sudip sen
Address: Odisha,India
Related Authors
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IIRS, Dehradun
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University of Silesia in Katowice
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U.S. Geological Survey
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Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
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University of Calcutta
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University of East London
Gwen Robbins Schug
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
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University of Salamanca
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Macquarie University
Papers by sudip sen
wastewater containing methyl orange (MO) in integrated biofilm bioreactor with coconut fiber as
natural bio-material. The color removal expected from the standard curve of dye versus optical
density at its maximum absorption wavelength (460 nm) were 87% and COD removals were
69%. Pseudomonas putida showed a strong ability to decolorize methyl orange under aerobic
conditions at pH 7.0 and ambient temperature were considered to be the optimum decolorizing
conditions under static state. The spectral analysis of UV–Visible spectroscopy, Fourier Transform
Infrared (FTIR) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) corrugated the metabolic products
formed during the degradation. The nutritional profile of wheat grains irrigated with TTW has
enhanced with respect to Energy 241%, Carbohydrate 212% and Protein 402% in comparison to
grains obtained on irrigation with Textile wastewater (TWW).
33%). Bioprocess method of amylase production is more effective than the other sources, since the technique is easy, cost effective, fast, and
the enzymes of required properties can be procured.
Objectives: The current study aimed to report the characteristics of novel amylase producing bacterial strains isolated from Taptapani
hot spring, Odisha, India.
Materials and Methods: Bacterial strains were isolated by dilution plating method from the water samples collected from Taptapani Hot
Spring, Odisha and screened for amylase production through starch hydrolysis. The bacterial isolates were identified morphologically,
biochemically, and finally by 16S rDNA profiling.
Results: Based on the morphological, physiological, biochemical characteristics and the molecular characterization, the isolates SS1, SS2,
and SS3 were identified as Bacillus barbaricus, Aeromonas veroni,and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia,respectively. The approximate molecular
weight of enzymes from SS1, SS2, and SS3 strains were 19 kDa, 56 kDa and 49 kDa, respectively.
Conclusions: The current report isolates, characterizes, and demonstrates the novel heat-adapted amylase-producing bacteria SS1, SS2
and SS3 from Taptapani hot spring, indicating its potentiality and stability under acidic conditions.
wastewater containing methyl orange (MO) in integrated biofilm bioreactor with coconut fiber as
natural bio-material. The color removal expected from the standard curve of dye versus optical
density at its maximum absorption wavelength (460 nm) were 87% and COD removals were
69%. Pseudomonas putida showed a strong ability to decolorize methyl orange under aerobic
conditions at pH 7.0 and ambient temperature were considered to be the optimum decolorizing
conditions under static state. The spectral analysis of UV–Visible spectroscopy, Fourier Transform
Infrared (FTIR) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) corrugated the metabolic products
formed during the degradation. The nutritional profile of wheat grains irrigated with TTW has
enhanced with respect to Energy 241%, Carbohydrate 212% and Protein 402% in comparison to
grains obtained on irrigation with Textile wastewater (TWW).
33%). Bioprocess method of amylase production is more effective than the other sources, since the technique is easy, cost effective, fast, and
the enzymes of required properties can be procured.
Objectives: The current study aimed to report the characteristics of novel amylase producing bacterial strains isolated from Taptapani
hot spring, Odisha, India.
Materials and Methods: Bacterial strains were isolated by dilution plating method from the water samples collected from Taptapani Hot
Spring, Odisha and screened for amylase production through starch hydrolysis. The bacterial isolates were identified morphologically,
biochemically, and finally by 16S rDNA profiling.
Results: Based on the morphological, physiological, biochemical characteristics and the molecular characterization, the isolates SS1, SS2,
and SS3 were identified as Bacillus barbaricus, Aeromonas veroni,and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia,respectively. The approximate molecular
weight of enzymes from SS1, SS2, and SS3 strains were 19 kDa, 56 kDa and 49 kDa, respectively.
Conclusions: The current report isolates, characterizes, and demonstrates the novel heat-adapted amylase-producing bacteria SS1, SS2
and SS3 from Taptapani hot spring, indicating its potentiality and stability under acidic conditions.