Dheeman Bhuyan
Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra (Ranchi) India, MECHANICAL ENGINNERING, Postgraduate research student
Mechanical engineering, biomedical design, prosthetics and rehabilitation, biomimetic design, biofluid dynamics
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Papers by Dheeman Bhuyan
Books by Dheeman Bhuyan
Advances in technology demand shorter lead time in the overall product development stage, especially
in the automobile sector. Hence as a study in reverse engineering, the author has reverse engineered a
twin tube shock absorber. The process involved the obtaining of subassemblies of the damper mechanism
to generate a 3D CAD model of the damper in PTC CREO 2.0. The model was used to conduct static
structural and CFD analysis of the same using ANSYS 15.0 Workbench. The data obtained was used
as the datum for the design modifications and performance enhancement of the part. It was seen that
the design of the piston valve was optimum hence modifications to the base valve were done. Following
the generation of the datum, similar analyses were conducted on the modified assemblies. The results
were compared to the datum for the selection of the most appropriate design. Four designs are analyzed
and compared with the datum and the set with four orifices in the valve disk was found to be optimum.