Vikram Singh
Address: Aligarh, U.P.
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Papers by Vikram Singh
It is Bharat which recognizes the entire nature as a single ennty and the right to life for all living beings. The deep thinking of Bhamya people established the concept of global village 'Vasudhaiv kutumbakam', the concept of democracy "Munde munde mat1r bhinna", the concept of co-existence 'Sarve bhawantu sukfiinah', the concept of cooperanon, 'Sah viryam karvavahe', the concept of sustainable development, 'Main tyakten bhungjitha', the concept of supremacy of truth 'Satyamev jayate', and the concept of peace not only for human beings but for the whole universe ’Antariksha Shanti, ausadhayo shanti’ and many many more great ideas were propagated for humanity. Bharat is a land of great sages who have enlightened the path of mankind not only in Bharat but all over the globe. Bharat is the origin of great religions of the world and has also inl1uenced the ideology of other religions. It is time to think why Bharat has lost its glorious past. The root cause of the diminu1:io n is the long period of st avery that adversely affected our inherent intellect, social order and harmony, and pushed the society into the darkness of ignorance.
Inspite of being invaded many times and ruled by foreigners, ripped off its wealthy glory, having faced the partition and even after several other problems, landing firmly and rising high and high is the nat1on ’Bharat’. We have had great achievements after getting our independence. It is the largest democracy as weII as world Iargest and of dest continuous civilization. Despite the vast diversity in Bharat, it has always stood single and consolidated as one nat1on with high spirit and patriotic feeling. Science and technology have always been an integral part of Indian culture. Bharat is one of the four largest military powers in the world today with nuclear power capable titles. Science and technology of Bharat are growing with a great pace as is evident from various space programs including Lunar and Mars mission, GSLV- MK-III, and PMLV. By Iifting off £04 satellites together Bharat is on the way to commercially launch satellites of developed nat1ons at very Tow cost. Indian software skills and industry have proven our intellectual power all over the world. Today, Bharat is the fastest-growing economy and has self-sufficiency in food production and also explains various food grains. With the launch of ”Make in India", the country is growing self-reliant in manufacture and product1on of many indigenous goods/scientific equipment. The globe is feeling the upsurge of Bharat again. It is time to think who we are and what we are. The society must be aware of its cont1nua) intellect and cultural treasure so as to work hard to rejuvenate the glorious past. )t is the If me to reconsider and relaunch the idea behind the Bhartiya philosophy, its real strength, and identity and to enthuse one and all born on Bharat Bhoomi with ”Utho Singh Putron" for rejuvenat1ng Bharat. This vibrant conference will provide an opportunity to discuss thoroughly the various aspects of glorious past and the present upsurge of Bharat to rejuvenate the society.