stakeholders, while seeking to achieve financial sustainability and boost the benefits of tourism. Currently, there is little insight into how social entrepreneurs create these innovative social solutions. This black box hinders the understanding and replication of tourism social entrepreneurial success in different contexts, thus preventing the social benefits of tourism from increasing. We suggest that the literature on TSE can be informed by design thinking-a human centered framework for social innovation. Taking a social enterprise in Vietnam as a case study of Community-Based Tourism Travel, this paper reveals that tourism social entrepreneurs have developed an intuitive ability to apply design thinking to social innovation, despite lacking training. The paper thus sheds light on the social innovative abilities, and contributes to fostering successful social entrepreneurship in a tourism context.
Este documento pone en entredicho la forma convencional de delimitar los destinos turísticos. Tie... more Este documento pone en entredicho la forma convencional de delimitar los destinos turísticos. Tiene la intención de mostrar un modelo de análisis espacial, para encontrar nuevas interpretaciones de la realidad, más equilibradas y más optimizadas, en comparación con otros puntos de vista territoriales, la mayoría de ellos basados en las fronteras administrativas. Este documento representa un ejercicio metodológico que tiene como objetivo estructurar la geografía turística en nuevas áreas del turismo sobre la base de los patrones de consumo de los visitantes, lo que significaría estar más adaptadas a las necesidades de la demanda. El proyecto consiste en la categorización y agrupación temática en clústeres de los productos turísticos y los recursos de un destino rural con diferentes fronteras administrativas no internacionales (Terres de l'Ebre), basado en la distancia en tiempo entre estos recursos turísticos.
Copyright c by Società editrice il Mulino, Bologna. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Per altre inf... more Copyright c by Società editrice il Mulino, Bologna. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Per altre informazioni si veda Licenza d'uso L'articoloè messo a disposizione dell'utente in licenza per uso esclusivamente privato e personale, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini direttamente o indirettamente commerciali. Salvo quanto espressamente previsto dalla licenza d'uso Rivisteweb,è fatto divieto di riprodurre, trasmettere, distribuire o altrimenti utilizzare l'articolo, per qualsiasi scopo o fine. Tutti i diritti sono riservati.
Accessible tourism and religious tourism are normally treated separately. Even so, curative shrin... more Accessible tourism and religious tourism are normally treated separately. Even so, curative shrines can be defined as places where these two types of tourism are especially co-habitual. Behaviour of both religious tourists (Battour, Battor, & Bhatti, 2013; Nolan & Nolan, 1992; Rinschede, 1992) and of people with special access needs (Burnett & Baker, 2001; Figueiredo, Eusébio, & Kastenholz, 2012) has been analysed before. However, the behaviour of visitors with special access needs in religious sites has not been analysed yet. This study aims at exploring whether there are differences in motivations and perceived value of tourists with special access needs and those without at these destinations. Findings suggest: (1) there is significant difference in the perception of religious sites and hospitality services between the two groups of the sample; (2) the dimensions of the perceived value are structured differently; (3) there are significant differences in motivations, mostly related to the self, between the two groups; (4) the dimensions of the motivations have different structures between the two groups. Both managerial and theoretical implications are discussed.
The use of 2.0 web technologies for destination marketing purposes was rising during last years a... more The use of 2.0 web technologies for destination marketing purposes was rising during last years and nowadays the use of social media as marketing tools is an actual hot topic on tourism research. DMO's also tried to exploit these tools in order to attract the so called digital generation, but they faced the problem of credibility and trust. Tourists tend to untrust official information thinking that it is biased. On the other hand the peer to peer tourism information exchange is perceived as a better source because apart of coming from nonofficial sources it is based on experiences and emotions of individuals. So this paper examines a marketing strategy already applied at the Costa Brava destination that is combining the peer to peer information exchange, so the noncontrollable image, with the emission of the official idea of the destination experiences. We call this strategy blogtrip. Instead of inviting traditional press or travel agents, the blogtrip invites relevant travel bloggers that have a positive digital reputation, trying to transform these bloggers into ambassadors of the destination. The main outputs of this paper are the methodological approach used to develop and manage blogtrips, and the measurement of the marketing impact of this strategy. As conclusion this new destination marketing strategy helps to catch the attention of the digital generation tourists.
