Giresun University
“Onmüzecu-ezzaman fi şu’arai el Kairouan” kitabindeki kelam tartışmaları
(المناقشات الكلامية في كتاب أنموذج الزمان في شعراء القيروان لابن رشيق القيرواني )
(المناقشات الكلامية في كتاب أنموذج الزمان في شعراء القيروان لابن رشيق القيرواني )
Ibn Rachiq was distinguished from the various North African critics by the genius that made him a pioneer of this art in this country, and this is not for abundance or the uniqueness of his opinions, but because of his systematic... more
الفكر النقدي عندي ابن رشيق القيرواني دراسة تطبيقية على كتاب الأنموذج
This article highlights a creative texts that refer to the Algerian presence in the literary of the population of Anatolia , Through example is a poem " the song of Algeria " , Which is from the most famous Turkish folk poems that is very... more
شهدت تركيا في الفترة الممتدّة بين عصر التنظيمات و قيام الجمهورية تجاذبا وصراعا سياسيا حادا كان محاولة للنهوض بالأمة الإسلامية من جهة، وفي نفس الوقت كان إرهاصا لحالة السقوط التي آلت إليها فيما بعد، حيث تفكّكت الدولة العثمانية ووقعت الكثير... more
The Ibadites are an Islamic sect that appeared in the first century AH with the events of the so-called Great Fitna, where it sided with the Kharijites, but over time it separated politically and intellectually from the Kharijites, but... more
In the period between organizations and republic, Turkey witnessed a sharp political struggle that was an attempt to advance the Islamic nation, and it was a precursor the downfall that led to it later, represented by the disintegration... more
Bu makale en az iki hakem tarafından incelenmiş, Turnitin küllanılarak benzerlik raporu alınmış ve araştırma/yayın etiğine üygünlüğü onaylanmıştır. /This article was reviewed by at least two referees, a similarity report was obtained... more
İbâdiyye, köken itibariyle ilk İslâm mezheplerinden olup günümüze kadar varlığını koruyabilen az sayıdaki İslam mezheplerinden biridir. İbâdiyye mezhebi günümüzde Umman Sultanlığı, Kuzey Afrika ve Tanzanya gibi farklı bölgelerde yaşam... more
Muslims were able to interact with people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds thanks to trans-Arab conquests, which began during the rule of Hazrat Omar. During his time, Islam also expanded to Iran, Anatolia, and Africa, and even... more
The Ibadites are among the earliest Islamic sects in terms of emergence, And it is one of the few Islamic sects that has preserved its existence till date, Where we find them today in different regions like the Sultanate of Oman, North... more
هذا الكتاب يبحث في الذاكرة المشتركة بين الشعوب، الذاكرة التي تمثّل العوامل الحضارية الثابتة التي ترسم و توجّه المستقبل، يكشف الكتاب كذلك عن نصوص تنشر لأول مرّة باللغة العربية، تروي بعضا من تفاصيل التاريخ المشترك بين الأمّتين الجزائرية و... more
يعالج هذا المقال شخصية مهمّة من أعلام المذهب الإباضي وهو أبو عمرو عثمان بن خليفة المارغني السوفي(6ه)، الذي عاش في القرن السادس الهجري، وهي مرحلة ازدهار المذهب الإباضي فكريا في شمال إفريقيا، يعتبر أبو عمرو عثمان بن خليفة السوفي في وقته... more
İbâdîler, İslâm’ın ilk dönemlerinden günümüze kadar varlıklarını devam ettirebilen fırkalardandır. Tarihsel süreçten günümüze kadar varlıklarını koruyabilmelerine rağmen gerek araştırmalarda gerekse günümüzde diğer İslâm fırkalarının... more
Skolastik felsefede ahlâkın insanın doğasında nasıl yerleşik hale geldiği ve bu süreçte Tanrının rolünün ne olduğu tartışması Antik Yunan felsefesine kadar geri götürülebilir. Bu makale, Skolastik felsefenin iki farklı dönemini temsil... more