Practice Management
Download ACG’s latest resources to help optimize your practice.
Practice Management Toolbox
ACG Endoscopy Unit Orientation Manual
A comprehensive manual for lay personnel, desk staff,
and ancillary support in your endoscopy unit.
Coding, Reimbursement, and Quality Reporting with ACG
Estimated Medicare Reimbursement & Payment Grid for Selected GI Services
The estimates are based on Medicare national average reimbursement rates published by CMS.
Coding Changes to Evaluation & Management Services
Learn about the 2021 CPT changes to E/M codes and guidelines and coding for telehealth (video visits) and telephone E/M. Gain practical information you can implement immediately in your practice to maximize reimbursement and stay compliant with Medicare rules.
ACG Policy and Practice

Raising the Bar on Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Reliability in Quality Benchmarking
- Improving clinical practice and patient outcomes
- Providing real-time peer-based performance evaluation
- Setting the standard in quality improvement initiatives
GIQuIC is a joint initiative of ACG and ASGE
More Info
ACG Prior Authorization Task Force Resources
- Prior Authorization Letter Generator
ACG members and their practices can use our simple tool to create custom template letters for patients with many common conditions. - Tools to Help Manage Prior Authorization: Concepts to Help Decrease
the Hurdles
The Task Force’s article hosted on the ACG Practice Management Toolbox.

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This electronic newsletter, with updates on public policy issues facing the GI practice and what it really means for you, is emailed each week to ACG Members.
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