The analysis of tourism destinations as territorial agglomerations, that is, industrial districts... more The analysis of tourism destinations as territorial agglomerations, that is, industrial districts and clusters, has been given attention in this journal in recent years. In these analyses, tourist companies closely situated in a territory or space are claimed to benefit from available shared resources. These papers, however, do not focus on the key role that innovation and the relationships among actors have on the evolution of tourism destinations. In trying to close this gap, we use the notions of system of innovation and social network analysis, and apply them to the tourism industry, to introduce the Tourism Local Innovation System (TLIS) model. This model can be used to assess the innovation capacity of tourism destinations and, also, to design relational network structures that favour innovation. Finally, by using social network analysis methods to draw a destination's relational network map, we present the case of Costa Brava Centre (Mid-Costa-Brava) — the most visited de...
En este trabajo se presenta un sistema de indicadores de competitividad, basados en el analisis d... more En este trabajo se presenta un sistema de indicadores de competitividad, basados en el analisis dinamico del excedente bruto de explotacion y de sus variables explicativas. La metodologia utilizada supone que los fundamentos de la competitividad se encuentran en la capacidad de las empresas para generar los recursos propios necesarios para financiar y sostener a lo largo del tiempo la innovacion y la constante renovacion de los procesos productivos. A su vez, permite obtener una jerarquia con dieciseis modalidades de comportamiento competitivo de los sectores productivos y de las ramas de actividad de una economia, a partir del establecimiento de unos criterios de priorizacion y de la identificacion de las variaciones de sus niveles de competitividad, desglosadas en los efectos sector (especializacion sectorial en un territorio) y territorio (ventaja competitiva sectorial de un territorio respecto a otro). Se establece el concepto de competitividad dinamica sostenible (CDS), entendido como el mejor comportamiento competitivo posible de un sector productivo o rama de actividad, a partir de la evolucion positiva de los efectos sector y territorio de dicho sector o rama en dos periodos consecutivos. El estudio se ha aplicado a las economias de Cataluna y de las Islas Baleares, a partir de la evolucion de sus indices de competitividad relativos en relacion a la economia espanola, obteniendo para los periodos 1977-1985 y 1987-1995, en el caso de Cataluna, que el criterio CDS se concentra en cuatro ramas manufactureras y que, en el caso de Baleares, el criterio CDS solo se da para la rama de hosteleria y restaurantes.
PASOS Revista de turismo y patrimonio cultural, 2012
La informatización de los sistemas de Revenue Management (RM) en el turismo es creciente en los ú... more La informatización de los sistemas de Revenue Management (RM) en el turismo es creciente en los últimos años, así como su utilización en empresas turísticas y su transformación hacia la gestión en línea. Aunque el sector hotelero parece ir a una velocidad de implementación de estos sistemas menor que otros sectores como el aéreo o el marítimo, las aplicaciones de RM aplicadas al sector hotelero también tienden a cumplir las tres premisas básicas: 1) que no sea estándar y pueda personalizarse, 2) que pueda aplicarse a todo tipo de hoteles e incluso a otros sistemas de alojamiento, y 3) que sirva para la fijación de precios que pueda relacionarse con sistemas en línea. Por este motivo el principal objetivo de este trabajo se basa en desarrollar un sistema de gestión de precios que cumpla las tres premisas básicas y además sea adaptable al entorno hotelero de venta en línea.
IntroductionTourists are becoming increasingly familiar with destinations through repeat visits t... more IntroductionTourists are becoming increasingly familiar with destinations through repeat visits to the same place. The emergence of low cost connections has also made certain destinations easily accessible. This, in addition to fragmentation of holidays, has made urban destinations, such as Barcelona (Spain), increasingly attractive, and the tourism industry needs to adapt to this new scenario.Previous authors who have focused attention on the repetition effect, or familiarity in destinations, were in essence describing and analysing the relationship between this concept and destination image (Baloglu, 2001; Beerli & Martin, 2004; Chi, 2012; Hernandez Maestro, Munoz Gallego, & Santos Requejo, 2007; Hong, Lee, Lee, & Jang, 2009; Ryan & Pike, 2004). Therefore, their main purpose was to demonstrate that familiarity could modify the image that a tourist has of a destination. In particular, Bruwer & Lesschaeve (2012), clearly demonstrated that there is a substantial difference between th...
