PT. GHOZY LAB LLC is a web development company offering a wide range of high-quality services to its customers and specializing mainly in WordPress plugins and WordPress themes. With the help of PT. GHOZY LAB LLC products you will have the opportunity to extend the functionality of your website and make your work more pleasant and effective.
We are on a mission to help you optimize your entire website creation process. Our solutions combine functionality and aesthetics to enhance your experience with WordPress sites.
Our team tends to do its best to make your work more efficient and effective. We support tens of thousands of clients ranging from small businesses to global enterprises.
Gg. H. Abubakar RT/RW 04/01 No 12, Kawedusan, Kec. Kebumen, Kabupaten Kebumen, Jawa Tengah 54317 Indonesia (ID)
+62287 6601205