О СОСТАВЕ КЕРАМИЧЕСКИХ КОМПЛЕКСОВ ТРИПОЛЬСКИХ ПАМЯТНИКОВ (по материалам поселений среднего Трипояья) При изучении группировки памятников и выяснении их относи тельной хронологии керамика выступает ярким покааателем разли чий и сходства... more
The questions of pottery technology seem to be an independent theme in studying the Neolithic and Chalcolithic cultures. Such studies can be used not only for reconstruction of the manufacturing process or palaeoeconomic researches. The... more
The article explores the so-called “technical decoration” of Tripolye-Cucuteni ceramics (4th–3rd millennia BC) – designs originating from the decoration or surface of nonceramic receptacles or from constructive details that lost their... more
"Binocular" and "monocular" items are the specific category of Tripolye-Cucuteni ware. They are composed of one, two or even three hollow tubes joined by 1-3 jumpers. According to its construction it can ,have wooden prototypes. They... more
The paper is devoted to the interpretation of the Tripolye-Cucuteni culture pottery designs. In the last decades the abstract-geometric ornamental motifs were often treated on the basis of subjective associations as images of a... more
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Учебное пособие посвящено культурам, которые сложились и развивались на территории Европы в VII-III тыс. до н. э. Носители этих культур заложили основы европейской цивилизации, привнесли в эту часть света начатки земледелия, скотоводства,... more
Palaguta I.V. Art World of Early Farmers in Europe. Cultures of the Balkan-Carpathian Range in VII-III millennia BC Книга посвящена ярким и самобытным культурам древнейших земледельцев, населявших территорию Европы в VII–III тыс. до... more
"Summary In1991 in of three Cucuteni-Tripolye sites, which belong to the Cucuteni A-B Tripolye BI—BII stage (according to N. M. Vinogradova) were surveyed in the vicinity of the village of Draganesti of the Synjereia region of the... more
Etnoarhaeology provides ample opportunity to study various aspects of the prehistoric pottery production. Etnoarheological data are necessary to create adequate reconstruction in the areas of studies on techniques and technologies of... more
The article considers the main streams of ornament evolution of Tripolye-Cucuteni culture belonging to the circle of «the cultures of painted pottery» of the South-Eastern Europe Chalcolithic (the 4th - 3rd millennium BC). In the base of... more
Palaguta I.V. About pottery making and decorating technology during the Tripolye BI period
Palaguta I.V. Problems of studying spiral ornaments of the Tripolye ceramics // Stratum plus. 2, 1999. P. 148-159. The article is devoted to the research of spiral ornaments of the Cucuteni-Tripolye culture. The pointed lines of the... more