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the Free Time Allocation with the Pe... more The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the Free Time Allocation with the Perceived Quality of Life (QoL) and the Satisfaction with Life (SwL) in Greece. A samp le of 353 respondents showed that the Paid Labour is a very important factor in explaining the perceived QoL, followed by the active leisure and to a lesser degree by the passive leisure. The satisfaction of Life appears to be influenced more from the perceived QoL and to a lesser degree from the time allocation and leisure.
Advances in Hospitality, Tourism, and the Services Industry
People's reasons for visiting religious destinations range from being devoted pilgrims to tou... more People's reasons for visiting religious destinations range from being devoted pilgrims to tourists with secular motivations. People with special access go to specific shrines for curative purposes. They may be differently motivated and display different behaviors at the destination. As they must confront obstacles when travelling, they may be more constrained, leading to different behaviors in terms of satisfaction and loyalty. Thus, the aim of this study is to explore the motivations of those with special access needs and those without when traveling to curative shrines, such as Lourdes, France. First, motivations of these two groups will be compared. Second, the effects of motivations on their travel behavior at the destination will be contrasted. The wide scope of visitors' motivations means that destinations must address all market segments, being crucial to ensure accessibility standards, as this affects not only people with disabilities but also seniors and families wi...
Hem estructurat aquesta tesi seguint lesquema classic que combina els aspectes descriptius, anali... more Hem estructurat aquesta tesi seguint lesquema classic que combina els aspectes descriptius, analitics, i prescriptius. Inicialment doncs, tractem la naturalesa del concepte davantatge competitiu a traves dels processos competitius que ens permeten assolir aquest avantatge. Aquest es el pas previ per entrar a descriure breument un dels conceptes clau daquesta tesi com es la innovacio, entesa com lelement que ens permet detectar la generacio de valor empresarial, a traves de proces de generacio de coneixement i aprenentatge collectiu. Aquest proces dinnovacio present en teories competitives basades en el territori com ara els districtes industrials, clusters, o sistemes dinnovacio, entre altres, creiem que es veu recolzat a traves de lanalisi de xarxes socials enteses com les relacions establertes entre dos o mes elements. Seguidament entrarem a analitzar des de loptica turistica tots aquests aspectes, fent especial atencio a la incidencia de la innovacio i les xarxes relacionals en l...
Short break trips in urban destinations are clearly increasing, and this fact has implications fo... more Short break trips in urban destinations are clearly increasing, and this fact has implications for destinations linked to the different length of stay segments. Thus, this paper analyses the duration of the stay in relation to motivation, satisfaction, image, repetition and recommendation of leisure tourists in an urban destination. The main contribution of this article is to highlight the differences and similarities between the behaviours of short and long breakers for the constructs mentioned, not developed until now. The theoretical model is validated using a structural equation modelling methodology. The sample size is 10,953 tourists visiting the city of Barcelona, relevant for its increasing tourism appeal. Results confirm that differences and similarities are found for those tourist segments. By way of example it is worth mentioning that the repeat visits have a negative effect on tourists’ recommendation, in particular in the case of long break as compared with short break ...
During last years research in tourism has put especial attention to tourist image as a factor tha... more During last years research in tourism has put especial attention to tourist image as a factor that influences consumer behaviour. At the same time, previous research confirms that length of stay also is influenced by tourist image. Considering the differences between short break tourists and long stay tourist, and the new city tourism trends; this paper aims to analyse city break tourists considering three variables: tourists' profile, motivation and perceived image. Barcelona was the destination used as a case study for this explorative research. Findings reveal a classification of three kinds of city break tourists based on socioeconomic variables, identifying some substantial differences in their motivations and perceived image of the destination. Although limitations of this study are linked to their explorative character, some future research lines are proposed.
