Lindsey (confused_monk07) wrote in ghostwatchers,

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Inanimate Objects Moving

Last night around 1 a.m., I was sitting at my computer minding my own business when I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head and looked at our living room door. The curtains that cover the window were flapping and moving like somebody was holding a corner and moving it up and down. There is no draft and no possible way my cats could reach it. It was starting to creep me out, so I said, "If somebodys there, could you please stop?" Right after I said it, they stopped moving. I relaxed and turned back to the computer when I felt somebody tap my arm. Creepy stuff.

This morning, I was home alone and getting ready to leave somewhere when I heard what sounded like a cough coming from a man. This was extremely not right because I was home alone and it surely couldnt have been one of my cats having a hairball, I had been in the room where I heard it probably not even 3 minutes ago. I went in to investigate and lying on a bed in the room was a towel, which was not there before I heard the cough.

Strange things always seem to happen in my home, but inanimate objects have never moved before. I'm creeped out yet excited.

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