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Journal created:
on 22 July 2010 (#29269633)
on 8 January 2011
A fic & art exchange for the girls of Supernatural
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated

Girls of Supernatural is a low-pressure fic and art exchange challenge dedicated to the awesome ladies of Supernatural.

We just felt it was time the ladies of the show got some well-deserved love and attention. They've spent five seasons tolerating the Winchesters, it's time they got the chance to step out into the spotlight (quickly before they're all dead).

Our main rule is that the pairing in your story must feature a canon female from the show. (The Rules post will explain this better.)

It works like all the other Secret Santa/Gift Exchanges in fandom. You sign up with your request and what you will and won't do and we will match you up based on these guidelines and someone will make you something in return. Identities of the gift-givers will be revealed when the time comes!

Your mods are ensign_amy and ninkasa, so feel free to PM one of them or e-mail at [email protected] if you have any questions or issues.

If you're interested, here's the stuff you need to know:

Important Dates

The Rules

Sign ups