L’articolo contribuisce alla letteratura dell’identita turistica e dei marchi territoriali avendo... more L’articolo contribuisce alla letteratura dell’identita turistica e dei marchi territoriali avendo come obiettivo principale l’individuazione delle principali dinamiche e problematiche relative alla comunicazione dell’identita turistica nelle aree montane. In particolare, la ricerca esamina il ruolo degli operatori dell’industria alberghiera nella promozione e nella comunicazione dell’identita della Valle d’Aosta, in quanto soggetti privati chiave in tale contesto territoriale. L’analisi qualitativa, condotta attraverso l’utilizzo combinato di interviste semi-strutturate, dati secondari ed osservazione diretta, rivela che tra i principali fattori che influenzano la comunicazione dell’identita nelle aree montane vi sono gli aspetti legati ai soggetti a cui essa viene affidata — in prevalenza famiglie e comunita locale — e alla stagionalita di tali contesti geografici.
A Espanya, més de 2,5 milions de persones viuen amb algun tipus de discapacitat (Imserso, 2014). ... more A Espanya, més de 2,5 milions de persones viuen amb algun tipus de discapacitat (Imserso, 2014). Les barreres turístiques es poden definir com factors que influencien la participació i el comportament dels turistes i es divideixen en tres categories: intrapersonals, interpersonals i estructurals. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi exploratori és desenvolupar i validar una escala per mesurar els tipus de barreres que 248 turistes espanyols amb algun tipus de discapacitat han d’afrontar quan viatgen. Els resultats mostren que les barreres intrapersonals deriven en tres factors diferents: falta de coneixement, problemes de salut i dependència física i psicològica. Les barreres interpersonals es divideixen en dos factors: incongruències entre habilitat i repte, i comunicació. Les barreres estructurals es classifiquen en quatre factors: informació i comunicació, cost i cuidador, socioespacials i d’actitud. Tenint en compte la importància d’aquest segment de mercat a Espanya i a la resta del món,...
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2021
Tourism Social Entrepreneurship is a market-based strategy for sustainable tourism development. I... more Tourism Social Entrepreneurship is a market-based strategy for sustainable tourism development. It solves complex social issues to benefit disadvantaged stakeholders, while seeking to achieve financial sustainability and boost the benefits of tourism. Currently, there is little insight into how social entrepreneurs create these innovative social solutions. This black box hinders the understanding and replication of tourism social entrepreneurial success in different contexts, thus preventing the social benefits of tourism from increasing. We suggest that the literature on TSE can be informed by design thinking-a human centered framework for social innovation. Taking a social enterprise in Vietnam as a case study of Community-Based Tourism Travel, this paper reveals that tourism social entrepreneurs have developed an intuitive ability to apply design thinking to social innovation, despite lacking training. The paper thus sheds light on the social innovative abilities, and contributes to fostering successful social entrepreneurship in a tourism context.
Este documento pone en entredicho la forma convencional de delimitar los destinos turísticos. Tie... more Este documento pone en entredicho la forma convencional de delimitar los destinos turísticos. Tiene la intención de mostrar un modelo de análisis espacial, para encontrar nuevas interpretaciones de la realidad, más equilibradas y más optimizadas, en comparación con otros puntos de vista territoriales, la mayoría de ellos basados en las fronteras administrativas. Este documento representa un ejercicio metodológico que tiene como objetivo estructurar la geografía turística en nuevas áreas del turismo sobre la base de los patrones de consumo de los visitantes, lo que significaría estar más adaptadas a las necesidades de la demanda. El proyecto consiste en la categorización y agrupación temática en clústeres de los productos turísticos y los recursos de un destino rural con diferentes fronteras administrativas no internacionales (Terres de l'Ebre), basado en la distancia en tiempo entre estos recursos turísticos.
Copyright c by Società editrice il Mulino, Bologna. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Per altre inf... more Copyright c by Società editrice il Mulino, Bologna. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Per altre informazioni si veda Licenza d'uso L'articoloè messo a disposizione dell'utente in licenza per uso esclusivamente privato e personale, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini direttamente o indirettamente commerciali. Salvo quanto espressamente previsto dalla licenza d'uso Rivisteweb,è fatto divieto di riprodurre, trasmettere, distribuire o altrimenti utilizzare l'articolo, per qualsiasi scopo o fine. Tutti i diritti sono riservati.
Accessible tourism and religious tourism are normally treated separately. Even so, curative shrin... more Accessible tourism and religious tourism are normally treated separately. Even so, curative shrines can be defined as places where these two types of tourism are especially co-habitual. Behaviour of both religious tourists (Battour, Battor, & Bhatti, 2013; Nolan & Nolan, 1992; Rinschede, 1992) and of people with special access needs (Burnett & Baker, 2001; Figueiredo, Eusébio, & Kastenholz, 2012) has been analysed before. However, the behaviour of visitors with special access needs in religious sites has not been analysed yet. This study aims at exploring whether there are differences in motivations and perceived value of tourists with special access needs and those without at these destinations. Findings suggest: (1) there is significant difference in the perception of religious sites and hospitality services between the two groups of the sample; (2) the dimensions of the perceived value are structured differently; (3) there are significant differences in motivations, mostly related to the self, between the two groups; (4) the dimensions of the motivations have different structures between the two groups. Both managerial and theoretical implications are discussed.
The use of 2.0 web technologies for destination marketing purposes was rising during last years a... more The use of 2.0 web technologies for destination marketing purposes was rising during last years and nowadays the use of social media as marketing tools is an actual hot topic on tourism research. DMO's also tried to exploit these tools in order to attract the so called digital generation, but they faced the problem of credibility and trust. Tourists tend to untrust official information thinking that it is biased. On the other hand the peer to peer tourism information exchange is perceived as a better source because apart of coming from nonofficial sources it is based on experiences and emotions of individuals. So this paper examines a marketing strategy already applied at the Costa Brava destination that is combining the peer to peer information exchange, so the noncontrollable image, with the emission of the official idea of the destination experiences. We call this strategy blogtrip. Instead of inviting traditional press or travel agents, the blogtrip invites relevant travel bloggers that have a positive digital reputation, trying to transform these bloggers into ambassadors of the destination. The main outputs of this paper are the methodological approach used to develop and manage blogtrips, and the measurement of the marketing impact of this strategy. As conclusion this new destination marketing strategy helps to catch the attention of the digital generation tourists.
The analysis of tourism destinations as territorial agglomerations, that is, industrial districts... more The analysis of tourism destinations as territorial agglomerations, that is, industrial districts and clusters, has been given attention in this journal in recent years. In these analyses, tourist companies closely situated in a territory or space are claimed to benefit from available shared resources. These papers, however, do not focus on the key role that innovation and the relationships among actors have on the evolution of tourism destinations. In trying to close this gap, we use the notions of system of innovation and social network analysis, and apply them to the tourism industry, to introduce the Tourism Local Innovation System (TLIS) model. This model can be used to assess the innovation capacity of tourism destinations and, also, to design relational network structures that favour innovation. Finally, by using social network analysis methods to draw a destination's relational network map, we present the case of Costa Brava Centre (Mid-Costa-Brava) — the most visited de...
En este trabajo se presenta un sistema de indicadores de competitividad, basados en el analisis d... more En este trabajo se presenta un sistema de indicadores de competitividad, basados en el analisis dinamico del excedente bruto de explotacion y de sus variables explicativas. La metodologia utilizada supone que los fundamentos de la competitividad se encuentran en la capacidad de las empresas para generar los recursos propios necesarios para financiar y sostener a lo largo del tiempo la innovacion y la constante renovacion de los procesos productivos. A su vez, permite obtener una jerarquia con dieciseis modalidades de comportamiento competitivo de los sectores productivos y de las ramas de actividad de una economia, a partir del establecimiento de unos criterios de priorizacion y de la identificacion de las variaciones de sus niveles de competitividad, desglosadas en los efectos sector (especializacion sectorial en un territorio) y territorio (ventaja competitiva sectorial de un territorio respecto a otro). Se establece el concepto de competitividad dinamica sostenible (CDS), entendido como el mejor comportamiento competitivo posible de un sector productivo o rama de actividad, a partir de la evolucion positiva de los efectos sector y territorio de dicho sector o rama en dos periodos consecutivos. El estudio se ha aplicado a las economias de Cataluna y de las Islas Baleares, a partir de la evolucion de sus indices de competitividad relativos en relacion a la economia espanola, obteniendo para los periodos 1977-1985 y 1987-1995, en el caso de Cataluna, que el criterio CDS se concentra en cuatro ramas manufactureras y que, en el caso de Baleares, el criterio CDS solo se da para la rama de hosteleria y restaurantes.
PASOS Revista de turismo y patrimonio cultural, 2012
La informatización de los sistemas de Revenue Management (RM) en el turismo es creciente en los ú... more La informatización de los sistemas de Revenue Management (RM) en el turismo es creciente en los últimos años, así como su utilización en empresas turísticas y su transformación hacia la gestión en línea. Aunque el sector hotelero parece ir a una velocidad de implementación de estos sistemas menor que otros sectores como el aéreo o el marítimo, las aplicaciones de RM aplicadas al sector hotelero también tienden a cumplir las tres premisas básicas: 1) que no sea estándar y pueda personalizarse, 2) que pueda aplicarse a todo tipo de hoteles e incluso a otros sistemas de alojamiento, y 3) que sirva para la fijación de precios que pueda relacionarse con sistemas en línea. Por este motivo el principal objetivo de este trabajo se basa en desarrollar un sistema de gestión de precios que cumpla las tres premisas básicas y además sea adaptable al entorno hotelero de venta en línea.
IntroductionTourists are becoming increasingly familiar with destinations through repeat visits t... more IntroductionTourists are becoming increasingly familiar with destinations through repeat visits to the same place. The emergence of low cost connections has also made certain destinations easily accessible. This, in addition to fragmentation of holidays, has made urban destinations, such as Barcelona (Spain), increasingly attractive, and the tourism industry needs to adapt to this new scenario.Previous authors who have focused attention on the repetition effect, or familiarity in destinations, were in essence describing and analysing the relationship between this concept and destination image (Baloglu, 2001; Beerli & Martin, 2004; Chi, 2012; Hernandez Maestro, Munoz Gallego, & Santos Requejo, 2007; Hong, Lee, Lee, & Jang, 2009; Ryan & Pike, 2004). Therefore, their main purpose was to demonstrate that familiarity could modify the image that a tourist has of a destination. In particular, Bruwer & Lesschaeve (2012), clearly demonstrated that there is a substantial difference between th...
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the Free Time Allocation with the Pe... more The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the Free Time Allocation with the Perceived Quality of Life (QoL) and the Satisfaction with Life (SwL) in Greece. A samp le of 353 respondents showed that the Paid Labour is a very important factor in explaining the perceived QoL, followed by the active leisure and to a lesser degree by the passive leisure. The satisfaction of Life appears to be influenced more from the perceived QoL and to a lesser degree from the time allocation and leisure.
Advances in Hospitality, Tourism, and the Services Industry
People's reasons for visiting religious destinations range from being devoted pilgrims to tou... more People's reasons for visiting religious destinations range from being devoted pilgrims to tourists with secular motivations. People with special access go to specific shrines for curative purposes. They may be differently motivated and display different behaviors at the destination. As they must confront obstacles when travelling, they may be more constrained, leading to different behaviors in terms of satisfaction and loyalty. Thus, the aim of this study is to explore the motivations of those with special access needs and those without when traveling to curative shrines, such as Lourdes, France. First, motivations of these two groups will be compared. Second, the effects of motivations on their travel behavior at the destination will be contrasted. The wide scope of visitors' motivations means that destinations must address all market segments, being crucial to ensure accessibility standards, as this affects not only people with disabilities but also seniors and families wi...
Hem estructurat aquesta tesi seguint lesquema classic que combina els aspectes descriptius, anali... more Hem estructurat aquesta tesi seguint lesquema classic que combina els aspectes descriptius, analitics, i prescriptius. Inicialment doncs, tractem la naturalesa del concepte davantatge competitiu a traves dels processos competitius que ens permeten assolir aquest avantatge. Aquest es el pas previ per entrar a descriure breument un dels conceptes clau daquesta tesi com es la innovacio, entesa com lelement que ens permet detectar la generacio de valor empresarial, a traves de proces de generacio de coneixement i aprenentatge collectiu. Aquest proces dinnovacio present en teories competitives basades en el territori com ara els districtes industrials, clusters, o sistemes dinnovacio, entre altres, creiem que es veu recolzat a traves de lanalisi de xarxes socials enteses com les relacions establertes entre dos o mes elements. Seguidament entrarem a analitzar des de loptica turistica tots aquests aspectes, fent especial atencio a la incidencia de la innovacio i les xarxes relacionals en l...
Papers by Lluís Prats